A/N: Hiya! Sorry it's taken me forever to publish something new, I've been super busy and havent' had that many brilliant fic ideas. But I have a few now, so I'm excited to be publishing again.

The deal with this series is that each chapter will be a drabble or a piece of similar length, all sequential unless specified, and all in the same universe. Just cute little snippets of their lives. Hope you enjoy!

John woke up when the sun hit his face, sighing and nuzzling back into his pillow. His very warm, pale, muscled, breathing pillow.

His eyes widened and his heart started pounding in his chest as the events of last night hit him like a freight train. He wanted to move, to do something, anything, but his muscles were paralysed. He had slept with Sherlock; his flatmate, colleague, best friend, and the man he'd secretly been in love with for so long…

Sherlock sighed and slowly opened his eyes, looking at the terrified army doctor. But to John's surprise he didn't push him away or run off screaming, but rather pulled John close and pressed a gentle kiss to his forehead.

"Stop worrying," he said gently, voice still thick with sleep.

John smiled and relaxed at the sound of Sherlock's voice, blushing slightly. "You don't regret… What we did?"

"No. Never. We've both been wanting it for some time… Besides, once I get what I want I tend to be quite stubborn about keeping it."