This is something I was working on for a long time… thought I'd give you guys a small present for being so cool with the requests… sorry it's taking so long to put them out… I'm also working on other things that have not a single damn thing to do with my computer. ^.^ Oh… and you'll get a well detailed description of me because I put myself in this story… it's just not in 1st Person ^.^ Spoiler Alert! Sorry if you don't like all the flash backs. And an Apology in return if you see any mistakes or grammar that works but would look better if worded differently.
The Good Life
He lay awake in the few hours that were left of the hard day of travel. He smiled as he looked up into the bright pink and orange sky… watching his thoughts and worries fade away. He felt a strong yet soft paw press against his shoulder, making him roll onto his back… both arms soon being grabbed. He smiled as two warm bodies pressed to his sides, then a black form loomed over him before a fox laid down on him and nuzzled into his chest… their first time meeting flashing before his eyes…
"God damn it" he almost yelled as he started hopping on one foot, grabbing the other foot in both hands as he looked at the Zoroark standing next to him, "Why would you do that, Lexi?"
She gave him her trade mark grin as he stopped hopping around, leaning against the tree as he rubbed at his foot through his boot. He didn't need a broken foot now that they were too far away from home. He didn't want to be stranded in the middle of nowhere using up food that they might need further down the road. Lexi started to feel bad about what she did as he started sliding down the tree until he sat on the ground… his left foot held on top of his right leg. She nuzzled his shoulder as he began pulling off his boot to inspect his foot. He knew that she was sorry after realizing that he could have done something worse than trip… instead he could have broke his entire foot without even hitting the ground. He felt his foot, looking for any soreness or rapidly swelling areas. After his inspection was done, he sighed in relief… his toes were a little swollen and his foot hurt but nothing was broke, he was okay. She saw that he was okay and nuzzled against his chest in apology.
"Aww… I can't stay made at you" He said as he started scratching behind each ear with both hands. She whimpered and pressed harder against him. His head suddenly cocked to the side as his eyes closed, Lexi… you hear that?"
Her head snapped up from his chest as her ears twitched in different directions. He wasn't going to swear to it but it sounded like his sister… and she was calling his name. Lexi moved so he could pull his boot back on and start running behind her as they took off. It was a little unbelievable to see him moving the way he could when he was the size he was. His 6'1 ½" body jumping over fallen tree trunks, twisting and moving forward as he ducked under thick low branches, agility coming into play as he jumped grabbing branches and swinging over bushes so as not to disturb any Pokémon that might be hiding or even living in the bushes, landing solidly and continuing his run, the blue orb in Lexi's mane leading him through the forest. Soon he broke through the trees at Lexi's side to see his sister standing in the middle of a clearing, a large bundle in her arms, a Flygon standing tall and proud next to her. That explained how she had found her way to this far off forest. He had just turned 18 a month ago… four months after they moved from the Unova Region to the Sinnoh Region. She smiled as he walked up.
"What are you doing here Sis?" He asked as her smile got wider, "Did dad change his mind?"
"No… I still have to stay at home, but I'm allowed to catch and trade Pokémon and train them as long as I stay in town" She smiled as she undid the bundle with one hand… slowly moving forward and motioning for him to hold out his arms, "Professor Rowan told me to bring these to you… he said they're better off traveling with a strong yet kind-hearted trainer… though I don't know why he made me bring them to you"
He was soon holding a small female Riolu and a small female Buneary. They looked so cute… but they also looked as though they had only hatched recently, "They're so cute… thanks for bringing them Sis"
"Well… he also figured that you would need more than just one Pokémon with you" She said avoiding his eyes as he gave her a hard look, "I mean, Lexi's strong and she can do a lot of things, but she can't do everything all the time"
I guess you're right" Even Lexi agreed with her though she would try to do everything in her power for him, "So how long are you allowed to stay here?"
"Not very long" She frowned as she lifted her fist to her chest and looked at hjer watch, "As a matter of fact I should head back now so I can make it in time to help Nana make dinner. Bye Jamie"
"Bye" He smiled as he held the two younger Pokémon closer to his chest as she jumped on the Flygon's back and they flew away, "Well Lexi… I guess we should go find a place to set up camp for tonight"
She nodded her agreement before yawning slightly. She watched him as he walked, carrying the two Pokémon in his arms. She then looked over his body… she never got tired of looking over her trainer. Most of his long brown hair covered by a camouflage baseball cap., the bill of the cap pulled down to protect his green/blue eyes from the sun that was dipping behind the mountains to the west. He often wore sleeveless shirts whether it was winter or not so under the bright orange pull-over hoody he wore a gray shirt with the sleeves cut out. He also wore blue Levi's, which he only wore Levi 501s which had a button fly instead of a zipper. His pants legs covered the necks of a 3 yr. old pair of brown, scuffed cowboy boots. The only thing that didn't look right in his cowboy look was his left ear which held a turquoise earring. He looked down at the two cute Pokémon in his arms… he would take excellent care of them.
~~End Flashback~~
He let a happy chuckle escape his lips before looking at all his fully evolved Pokémon… only three. Lopunny, Lucario, and Zoroark, all appropriately named, in the same order, Wendy, Crystal, and Lexi… all three of them beautiful. He was soon cuddling back with them as he went through another memory… the day they all began to talk and understand each other like they were all speaking English.
~~ Flashback~~
He woke to two shivering bodies cuddled together in his arms… the covering of his Sleeping bag had blown off the three of them. He smiled and reached out to pull it back over them only to feel a big furry body pressed against his back. Lexi must have gotten cold as well to press against his back side as he slept… usually she slept at his feet, just because she liked curling into a ball of fur so her mane would comfort her and keep her warm. He looked around though as he felt something… it wasn't a bad feeling, it actually felt very good despite that it was cold. He could feel a lot of positive energy passing through him and everything that surrounded them. A sudden puppy yawn pulled him out of his thoughts as Crystal sat up… her blue paws rubbing the sleep from her eyes.
"Good Morning Jamie" She said tiredly as she leaned against him, nuzzling against his chest.
"Good Morning Crystal" He rubbed the top of the Riolu's head gently, "How did you sleep last night?"
"I slept really good, despite the cold" She said with a groan as he soon started scratching behind her ears.
"That's good" He smiled as he looked up at the sky… his head suddenly snapped back down to look at her, her eyes staring wide as she looked right back at him, "You Can Talk!" He felt his heart start racing before he felt Wendy press against his chest, "Please… don't tell me you can talk to?"
"I can't talk" She gave him a cute smile only to open her eyes as he fell to his side unconscious, "Um… Jamie?" She poked at his side.
~~End Flashback~~
He laughed… the three of them looking at him with odd eyes, "Sorry… just… reliving the day you two started talking to me… I can't believe I actually fainted that morning"
They giggled with him while nuzzling against him… he loved all three of them very much. He was their mates, and they were his mates. They couldn't be separated even if they wanted to go their own directions. They wouldn't be able to live without the others… they were like one large family. He smiled as he relaxed in their combined holds, trapping him between them all. It reminded him of the biggest day of their lives… the day everything changed for all of them… even Lexi was affected by what happened that day.
Jamie looked at his two newly evolved Pokémon… a proud Lucario and Lopunny standing before him, blushing and giggling at his reaction as the rest of the glow finally dimmed. Before him stood two of the most beautiful Pokémon in his life, the third was Lexi who was back at camp sleeping because she had been injured and voted to stay and watch over everything. He looked over Crystal as she slowly turned for him. Four Tear drops instead of two… her ears longer as her whole body had grown bigger. Her fur was basically the same except for the fur on her torso… it had turned to a yellowish fur. There was still no spike on her chest though… instead of a spike she had a full pair of breasts mostly hidden by her fur… but the swell wasn't. Instead of the little disks of steel on her paws she had steel spikes. She giggled as he gawked at her… his eyes showing lust and his mind clouded with naughty thoughts. He soon snapped back to reality though as he remembered that Wendy had evolved as well. He looked to see her… she seemed to have gone through the same thing only different species… large ears starting in brown then going out to fluffy cream colored fur. Her eye brows the same cream color as well as the fur on her caves. Her chest held breasts the same size as Crystals, hidden by the brown fur that covered most her body… but it didn't hide the swell of her breasts.
"Do you like our new bodies?" Wendy asked looking away from him… even though her blush was well hidden within her fur.
He was speechless… he hadn't seen such beauty since the day he watched Lexi evolve… and she got the same reaction from him as well. But his speechless self caused them a little discomfort and upset them a little, "I knew it… he doesn't like us now that we're not the Pokémon he raised with love… always calling us cute" Crystal broke out in tears.
Wendy was quick to hug her sister and let her cry into her soft fur. He blushed at the realization of what he had done and rushed over to hug the both of them. He felt his heart melting inside his chest as he felt both of them hug him and nuzzle into his chest. He rubbed their backs and smiled as they both looked up at him… they could feel as well as see the enormous amount of love he had for both of them. Wendy tip-toeing and pecking him on the cheek, Crystal doing the same to give a small lick across his other cheek, giggling and blushing as they went back to nuzzling into his chest.
"No… Crystal… I was speechless… you guys look so beautiful… my tongue knotted in my mouth" He said as he hugged them tighter… feelings rising as their free paws started rubbing at his chest… he had been intimate with Lexi a few times when they both hit the right age… but two more… he wondered if Lexi would get jealous or be happy, "I'm sorry for worrying the two of you so much"
"It's okay Jamie" They said in unison as they looked up at him with a devious glare in their eyes, "We know you didn't mean to make us think that way, you were just awe struck"
"I love you both very much" He said as they both gave him smiles that would make Lexi proud. They hugged him tight and pulled him down to the ground… he was surprised but at the same time he wanted this. They started working at his clothes, pulling the shirt up along his torso, gasping at how tones and hard his abs and chest were. Crystal left Wendy to work with the shirt while she attacked his pants, a little frustrated because of his button fly, but she managed to start popping the buttons out of the holes. She smiled as she was soon pulling his pants down his legs, Jamie lifting his hips off the ground to help her… He was now in his black boxers, looking at his two beautiful girls… they had worked so long to evolve and he had been with them for every moment of it… they had grown so close while working together so they would evolve. He smiled and sat up as they were fixing to go for his boxers together. He grabbed their arms and pulled them to him, their lips coming together with his… they moaned into a three way kiss., their paws moving to his chest to rub against his skin. It became heated fast as his hands found their way between their legs making them jump and break the kiss as they moaned. He smiled and started to rub their cunnies with gentle touches. He was happy that they felt the same way about him that he did about them. He was wishing Lexi was with them so she wouldn't be left out but she her wound wasn't completely healed. They started panting as he felt juices run onto his hands and slipped a finger into both of them. They started to slightly rock their hips against his hands as he decided whose breasts to service first. He decided to lean towards Wendy first, his mouth closing on one furry breast, his tongue already working on exposing her nipple by swirling and matting the fur. He could feel his member hardening within its cotton restraint, straining as Crystal opened her eyes to reach out and wrap her hand around his shaft through his boxers. He shivered at the contact as he found Wendy's nipple and started to nibble and suck at it. She groaned as more juices leaked onto his hand. He was almost tempted to groan when Crystal gave a single, slow stroke over his shaft with his boxers. He smiled as he pulled away from Wendy's breast to start working on Crystals… his tongue doing the same as it did with Wendy's. Another hand wrapped itself around his cock as it was at full mast, standing proud at 8 inches. Wendy's paw gripped tightly as he worked them both over with a smile… sucking on one of Crystal's breasts while fingering both of them slowly and steadily. They didn't know how much longer they could take it though as their lust and love for him was jumping through the roof. They decided to get to the good stuff as they pulled away from him and pushed him to the ground before attacking his boxers, removing them faster then he thought they ever would be able to. They gasped as they saw his size then started whispering to each other, to low for him to understand what they were saying. They suddenly nodded and turned their attention back to him. Wendy crawled across his body until her dripping wet sex was over his mouth, barely out of reach when he lifted his head up. He felt a wetness drag across the head of his cock as Crystal took her place over him… her own dripping and wet genitals rubbing against his. He reached up and grabbed Wendy's hips and pulled her down with a smile before it disappeared in her folds, her loud yelp at the sudden gesture being heard around the clearing they were in. Crystal smiled widely at seeing Wendy fall victim to Jamie's tongue. Her smile suddenly vanished to a cringe as she suddenly dropped herself on his member, piercing it right through her hymen and pushing right past the guardian muscles… it caused her a lot of pain but she just sat there and waited until it went away, gently grinding to help the process. Wendy on the other hand was moaning loudly with heated intakes of air as she played with her own breasts while a hand found its way between her legs. She gasped as his finger pushed into her again, his tongue greedily lapping at her clit as he enjoyed her body, sex, and taste. Crystal felt pleasure start pushing away the pain as she started to ride him slowly, only an inch of his shaft coming out of her before she let herself fall back down on him. He got an evil idea as she started lifting off him again. When she fell he pushed his hips up off the ground slightly, driving his rod into her with just a little more force making her gasp loudly as pleasure shocked through her body. He could feel it though… Crystal's tight love tunnel was pushing him to a fast climax. But something he wasn't expecting as Crystal grew tighter around him, her moans turning to a loud scream. He felt the rush of juice poor out of her and onto his stomach and hips as she climaxed on top of him. She slid off him as her climax settled down and fell to her side beside him. Wendy quickly took her chance and took Crystal's place and was very eager to have him in her for the first time. She went at it fast and hard like the always eager girl she was, the slight pain as he took her virginity didn't faze her as she saw pure pleasure through the pain. He sat up and hugged her to him as he thrust his hips up against her falling hips, a resounding smack being heard through their gasps and groans. Wendy's walls were soft and molded to him the same way Crystal's had, but something seemed different about doing such a naughty act with Wendy… as if something was missing or if there was to much being put into it. He looked into her eyes and saw that her eyes were closed, and her mouth hung open. He rolled away from Crystal, putting Wendy on bottom before he propped himself up on his elbows and looked down at her as she opened her eyes to look at him. He started to move, hips member sliding in and out of her, this felt different now… it was a connection with Wendy that he had to make, she had to see the love in his eyes for everything to feel right, he even enjoyed the new position now as his thrusts grew faster. His need for climax slowly took over his mind as he kissed Wendy… her moans and every breath being stolen by him. One arm left the ground as he reached between them to rub at her clit. She gasped at the contact when his thumb pressed against it and started rubbing it rougher then what he was doing before. She smiled and locked lips with him once more as they rode the waves to their climax. He broke their kiss as he hollered to the world that she had got him off, she screamed with him making it known that they were in the passionate throws of intercourse. His seed shooting deep into her at the end of every thrust, her juices flowing around his shaft as he continued to thrust into her, his arm grabbing her and pulling her close as he fell to lay beside her. Crystal cuddled against his back as the two continued to twitch slightly and gain their breath from the combined high.
~~End Flashback~~
Jamie smiled and looked around as he was now very aroused at those memories… Lexi was blushing as she was have pressed against his hard member. He blushed in embarrassment as he felt her hips slightly grind against his, her folds pressing against his shaft as she did so. Crystal started rubbing at his chest as Wendy pulled his head to the side and kissed him deeply.
*Narrator* Great… now he has three to get off before he can get any rest… lucky bastard.
Well… tell me what you guys think…. I mean I know this ain't my best work but I was excited to get it out there. Anyway tell me if it shows promise because you might see these flashbacks again… only not as flash backs when you see them again. I might just start writing a story about what I would do, what Pokémon I would train and do, what region I would live in, and what I would do in that region. You'd also get a personal peek into who I really am, and you'd get your rocks at the same time because of the naughty fun I would have with my lovely Pokémon. Anyway Thanks for trusting in my abilities enough to drop requests guys, I'm forever grateful and I'll post the next request when I can.