
"So, are you nervous about starting?" Daniels glanced at Paul as they walked down the white washed corridor.

"Yeah, bit excited too." He smiled sheepishly and Daniels chuckled.

"Most are. I was. You've just got to remember to keep your wits about you in Arkham or it will eat you alive." He stopped in front of a solid metal door and swiped his pass card. "We'll get your card sorted out later," he waved his pass absentmindedly and punched in a seven digit code into a keypad to the left of the door. "Your code will be personal to you and it changes depending on what area you are in."

Paul nodded, trying not to look daunted. There was a buzz as the door unlocked.

"Don't worry, you get used to it." Daniels grinned at him. "Most are pretty straightforward; the only hassle is the West Wing." He glanced at the younger man as they walked through the door and grinned again as his expression. "Yeah, in the West, you have to be with another guard, at least, at all times. You need two nine digit codes and two passes to get through most doors, plus a code and conformation from a guard on the other side of the door." Daniels pointed at the ceiling, flicking his blonde hair out of his eyes. "CCTV is in full time operation too."

Paul nodded again.

"You're a quiet one." Daniels chuckled.


"No worries, it's a lot to take in."

Paul chewed his bottom lip, trying to take everything on. He had expected the asylum to be dark but it was surprisingly bright and sterile, like a recently abandoned hospital.

Daniels radio suddenly crackled into life. "Sorry about this." The blonde haired man pulled the hand held walkie-talkie out from its holder in his belt. "A19-Daniels."

"J23-White." Daniels scowled and stopped walking. "We have a small prob-"

"It's twelve-oh-seven White, why aren't you transferring patient thirty five?"

Paul watched the other man's face carefully.

"Well, there was a-"

Daniels swore. "For God's sake White! At twelve-oh-five thrity five us transferred. At twelve-oh-twelve the transfer is complete. This never changes!"

"I know but-"

"I'm coming now," Daniel turned and matched back down the corridor, Paul almost had to run to keep up with him. "Get Doctor Mottram to the West on standby just in case. Over."

"Yes sir," there was a pause. "Over."

Daniels looked at Paul, "I'm really sorry about this, White is completely incompetent," he held his radio to his mouth again and pressed three buttons on the device. As Paul looked at it he realised the radio had a mini key pad on the side.


"A19-Daniels. Thirty five's transfer has been delayed; I need you at West entrance five."

The voice on the other end of the radio swore. "I'll be there in five. Over."

"Over." Daniels looked at Paul. "I know it's a bit soon, but if you're up for it, I'll show you the West Wing and sort this." He motioned to his radio with his left hand. "I mean you would be working primarily in that area and-"

Paul swallowed. "No, it's fine. I'm... interested."

Daniel laughed. "Well that's one way to describe the West Wing."

They walked in silence through two sets of doors until they came to the fifth west entrance. Warren stood by the door awkwardly; he was a young man with small grey eyes.

"What the hell is White playing at?" He punched in his key code with every syllable before Daniels and Paul had reached him.

"Usual White." Daniels grunted, putting in his own code. "This is Paul Rogers," Warren nodded at the younger man. "He'll be filling the west shift."

They hurried down the corridor, nodding briefly to the guard in a small office behind the entrance.

"Well, you'll be a breath of fresh air from White."

They walked through three sets of security entrances and Paul began to notice that there were less and less doors leading off to rooms and more and more guards and unlike the other parts of Arkham there were no patients outside of their rooms. Even though he had heard a lot about the maximum security wing and knew he should be on his guard something about the atmosphere buzzed and there was a nervous energy about the two men in front of him. For once, it seemed like the guards were not in control.

There were three guards standing outside of a room at the end of the hall, unlike the others this door had another key code pad to the left of it, similar to the security entrances, instead of just a pass slot.

"Daniels, I just-" Paul recognised the small man as the voice of White.

"You haven't explained the delay?" The blond haired man yelled.


"For God's sake!" Paul stared at the new guards; all three were wearing what looked like sun glasses. He frowned. "Johnson, Horn" he held out his hand. "Glasses." Both men handed them over without delay. "Go and get the doors ready, I don't want any more delays."

They nodded and walked off quickly in an almost run.

"And you," Daniels snarled. "Glasses. And get back to East two."



White breathed out slowly but handed over his glasses and a small dark leather brief case he had been holding before storming off. Warren smirked and muttered something under his breath.

Daniels turned to Paul. "Put these on." He handed him the glasses. Paul looked at them for a moment, bemused, before placing them on his face. Warren, already wearing glasses punched in a code and swiped his pass. There was a buzz and a click as the door opened.

"And don't look her directly in the eyes."

As Paul entered he tried not to look at the pair of purple eyes that stared back at it. He really did try. The hypnotic violet seemed to bore into him, eating him alive and stabbing into his mind.

"I'm sorry we're late Miss Lamont." Daniels hurried in.

Paul froze as gentle whispering filled his head, unable to believe who sat before him.

"Nightmare." He breathed.

Author's Note

This is just a short introduction chapter to get your interest, hopefully it has. The next chapter should be up soon (and a bit more full on!) Reviews are always appreciated, I live for them :)

Also a big THANK YOU to Clavis-Salomonis on DeviantArt for letting me use your picture for this story ^^