Hey guys!

Well...this is the last chapter. ): But that means I get to write more!(:

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that the ending, and the "surprise" was worth waiting for.


They were sitting in the back of Jesse's car. Even though Alex begged her to tell them something, she wouldn't say a word.

Alex slumped back in the seat. "This isn't fair, can I at least be clued in?"

"Sorry Alex," Rosalina said. She looked at Nat. "You haven't said anything, I'm surprised. What's up?"

"Nothing…I'm just…nervous."

"Now you're nervous? Why?"

He shrugged. "I'm not really sure."

"Look guys, it's not a huge surprise. But I promise you, it's gonna be one that is worth it in the long-run, okay?" Rosalina said, looking back and forth between the brothers.

They both nodded.

She glanced down at their clothes.

It didn't go unnoticed by Nat. "What is it?"

"Oh nothing, I was just checking…" She stopped because she realized what she was saying. "Nothing."

"Rosalina, we're here," Jesse informed them from the front of the car.

"Close your eyes," Rosalina commanded.

Nat gave her a look.

"Nat, you promised," She said.

He sighed and closed his eyes.

Rosalina motioned for Alex, who hadn't closed his eyes to get out of the car. She helped Nat out of the car.

"Where are we?" Nat asked, once they were walking out of the car.

"Somewhere," She replied, guiding Nat towards the building.

"Why can't I see?"

"I told you, it's a surprise."

"Well what about Alex? Where is he?"

Alex froze, looking at Rosalina. He looked almost like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Um…He's with Jesse. He's still in the car," Rosalina covered.

Alex let out of silent breath of relief.


Rosalina and Alex guided Nat into the building and they were walking down a narrow hallway. The farther down the hallway they got, the more the guys' voices became audible.

"Go tell them to be quiet," Rosalina mouthed to Alex.

He nodded and ran ahead.

Rosalina stopped Nat.

"Why did we stop?" He asked.

"Um…slight technical difficulty."

He sighed.

"Don't begin to regret this, because you won't. I promise. It's gonna be great. We just have to get there first."

Alex came back and gave Rosalina a thumbs up.

She started guiding Nat again. "We're almost there, Nat. I promise." They made it through the hallway, and they led Nat into a dressing room. "Okay Nat," Rosalina said. "Open your eyes."

Nat opened his eyes and looked around the room.

Thomas was sitting in a chair at a mirror, David, Qaasim and Alex were sitting on the couch, and Cooper standing near them. All of the band's stuff from their dressing rooms was set up around him. It looked as though they were twelve, nine, and fourteen again and on tour.

"I'm still confused," Nat said, looking at Rosalina. "I get it, we're in a dressing room. But what's the surprise about this?"

The entire band, and Cooper shook their heads.

"C'mon," Rosalina ran over to Nat, grabbed his wrist, and ran further down the hallway. She opened the door at the end of the hallway.

He looked around again. He assumed it must've been backstage somewhere. "Okay, so we're backstage."

She pulled him over toward the curtain.

He pulled the curtain back to see a bunch of people, but the one person that stuck out the most, was his Uncle Miles. "Uncle Miles?!" Nat sounded shocked. "Uncle Miles is here? And we're playing a concert?"

Rosalina nodded. "That's the surprise. Cooper and I both wanted your uncle to really see the band perform."

"He has seen us perform. Remember when he came into town and stole Betty from my dad?" Nat reminded her.

"That was when we were younger. It didn't matter as much then. It matters a lot now."

"No, it doesn't. When Uncle Miles makes up his mind, he doesn't change it," Nat argued, backing away from the curtain.

"He changed his mind about Alex," Rosalina protested.

Nat stayed quiet.

"And you know who changed his mind? You did, Nat." She stepped toward him. "I know you can change his mind about the band. That's why I brought you here."

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

She knew he was considering walking out, and she knew if he did they would all regret it. "Please Nat," She begged.

"Alright, what's the set list?"

Rosalina smiled widely and ran up to hug him. "Thank you, Nat. I promise you won't regret this."

He smiled as she pulled back. "We'll see."


The band got changed, and did last minute practice. Cooper was rushing around backstage, he was talking on his phone, to Nat, and checking the audience.

Nat put a hand on his manager's shoulder. "Coop, relax. You act like we've never done this before."

"I'm just worried," Cooper explained.

Nat nodded in understanding. "I know what you mean."

"Your uncle will love the band. How could he not? Your following in his footsteps."

"Oh no, I'm not. I'm not going to grow up to be an uptight, cold, washed up singer."

Cooper remained silent, worried that he just put Nat on edge.

"I'm going to grow up, and continue to love music and play it with my brother because that's what I do and what makes me happy."

Cooper smiled. "There you go, Nat."

The rest of the band joined them in the wing of the stage and they got into a huddle.

"Listen guys," Cooper started. "This has gotta be our best performance yet, for a few reasons." He looked at Nat.

"Who knows how the band will end up," Nat added. "But no matter what, we'll always be friends, okay? Through everything, we have to be there for each other. Even if we stop being famous, or go separate ways when we grow up, agreed?"



"Of course."

"So let's go out there and show New York what we got!" Nat said excitedly.

"Yeah!" The band cheered.

"Please welcome, The Naked Brothers Band!" someone announced over the speakers.

The band walked out onto the stage and walked to their instruments. Nat looked up and saw right in the middle of the crowd, was Uncle Miles. Suddenly the lights on the stage seemed too bright for his eyes. He felt like everyone was staring only at him. He looked back down at the piano. 'Just relax,' He told himself. 'You've done this a million times.' But it wasn't working. He was about to play the opening part, when he realized he couldn't remember what song they even had to do! He glanced at Cooper who standing in the wing of the stage.

He looked worriedly back at Nat.

He glanced at Rosalina, then Alex, who had the same expression as Cooper. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Cooper quickly run out of sight. Then a few seconds later someone over the speaker announced, "Sorry ladies and gentlemen, due to technical difficulties, the show will have to be delayed."

The curtains closed, and the lights readjusted.

The band and Cooper rushed over to Nat throwing a thousand questions at once.

"Are you okay, Nat?"

"What happened?"

"Is everything okay?"

"Do you feel okay?"

Nat nodded, moving through them toward backstage. "I-I'm fine."

Rosalina followed him and put her hand on his shoulder. "Don't lie. What's wrong?"

"I'm fine, Rosie."

"No, you're not, Nat. What's wrong?"

He sighed. "I'm nervous," He whispered embarrassedly.

"Nervous?" She asked in surprise.

He nodded sheepishly.

"Since when are you nervous?"

Nat shrugged. "I just…I don't know. Something about Uncle Miles being there, watching us…it just makes me nervous."

"Nat, you've done more then a hundred shows, in front of millions of people, and live on TV. What's the difference about your uncle?"

He shrugged again.

"Look, like I said, you can change his mind about the band. But the only way to do it, is going out there and performing, just like usual. Then when it's over, it doesn't matter what your uncle thinks, because you tried. And we're all up there with you."

Nat looked down.

"It'll be the best show we've ever done. And it'll be so worth it."

He smiled up at her. "You think so?"

"I know so. So are you ready for this?"

"Yeah, let's go."

They walked back over to the band and Cooper who were still talking on the stage.

"You okay, Nat?" Cooper asked, noticing them walking up.

"Yeah, let's do this guys," Nat replied.

The band played three songs and did great. Nat tried to read his uncle's expression but had no luck. He immediately assumed the worst. Once the audience finished clapping, the band walked off stage.

"You guys did great!" Cooper said.

"That was pretty good," Qaasim agreed.

They all walked back to the dressing rooms and were laughing and joking when a knock came from the door. They all looked to see Uncle Miles standing in the doorway.

"Nat, Alex, could I talk to you guys for a second?"

Nat and Alex got up and walked over to the door. They followed their uncle out into the hallway. "So what'd you think of the show?" Alex asked.


The brothers waited, holding their breath.

"You two are probably the most talented kids I've ever seen."

Nat and Alex smiled at each other. "Really?" Nat asked.

"I can't believe I didn't like the band before. I'm so proud of you two and of how far you've come since I last saw you guys perform. Your parents would be proud, I hope you know."

They nodded.

"You have my full support. Anything you need, just ask."

"Thanks Uncle Miles," Nat said, hugging his uncle.

Alex joined them.

"How are you two getting home?" Their uncle asked, once they pulled away.

"Our…tutor is taking us home," Nat said.

"Alright, I'll see you guys tomorrow, okay?"

Nat nodded, watching his uncle walk away.

"We did it!" Alex cheered.

"Let's go tell the band," Nat said, leading the way back to the dressing room.

"So? What happened?" Cooper asked.

"He loved it!" Alex said.

The band cheered.

"That's great!" Rosalina said, hugging her boyfriend.

Nat smiled. "He even said that he fully supports us now."

"See, I told you everything would work out," She said.

"Guys?" A voice asked from the door.

"Kristina!" Rosalina said, pulling away from Nat.

"Hey Rosalina," The former bass player said, as she and Rosalina hugged. "Sorry I couldn't be here in time. Something came up."

"It's okay, but I'm just glad you're here now."

"Yeah, well I was thinking that maybe we could all have a huge sleepover at the studio again?" Kristina suggested.

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed.

"Could Jesse give us a ride?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, I'm sure she could," Nat said.

Kristina led the way as the band walked out of the dressing room.

Nat, Rosalina, and Alex slowly walked behind.

"Some week, huh?" Alex asked, looking up at the teenagers.

The two nodded.

"But I think it was a good thing," Rosalina said.

"How?" Nat and Alex asked at the same time.

"Well…it brought us closer together, didn't it?"

"But what about Stella? What are we going to do about her?" Nat asked.

"Stella is a thing of the past. Of course, it'll take some time to get over everything, but hey if we got this far we can make it."

"She's right," Nat said. "But without you Rosie, we wouldn't have made it through anything."

"Yes, you would have."

"No, we wouldn't," Nat and Alex said together.

Rosalina laughed. "I'm glad I can help."

"Guys, are you coming or not?" Kristina called.

"Yeah! Hold on!" Nat called back. He turned to his girlfriend. "Thank you Rosie. If you weren't here, none of this would've happened."

"Your welcome," She said, smiling and leaning up to kiss him.

"Ew! I'm right here!" Alex shouted, covering his eyes.

Nat pulled back laughing. "What's so bad about that?"

"Um, no one wants to see your PDA!" Alex said.

"Oh yeah?" Nat joked, leaning down towards Alex, and picking him up and throwing him over his shoulder. "I'll take care of you!"

"Hey! Put me down!" Alex shouted.

Nat laughed, turned around and kissed Rosalina again. He pulled back then said. "Excuse me while I take care of this." He turned back around and ran towards the door.

"Hey! Come back! Put Alex down! Alex, don't hit Nat!" Rosalina shouted, running after them.

A/N-^A.K.A their usual^ I hope you guys liked the story! Maybe a sequel sometime soon?(;

