Chapter 5

"Should we wake them?" Hanna poked Spencer's side excitedly. Spencer wiggled her eyebrows back at the blonde. Aria chose to roll her eyes and pull the duvet tighter over the three girls. "Do you guys see this? They totally made out at some point last night." Gesturing at the two girls lying on the makeshift bed on the floor.

"Would you please leave it?" Aria growled in a whisper.

"I'm not doing anything! I'm merely speculating from afar, I'm reciting fanfiction." Hanna gave a proud nod. Spencer and Aria turned their heads to her in unison.


"What?" Hanna crossed her arms. "It's insightful and fulfilling when you're faced with a disappointing scenario." Spencer's eyes grew twice the size while Aria's jaw dropped slightly.

"Who are you?" Spencer whispered dangerously lowly, leaning into Aria, away from Hanna.

"I can be deep and meaningful." Aria rolled her eyes at the banter and tossed the cover back.

"I'm going to get breakfast, come with me." Aria hopped off the bed and straightened her oversized shirt, (Spencer's), before resting her hands on her hips.

"She looks serious."

"That's because I am." Aria forced through her teeth quietly. "Now come on, make me cereal." Aria reached out for Spencer's wrist and tugged. Like a chain reaction, Spencer grabbed Hanna's wrist as they shuffled from the mattress.

"My specialty." Spencer grinned, adding an extra bounce to her step as the three girls scuttled from the room as quietly as they could.

Hanna tossed one last look over her shoulder before she left. Paige was laying on her left side her head bowed down just a little, her left hand folded around Emily's. Emily was facing Paige; the blanket covered their legs, but she could tell their feet were tangled. They weren't hugging or anything but the way Emily's body curled in towards Paige's made Hanna want to squeal.

Spencer yanked Hanna's arm harder.

"Wow, ow! Control your rage!"

The room was quiet and it stayed that way for another 30 minutes. The dull light spilling through the small crack in the curtains made Emily stir. She inhaled deeply, filling her with the smell of Paige. She opened her eyes quickly and tilted her head up a little to see Paige still sleeping. Emily had to control the noise that was trying to erupt quietly from her throat. Paige just looked so adorable; the way she was curling around Emily made her feel protected; safe.

Emily felt the warmth around her hand and remembered how Paige's fingers had entwined with hers just before she'd fallen to sleep. She used her other hand to gently touch the side of Paige's head. Her fingertips traced along the other girl's cheekbone lightly, slowly working their way up to brush dark hair away from closed eyes. She could tell Paige was waking up, her breath had become uneven and she felt Paige squeeze her hand securely.

"Emily?" Paige breathed, her voice full of confusion and wondering. Everything flooded back to Paige at once. Emily continued to tuck Paige's hair behind her ear so she could see her face. She had a really pretty face and she could see into her eyes.

"Hey there." Emily let out a soft chuckle. She couldn't quite explain the feeling she was feeling right now. In a way she felt privileged or special, she felt like this was something she could do everyday; witness Paige McCullers open her eyes and be the first one looking back. The feeling flooded her senses, it felt like a tidal wave, starting in her toes and flowing all the way up to her eyes, pulling Emily's lips into a smile as it went.

"You're in a good mood." Paige acknowledged, her voice still rough. Emily's eyes were searing into her own and even though eye contact wasn't Paige's strong point, she couldn't look away. There was a connection there; it was electric.

"I wonder why." The words came out quieter than a whisper, almost soundless, but Paige caught them. She was too close not to. They stayed that way, just holding each other's hand and looking into the other's eyes for a while, neither dared to move. Emily's eyebrows furrowed when they heard harsh whispering from outside the room.

"Spencer, move!"


"What are you both doing? Can't we wait downstairs till they come down?"

"Jesus Christ how old are you, Aria? Your mom would be better company."

"Hanna! She's just kidding, Aria."

"I'm sure she was."

That was followed by a loud scuffling sound, some muffled cursing and a final bang. Paige and Emily looked at each other in amusement.

"You guys know we can hear you right?" Emily called, giving Paige's nose a tap before sitting up and leaning back on her arms, Paige followed suit and crossed her legs, looking over at the door.

"Are they talking to us?" Aria whispered harshly at Spencer. Spencer prodded the door so it slowly creaked open until they could see both Emily and Paige smiling at them smugly.

"Morning!" Spencer interrupted the silence cheerfully as if nothing had happened.

"Aria, get off me." Hanna growled from her place on the floor underneath the smaller girl.

"Not until you apologize." Aria smirked to herself. She had sat on Hanna's back, evidently pinning her to the ground.

"I'm not apologizing."

"Well that's fine by me." Aria turned her attention to the two girls still in Spencer's bedroom. "Do you guys want breakfast? We were gonna have cereal but then Spencer wanted pancakes so we decided to wait till you both woke up." Emily looked over at Paige who nodded.

"Sure." Emily stood, adjusting her pajamas as she went. She stuck her hand out in front of Paige. Paige grinned up at the girl before sliding her hand over Emily's and pulling herself to her feet. She was expecting Emily to let go straight after, but instead the coy girl slipped her fingers in between Paige's. Aria and Spencer shared a look of knowing after witnessing the tiny action. Hanna squealed.

"Have you made out yet?"

"Oh my god, Spencer. These are awesome." Paige pointed at the short stack with her fork. Spencer smiled triumphantly.

"Don't make her ego bigger than it already is." Emily bumped her elbow against Paige's playfully. Paige stuck her tongue out a little, jokingly, raising her eyebrows. Emily giggled under her breath, pushing her elbow into Paige's more. Paige pushed Emily with her shoulder.

"Ow, what're you doing? Stop it. Emily!" Paige laughed quietly, still pushing at the other girl with her arm, totally unaware that the other occupants of the room were watching them.

"Christ, get a room, I'm trying to eat here." Hanna forked another load of pancake into her mouth. Spencer rolled her eyes and took her plate to the sink, Aria stood and went to do the same before Spencer stopped her and took the plate from her hands. Aria smiled in thanks.

"So, I'm gonna take off." Aria announced letting her hands fall limp by her sides. Everyone made a point to look at what she was wearing. Aria followed their eyes. "After I get changed. Ezra and stuff…" The tiny brunette trailed off, spinning on her heel and running back up the stairs.

"Me too. Caleb's taking me to see Ice Age seen as the opportunity was rudely torn from me just recently." Hanna remarked sarcastically, finishing off the last of her pancakes.

"You know Scrat doesn't get the acorn, right?" Emily smiled evilly as Hanna stood. Hanna's face morphed into one of disgust and shock.

"Spoilers! Why would you do that?" Hanna clamped her hands over her ears and headed up to Spencer's room, following Aria's lead. Emily laughed and continued to eat her pancakes.

"What are you guys doing today?" Spencer asked as she shuffled around the kitchen, cleaning up after Hanna. Paige looked over to Emily, silently asking her the same question. Emily shrugged.

"I don't know, the park maybe?" Emily suggested.

"Unless you want to go swimming in the park, that's a no. It's raining hard out there ladies." Spencer grabbed a stool and pulled up opposite Emily and Paige. Paige gave Emily a consoling smile. Emily pouted at her food.

"I like the park."

"I'll take you when it's sunny." Paige's left hand somehow ended up at the top of Emily's back, playing with strands of Emily's raven hair. Emily leaned back into the touch.

"Too much gay in here, it's rubbing off." Spencer deadpanned. Emily shook her head, making Paige take her hand back. "Well, I'm going to the library in about an hour." Spencer checked the clock before taking Paige's now empty plate to the sink. Paige smiled gratefully. Emily stood, taking her own plate to the sink.

"That's code for sex with Toby." Emily tossed over her shoulder smirking as Spencer's cheeks reddened. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly before she finally managed to find words.

"I have rage!" The tall brunette pointed threateningly at both the girls before storming from the room.

"I'm giving Aria a lift, I'll catch you guys later!" They heard Hanna shout.

"Make sure you've got the kiddy seat!" Spencer hollered back from somewhere within the house.

"I'm on it!" Hanna yelled back opening the door. Aria frowned and chewed on the inside of her cheek.

"I'm going to kill you both in your sleep." The door closed behind her, soon after there was the sound of a car engine fading in the distance. Paige swiveled around in her seat so her knees collided with Emily's. Emily opened her legs so one of Paige's was trapped between hers. Emily reached out and took one of Paige's hands, playing with her fingers.

"Your hair looks funny." Paige mused quietly, using her free hand to brush messy parts down where they should have been.

"Well some of us can't wake up looking as perfect as you." Emily replied, lacing their fingers together then pulling them apart before drawling light patterns on the back of Paige's hand.

"Please." Paige laughed at Emily's words. "It's too early for jokes."

"Not joking." Emily slid her fingers through the gaps between Paige's again, this time they stayed there. Emily lifted her head and smiled lightly at the other girl. Paige forgot how to breathe in that moment. "Movies at mine?" Paige nodded. "Come on."

The girls walked back up the stairs hand in hand. They found Spencer in her room, clearing up after their night.

"We're gonna head back to mine and watch some movies." Emily spoke as Spencer shook the duvet in the air before laying it back down onto the mattress. Spencer crossed her arms smugly.

"Code for sex?" Emily went fluorescent red, much similar to Spencer earlier. Paige scrunched up her nose and turned away from the two, gathering hers and Emily's stuff together. Emily reached over and grabbed one of the pillows Spencer had just plumped up before whacking the taller girl with it.

"Ow!" Spencer's voice high, her mouth agape. Emily placed her hands on her hips, cocking her head to the side challengingly.

"If world war Spemily is going to commence can I leave first?" Paige mused. Spencer widened her eyes seeing that Paige had somehow gotten changed without either of the other two noticing.

"Shut up, we're leaving."

"Emily, you're in pajama pants." Emily looked down at herself.

"Well…" Emily tried to come up with a witty response. "I…"

"Go get changed, Em." Paige held out Emily's pants. Emily took them without a word and headed into the bathroom. Spencer chuckled as the door closed; she began sorting out the makeshift bed on the ground.

"You know, I should be like interrogating you or something right now?" Spencer looked to Paige for a second before carrying on. Paige swallowed thickly, Spencer Hastings was about to destroy her, she knew it.

"I'm not gonna hurt her again." Paige quickly responded, ready to fight for Emily this time. Spencer smirked softly.

"Don't worry, I wouldn't have let you sleep in my house if I didn't trust you." Paige let out a sigh of relief.

"I really like her."

"I know you do, I can tell. We can all tell actually, it's pretty obvious." Spencer walked over to her wardrobe to stash away the spare duvets and pillows. "You just have to know that Emily's stubborn. She doesn't want to be protected but sometimes she needs it. When she's angry, she'll say she wants to be alone, but that's not what she needs." Spencer turned around to give Paige her full attention. "You need to be there for her even if she doesn't know that she needs you. Emily's different, she's kind of special."

Paige nodded she knew. She knew that Emily's friends cared for her more than anyone in the world and she knew what they'd do to her if she ever hurt Emily again. But she didn't plan on it; in fact it wasn't even a thing that'd crossed her mind. To her, Emily was a princess, she was fragile and good and everything amazing in the world. She was sweet perfect Emily.

"I know; you've got nothing to worry about."

"Good. I know where you live." Spencer grinned. Paige mirrored her expression. Spencer Hastings wasn't that bad.

"Okay, I'm ready." As if on cue, Emily emerged from the bathroom. "Thanks for having us Spence." Emily pulled the brunette into a tight hug. Spencer squeezed her best friend warmly.

"Have a good day." Emily pulled back and took Paige's hand almost automatically. Paige and Spencer exchanged a knowing smile and a brief wave before Emily pulled Paige out of the house and into the rain. They sprinted to the car and set off to Emily's house.

"I had fun last night." Paige spoke, almost to herself. Emily took her eyes off the road to look at Paige for a second; she had such a childlike glow of happiness around her it was so sweet. It made Emily feel so free.

"Me too."

"And your friends didn't attack me." Emily hummed.

"Our friends." Paige smiled. Emily's words warmed her heart in a way nothing else could. Then a thought ran through her mind and her building confidence faltered.

"What about my parents, your mom?" Paige felt the panic rising within her. "What if your mom doesn't like me? What if-"

"Would you stop?" Emily touched Paige's thigh tentatively. "My mom already loves you, you know that. Your parents have accepted you, right?" Paige nodded slowly. "So they'll accept that you're my girlfriend." Paige's head shot to the left. Emily's smile softened when she saw Paige's face.


"You had me at hello."

Hello! So this is up a bit later than expected. I would've had it up yesterday if it wasn't for that episode. I'm being serious, i was crying, there were tears. It literally made me so happy.

Anyway, thanks to everyone that favourited and followed. Also, to all the reviewers, you are ANGELS! I especially love the anon that's telling me to give up my personal life just to write this story, i laughed.

I can't decide whether to end it there or not, so i'll decide by the next chapter whether i'm just going to write an epilogue or if i'm going to add a few more chapters. Thank you all for the feedback!