"Oh my god, Mercedes, I'm fine. Believe me, i'm... fine" Kurt said into the phone, talking to his best friend.

"Well sorry, Kurt, but I really don't know how you and Blaine could just break up, and you just be 'fine'. You were seriously the best couple, you relied on each other for everything - how can you just be fine?"

"Really, i'm fine. Okay - i'm not but I know that it was the only way. We tried, and we failed - turns out keeping up a long distance relationship is tough. It was just bad for both of us."

"Kurt, do you think you two would possibly get back together?" Mercedes asked, genuinely hoping they would. Everyone had thought they were such a great couple, and nobody could believe it when they found out about the breakup.
"Well...maybe, I guess? But I just know I couldn't handle doing the long distance thing anymore. It's better that we both just get on with our lives for now." Kurt said, obviously trying to disguise the pain.

"Rachel Berry I need help." Mercedes yelled into the phone the next evening.

"Hello Mercedes. What do you need help wi-"

"Rachel, it's important. I'm sure that you know all about my boys' breaking up now, don't you?" "Well yeah, of course. I see Kurt all the time..." Rachel sighed. And she did see Kurt all the time - they were in the same city - and staying relatively close to each other, and they had been a support network for each other in the last few months (in the case of Rachel trying to get through her breakup with Finn) and the last few weeks (for Kurt, who was finding it very hard knowing that Blaine wasn't there anymore for him).

"WE HAVE TO GET THEM BACK TOGETHER" Mercedes said incredibly sternly into the phone. "They need to see what a huge mistake they've made. They're perfect together and neither of them seem the same anymore. I've spoken to them both and they sound really bad, Rachel, especially Blaine. Did you know that Kurt just told Blaine he was breaking up with him and that was that? Blaine's really low and Kurt's pretty bad too. We have to get them back together!"

"Well Mercedes, that may not be that easy, you know! I mean, we have to get them near each other somehow and then we have to make them talk and shouldn't we really let them decide that they want to see each other and work things out themselves?"

"Rachel, you know as well as I do that they need to be together, that breaking up was a big mistake, and that they probably won't try without a little...nudge."

"Okay then, what's your plan?" Rachel challenged.

"Well, Thanksgiving's only a week away, and I spoke to Tina, and she's going to have a Thanksgiving party. She's going to make sure Blaine's there, and we'll make sure Kurt's there. Deal?"

"Deal" Rachel sighed, not sure how this plan would work out. Oh well, she thought. It was worth a shot.