Hey, Everybody! This is my new story! It will not be like KukkiaKip's, "No Disguises"... I was just inspired by her story... She is a close friend... Although... We haven't talk in awhile... I Hope You Will All Like This Story! Most Of You... Liked My Other Story... Live Life Loud... So... You Will Probably Like This One Too...!


Hi... I'm Flora. I'm sixteen years old... And... Not so normal... You'll find out why, later... I am single... Although... I have been asked out... Many times... Although... I have... Always... Rejected... I don't have eyes for anyone, at the moment... Not that you should, be surprised... If I were you... I would actually, think that it was, very, believable...You could say... I'm not the most... Confident... Person... I am actually... Very... Insecure... My current... Best Friend... Is... Musa... She can be... A bit... Too... Confident... Sometimes... You know...? Well... Now you know, all abut me...

Hey, Flo! I heard, I looked up, to see, none other, than, Musa.

Hey, Muse. I said, looking back down.

What's wrong...? She asked.

Nothing... I said, still looking down.

Is it the time of month...? She questioned.

Ummm... You could say that... I said, getting up, and walking away...

Wait! Flo! Musa yelled, running after me.

What... I said, annoyed.

Have you met my big bro...? She asked.

No... I said, walking away, once again.

Well... He's Really Cool! She yelled, after me.

Just then, I bumped into someone, causing, me to fall down.

I'm So Sorry! I exclaimed, picking up my books.

It's alright... The person said. Here... Let me help, you.

Ummm... N-No... It's alright... I said, putting my books, back, in my bag.

No... Really... Let me help... He said, extending his hand. Here...

I politely, excepted, his help.

Thanks... I said, once I was up.

No problem... He said, with no emotion, what so ever. Ummm... I'm looking, fo someone named... Flora...?

Ummm... my name is, Flora... I said.

Oh... I'm, Helia. He said.

Okay... And... Why exactly, were you looking for me...? I questioned.

Ummm... Well... You see... I'm new here... And... The Counselor... Said you were to, show me around... Helia explained.

Oh... Okay... I said, just then, I started, to feel weak. Ummm...

You see... The truth is... I'm a vampire... Well... Not just "Any" Vampire... I'm a... Reverse Vampire... Which means... I can go out in the sunlight... I can drink, holy water... I could even eat, garlic raw, if I wanted to... It would make no difference... I would still be immortal... But... The problem is... Every month... My blood level increases... And... I have to give people, my own blood... Otherwise... I get violent nosebleeds... And... I cough up blood, as well... The reason why... I am a Reverse Vampire... Is completely unknown... My whole family... Was Vampires... Full Vampires... Nothing like Me... But... The key word... "Was"... Meaning... Not anymore... I'm not say, they are now, mortals... What I'm saying... Is that... They are no longer with us... But... That's alright... I didn't even care... About my dad... Mostly... Because... Well... He didn't care about Me...

Flora...? I heard. Are You okay...?

Uhhh... Yeah... I said. I... I don't feel good...

I ran away, holding my nose.

There is Misfortune nearby... My blood is coming up early... Who will it be, this month...? I thought, as I walked, around, looking for a defenseless victim... Who I could easily get... I could find somebody desperate... And... Go out with them... No... Too mean... Everyone... Looks... Too... Happy... I don't want to ruin someone's life... I have no idea, what happened to my previous victims... And... I'm way... To scared... To find out... I carried on walking... The bell wasn't destined... To call me to class, after another, half hour, of lunch...

Just then, I entered the courtyard.

Hey! Flo! I heard, of course, it was, none other than, Musa.

Hey, Musa... I said, emotionless.

Just then, I remembered something.

Omg! I exclaimed.

What...? Musa questioned, confused.

Helia! I screamed. I Totally Forgot!

Forgot, What! Musa, yelled. Wait... Helia...?

Yes! I screamed.

He's My Big Bro! Musa said, smiling.

Well... I'm supposed To Be Showing Him Around! I yelled, running, to where, I last saw, Him.

As I thought... He was still there, looking lost.

Are you okay...? I asked, with no emotion.

Ummm... Yeah...? He said.

We have, Chemistry, next... I'll get you, your textbooks... I said, starting to walk, away.

Do you want me to go with you...? He questioned, I stopped, and looked, back.

Ummm... Sure... Come on... I said, looking down. Come... I said, motioning for him to hurry.

Hey... At least I waited for him, to catch up... I just hope, My blood doesn't suddenly come up.

Ummm... Where are we...? Helia questioned.

The Science Block... I answered, bluntly, Helia frowned, like he was thinking, "What did I do that was so bad", why would he even care.

Here... We have two textbooks, for chemistry, here's you exercise, book. You should probably talk to our teacher, she's through there... I said, practically throwing the books, at Helia, and walking, away. I don't even understand, why I am being so rude. I walked to the courtyard, and hung out with Musa.

Yeah... I went to this awesome club... Musa said, I wasn't really listening.

Mm... I moaned, while staring, at the floor.

What's up with you today? Why are you in such a bad mood? Musa asked, annoyed, with my mood.

Huh...? No... I'm fine... I lied, just then, I looked up, and saw, none other than, Helia, standing there.

Hey, Bro! Musa exclaimed, hugging him.

I Gotta Go! I yelled, running, away.

Muse... Helia said. Can... You... Show me around...?

Sure... Musa said.

What happened with, Flora...? Helia questioned.

Oh... Whenever, It's around PE time... She always feels sick... And has to go home... Musa explained.

I signed out, and ran out of the school. This is even worse than last month... I thought, nervous.