Authors Note: I was going to write an epilogue for this story, but I realize that the wedding was a happy ending and I had nothing else to write. However, I can't end this story without thanking each and every one of you for reading and following Just A little More Time. I will like to give a special thanks to everyone that review since the beginning. Thank you LightbunnyBunny, Dreamgirl98, Girlyemma96, A-swagg, OhSnapItzCari for being very supportive and there from the start. I don't want to forget the other reviewer who review many times before. You guys are all awesome and without your reviews I would never have made it this far. Thanks to all the followers, it means a lot to me and I thank you. So I guess that's it, I got more stories to come and other stories I'm working on. Bye for now, my lovies.