The day had finally reached its state of dawn. The sky which was pitch-black at midnight, now began to fade its colour into dark blue. The moon and the stars began to vanish from the sky by the naked eye. It was a moment of tranquillity, serenity and peace.

Fenrich loved night time compared to the others, as during that time he will feel peaceful and calm. As a loner, the werewolf enjoyed being lonely and in quiet situations, especially from despicable people, pretty much everyone except his master.

Furthermore, night time is another opportunity to do his hobby other than serving his master, which is gazing toward the moon, which usually emits a beautiful veil of light which is the primary source of power and energy. Ah, what a magnificent existence, thought Fenrich.

Now, Fenrich had just come back from the sea. He was completely drenched in seawater. His hand held a piece of sardine that he had recently caught. He intended to do this as an apology to his master, for taking advantage towards his weakened master, doing one of the things that he had desired to do to his master for a long time.

"I'm so sorry, my lord... As your faithful servant, I shouldn't do that, especially in your current condition..." Thought Fenrich, while feeling guilty for his sudden acts towards his master previously.

"Thank goodness that the sea is warm at night... I wonder what happened to Netherworld that they were short with sardines? There were so abundant of them at the sea!" Fenrich became furious.

(Author: Fenrich... I've told you before... If there's anything weird in this fanfic, then don't ask for an explanation for it so just shut up and go on with the story! D:)

Fenrich were shocked at the sudden voice that he heard. He looked everywhere but there's no one around.

"Who said that? Who the heck are you!? Where are you!?" the werewolf yelled, while expecting an answer from the mysterious voice.

But he didn't get a reply afterwards. Only silence was overwhelming the atmosphere.

"Oh well never mind, this is a fanfiction after all, anything can happen." Fenrich sighed.

"Come to think of it, I can only express my love to my lord more and do what I always desired to do to him in a fanfiction, because the game will not let me to do so..."

"Damn you game producers."

~During the Morning~

Fuuka, Desco and Artina shared a room when it is bedtime. Now, they all had woken up.

"Huaaarrrrgggghhh... Good morning, Desco, Artina-chan..." Fuuka yawned, while stretching herself.

"Good morning big sis, Miss Artina... Oh, Desco was having a nice dream..." said Desco while rubbing her eyes.

"Good morning, Miss Fuuka, Miss Desco! I wonder what we should prepare for breakfast today?" said Artina while showing her usual cheery attitude and her gentle smile.

"Desco thinks that we should prepare a lot of sweets!"

"Oh no, Desco, we should have something healthy and energizing instead for breakfast. It is not good to just having sweets to start the day. Do you have any idea for breakfast, Artina-chan?"

"Hmm... I know! How about some sandwiches, fruit salad and almond chocolate milk? Furthermore I think we can make some soup for Mr Vampire to help him get better,"

"Agreed!" Fuuka and Desco replied to Artina.

"Then let's change our clothes first! After that we will prepare breakfast altogether!"


"Good morning, everyone... What's for breakfast for today?" said a sleepy Emizel slowly entering the kitchen, still in his pyjamas with his hair a little bit messy. He looked so cute.

"Good morning, Mr Emizel! Do you have a nice sleep last night?" replied Artina, who was chopping some fruits into small dices. She stopped a while to look at Emizel.

"Aww, Mr Emizel, you look so cute!" She ran towards Emizel to hug him, but stopped when Emizel snapped into his defensive mode.

"Mr Emizel does look cute, but Desco thinks Mr Emizel should change his cloth and groom himself more neatly already before thinking about breakfast!" scolded Desco while gathering the plates.

"Yeah yeah..." said Emizel lazily leaving the kitchen.

As Emizel leaved, suddenly Fenrich entered the kitchen. He had dried himself first.

"Oh, good morning, Mr Werewolf..." greeted Artina with a little shake in her voice.

"Move out of the way, lass, I want to use the sink," said Fenrich to Fuuka.

"So Fenfen, how's Valzy?" Fuuka was still worried about Valvatorez's condition. She wished that she could also take care for him.

"I wonder what took you guys so long for buying the medicine. Last night, his condition got worse that my heart almost stopped," replied Fenrich sternly.

Fuuka and Desco shocked, while Artina felt guilty once again. She couldn't stop blaming herself for everything.

"But with that medicine, big bro should become much better, right?"

"I hope so," said Fenrich while washing the sardine in the sink.

"Come to think of it, hey... Where did you get that?" Asked Fuuka, pointed her finger to the sardine.

"I caught it. The Netherworld and Hades are short with sardines, but not in the sea."

A huge sweat dropped at Fuuka, Artina and Desco's head.

Suddenly, Emizel appeared. He was wearing his usual clothes. "I'm done changing..."

"Well, that's good, Mr Emizel! Your hair looks frightening when you were just woke up! You should make yourself neat before you even think about breakfast..." said Desco.

"I'm just hungry, that's all..." Emizel replied. He couldn't understand why girls are so typical about looks.

"Anyway, Mr Werewolf, shouldn't you look after Mr Vampire now?"

"I don't want to bother my lord resting." Actually Fenrich currently was unable to face his master due to the actions that he had done to him.

"But I will surely apologise to him when he had woke up. Rest well, my lord..." thought Fenrich.

"Well everyone, let's hope that Mr Vampire will get completely healthy today!" said Artina trying to brighten the situation.

Everyone agreed, including Fenrich in the depth of his heart.

"By the way, Artina-chan, may I ask you something? I hope my question is not a hard one to you," said Fuuka to Artina.

"Hmm? What is it, Miss Fuuka? Just ask whatever it is, I will try my best to answer it."

"What do you think about Valzy?"

Fenrich glared to Fuuka and Artina, while Artina was silent for a while, blushing.

She smiled. "What I think about Mr Vampire is... I think he is a very weird but an interesting person at the same time. He is very entertaining to observe. He's truly Mr Weirdo after all,"

"What about you then, Miss Fuuka? What do you think about him, may I know?" said Artina as a "revenge" to her.

Fuuka blushed that her face went bright red like a tomato.

"Wha-wha-wha-what d-d-d-do I th-th-think ab-, about va-va-va-Valzy?" said Fuuka with total embarrassment.

"I think that he really had the qualifications to be my personal prinny! I bet that he will look good in a maid costume! Hahahahaha...!"

Artina and Desco giggled while mentally picturing Valvatorez in a maid costume in their heads, but stopped when they realized that they had pushed someone's berserk button.

"Actually, I don't want Valzy to become my personal prinny. Instead, I want him to become someone who I've been always dreamed to come to my side... Valzy, you actually have the qualifications to become my prince!" thought Fuuka while blushing.

"Desco also want to say about what she think about big bro too! Desco think big bro is such a great person, and he is such a nice older brother to Desco! What about you, Mr Emizel?"

"Uh...? I see him as my role model since I was little, that's all..."

"Hee hee hee, I see... Everyone loves Mr Vampire, am I right?" Artina smiled cheerily.

"Hmph! You damn people should acknowledge his awesomeness for most over the time!" Fenrich bloated.

"And what do I think about my lord... He's the top of everything else. And my love for my lord, is more than a loyalty of a servant to his master..." Luckily they didn't ask Fenrich about his opinions about Valvatorez, because first, due to some reason the answer is obvious. Second, Fenrich probably has lots, maybe millions of opinions when it is about his master.

"Mr Werewolf, actually I have something really important to tell you..."

"What is it?" said Fenrich even though he was not interested to know about Artina's information.

"About the medicine, I put some of my blood in it..." said Artina meekly.

"WHAT!?" yelled Fenrich, Fuuka, Desco and Emizel at the same time.

"What's with the sudden yell...?" said a familiar voice, someone entering the kitchen.

Fenrich, Emizel, Fuuka, Desco and Artina turned their heads to the source of the voice and their mouth dropped open. Words cannot describe how shocked they were.

"My lord!"

"Mr Vampire!"



"Big bro!"

They all called him at the same time.

Yes, it was Valvatorez who was entering the kitchen. He was fully recovered, but that was not the matter that made them all shocked.

They were shocked to see Valvatorez, who is now taller, looking older than usual. His body which used to be skinny, now became more muscular. His hair, which used to be short, now it has grew so long until Valvatorez's legs.

Nevertheless, now he looks like how he used to be in his tyrant days.

And Valvatorez was only wearing a white shirt. He is pantless, baring his long, slender and smooth legs, and there were no hairs growing at his legs, as if they were shaved. His legs could make someone nosebleed by looking at it.

Nevertheless, in Fenrich's, Emizel's, Fuuka's, Desco's and Artina's eyes, he looks really wonderful.

"My lord... He must have regained his powers too!" thought Fenrich. He couldn't believe his eyes.

"Oh, Fenrich... I'm sorry, but I had to borrow your clothes for a while... My clothes suddenly-" before Valvatorez could continue his words, he was being pulled into Fenrich's arms, then being hugged tightly by his servant.

"My lord! Thank goodness... Welcome back!" said Fenrich as tears began to roll at his cheeks. This was the first time the werewolf had hugged his master.

"Wha-!? What's going on? Why-" once again Valvatorez couldn't continue his words as Fuuka, Desco, Artina and Emizel joined Fenrich hugging him.

Valvatorez felt that he was squished to death with the sudden group hug of his comrades, but at the same time he felt deeply touched. For the rest of his life, he had never been in this heartwarming situation.

As for Fenrich, this day will be one of the most important day of his life.

It was the end of his never ending nightmare,

And the start of a new beginning.

"I love you... My lord!"