Thanks to Bookman and Omnimon for helping me write this chapter, and yes another lemon warning here XD I was trying to avoid throwing another one into this fanfic but I digress, here's some more hot and steamy Xelloss/Lina I hope you guys enjoy ^^

Lina groaned as she stepped into the room at the inn, tossing her gloves, cloak, shoulder armor, belt, talismans and boots to the side. "What a day…" she grumbled, sitting down on the bed.

"Yes, it has been." Xelloss nodded, locking the door as he moved to set his staff, gloves, sash, shoes and socks next to her stuff. He tried to tidy up her items into a neat pile. "Finding out about your pregnancy, the discovery of this item that might break my curse…"

"So what all were you talking to Varric about?" Lina asked, interrupting him as he was reaching for the latch to his cloak. "Hawke seemed kind of interested…"

"Oh that?" Xelloss chuckled, wagging his finger. "It's a secret."

Lina growled as she sprung up and pulled him into a headlock. "YOU GOD DAMN BASTARD I'LL KILL YOU!"

Xelloss was laughing for a bit before it was really starting to hurt his neck. "Ow ow ow! Lina!" he shouted until she finally let go of him.

"You should know better than to tick me off with you being human you idiot!" Lina growled, sitting back on the bed.

"I do, but I still forget." Xelloss brushed the sore spots and felt himself for injury, but smiled as he stood back up. "I can't help it though Lina, it's one of the only ways I can bait you into holding me in your arms full of emotion. That look in your eyes - when you want to inflict real pain on me - is like a sweet compliment. In that one moment, you want nothing more than to snap my neck so I stop teasing you at last." He said it all sounding pretty proud of himself.

Lina looked shocked as her cheeks blushed madly, her mouth hung open for a moment until she turned her head. "…. Fruitcake."

"I love you too." Xelloss chuckled. "And I was merely explaining to him my situation. He figured it out from the attack earlier about my… Predicament. So I told him about my curse, your pregnancy, the situation with Dynast…"

"Xelloss…." Lina said, removing her bandana and placing it on the desk next to the bed. "About that…"

"Yes?" he turned to her, his eyes open and a warm smile on his face.

"…. About the… Child." Lina started, rolling her fingers in circles. "Just answer this, is it really that important to you? You're a demon... Or were a Mazoku that is... I would have thought you would have had a negative reaction to it, you barely handle being human yourself how the hell can you handle having a child? Especially if you're turned back into a Mazoku before it's even born?"

"I… I don't know Lina... it must be because the curse not just trapped me in a human body... It's making me more human every day... At first I thought I was merely happy with the idea I created something, but something else sparked inside me that made me happy about it…" Xelloss admitted, confused. Now he sounded scared. "... If this staff doesn't work... What if I cannot return to being a Mazoku? What if I changed too much to go back? Maybe I'll become like Gaav, having Mazoku powers but still a human shell and heart…"

Lina turned her head away. "... Is it really so bad, being human that is?"

Xelloss twisted his mouth at that one as he closed his eyes. "... Well, I suppose you cannot understand what it's like... But I've basically lost everything." He sat down next to her, placing a hand over hers as he then corrected himself. "Except you." He stroked his fingers over the ring on her finger.

Lina crossed her arms. "Oh and I'm not any prize compared to that." she said rather snappish. "Seriously Xelloss you really need to get your head out of your ass. Sure you lost your Mazoku powers but you can be your own master now, you don't have to follow Zelas blindly or do anything you don't want to. And just because you don't live forever anymore just mean you have to enjoy things while they last and do more with your life faster than your slow pace as a demon."

Her snappish reaction cheered him up, he chuckled. "Is that an order, Mistress Lina?" he placed a hand over his heart and bowed.

"H-hey I didn't say for you to follow me fruitcake!' Lina snapped, her cheeks blazing as she looked at him.

"I just might." He chuckled, smirking confident as he opened his eyes again to look into Lina's. He brought his face very close to hers, and after a moment, whispered it again. "I just might." he then kissed her, because he felt like it.

Lina let the kiss last, pushing towards him a bit as her cheeks were flushed. When the kiss broke, she turned her head away. "Do you think this is why Zelas insisted on our marriage? That she wanted me to conceive a child? That she has plans for it? I mean after all why would a Mazoku insist on marriage?"

Xelloss blinked at her reaction. "…. Is that why you don't want the child? Is that one of the other reasons you're scared?" he twisted his mouth, Lina did have a valid point about Zelas. 'Did she sense Lina was pregnant then…? No, she was having her time of the month then… Did she think that marriage entitles much mating so that I would impregnate her?'

"Well after all what would you do if Zelas insists I have this child for her own purposes? What if she orders you to take it from me and bring it to her?" Lina asked. "I know you claim you won't force me, but are you seriously going to tell me you can fight her off?"

"I... Frankly, what can I do as a human?" Xelloss sweatdropped, though he sounded worried still. "It's not like I could stop you or go against her even if I tried..."

Lina grumbled as she rolled her eyes. "Oh will you just get your head out of your ass and learn to make a decision on your own!" she grabbed his face between her hands. "You asked what you can do as a human? Have a voice in what's going on dumbass! Listen to that new heart of yours and what it tells you to do! Stop blindly following what people tell you and do what YOU want to do, don't waste your new free will you idiot! I want to know who's side you're on in this whole mess you MORON!" her face was flushed as she growled at him.

Something Lina said finally shook Xelloss. "... I want this child to live, but not for whatever ambition Zelas has in mind…"

"There, now you're finally taking a step forward." Lina released his head.

He turned to face her, his eyes still open. "But you still haven't told me what YOU want, Lina. You agreed to have the child, but do you really feel like you have no choice in the matter? Do you resent the idea that much?"

Lina flushed a bit as she looked away. "... I don't want this kid to be a science experiment or a solider created merely for Zelas." she grabbed his hand. "I want you with me every step of the way and know you're on my side." she stiffened then. "I want it, but I don't want it if this child will have to fight for the rest of it's life to merely live!"

"Then I will protect you and this child." Xelloss announced. "I also want it to be safe... Even if I would have to face my former mistress to protect it."

Lina eyes widened as she seemed touched by his words. "... You... You would?" she nearly gasped, she never expected that. "But... She's..."

"I know it's probably suicidal, I can't go against her as I am now." he admitted. "But, this is what I feel... if previously I had all my power and couldn't oppose her because I was her loyal servant, then this human heart I now have might be more important to protect you than all of my Mazoku powers." He chuckled. "I guess I need to get that Ankh all the more now, I'll need every bit of my Mazoku powers to even attempt fighting against her. If I go by what happened to Gaav, I should retain my free will, even though it's still a gamble because I haven't been human for even a quarter of the time he was…"

"Xelloss..." Lina couldn't control herself as she bolted forward and kissed him passionately on the lips.

"?!" Xelloss was surprised, but kissed and hugged her back anyway. "... What brought that about?" He asked when they broke for air.

"Oh you are an idiot!" Lina snapped, smacking her fist against his chest. "I wish you could read emotions again... I never..." her eyes were tearing up now. "... You chose me over your master you dumbass!"

"…. Well, yes I did..." Xelloss admitted as he realized this. "... If Zelas found out she would no doubt kill me now... I'm definitely what we call 'tainted' because of this human heart..."

Lina chuckled at that, curling herself closer into his arms as she hugged him tightly. "... Yeah but I like you better that way..." she admitted. 'Well more than like but it can wait to tell him that I love him…'

"... Well, maybe there are good sides to this then." he smiled as well, cuddling her as she curled up, stroking her crimson hair. "It's rare for you to be in such a good mood."

"Oh shut up and kiss me fruitcake." Lina snapped, kissing him again.

Which he did, letting it last long, hugging and kissing Lina passionately. She clutched his shoulders as she pressed further into the kiss, pushing forward on him as an attempt to get him to lay back on the bed. Which he did, sensing her intent and immediately hard at her advances, but still kissing and waiting till she'd notice. Lina smirked slightly in the kiss when she did notice, grinding her pelvis against him in response through their clothing.

"Ooooh!" Xelloss moaned, then pushed his tongue out, licking her lips first while probing for entrance. Lina pushed her tongue forward to meet his on her lips, tangling together with it. As their tongues danced, Xelloss brought both hands roaming around her body, up and down her back, then closer to the front and fondling her tits through her clothes, moaning from the friction between his dick and her grinding pelvis.

"Mmmmm..." Lina moaned from both his fondling and their tongue play, she moved her hands to his front to work on the latch of his cloak which she had distracted him from removing before, eventually tugging until she unhooked it.

The cloak lay spread under him now as her hands worked their way under his shirt, caressing his muscles around his torso now. Xelloss enjoyed her touch and fondled still, one hand staying with her boob to caress it, the other working under her shirt to slip in and try to unhook her bra without looking. He was having trouble with it of course, but enjoyed the attempts while kissing, fondling and poking the redheaded sorceress.

Lina let out a soft moan as she lifted his shirt up, she finally broke the kiss to pull the cloth over his head and discard it on the floor. At the same time the ex-Mazoku was grinning as he had the bra strap under her shirt and unhooked it for now. Lina didn't seem to care about what he was doing… Or maybe she wanted that? She didn't really react to it though as she merely leaned in and kissed him again.

Xelloss kissed back, playing with her tongue again, now moving his other hand underneath her shirt and pulling out her bra to discard before grabbing the yellow band around her shirt and beginning to pull it off over her head by breaking their kiss for a mere moment.

"Mmmmm..." Lina moaned out in the middle of their tongue play, she smirked as she felt his hands pulling on her shirt, unbuttoning the single green gem that held it together. Her fingers gave his skin a pinch in approval as he eased the garment off her shoulders, dropping it along with her other articles of clothing on the floor to join his shirt.

Now with her bare breasts in full view, Xelloss caressed her hard nipples with his hands. He smirked within the kiss as he knew her body never lied with how much she desired him. He broke the kiss to slide his hands to her sides to lift her up a little bit, allowing him to kiss his way down to her breasts, licking and suckling on her nipple once he reached there.

"Xelloss…." Lina moaned as his lips touched her breast, she arched her back slightly. Her hands were dancing on his sculpted chest, they circles his nipples now, while not as sensitive as hers she wanted to return the feeling just a bit.

Xelloss felt the blood rushing to his cheek from her fingers touching him, he switched nipples to give them equal attention. "Lina…" He groaned out as he felt Lina grinding her pelvis against him, making his cock painfully hard now with desire for her. One of his hands moved to caress her spine in a painfully slow motion, the other was massaging the breast that his mouth wasn't attending to.

Lina gasped and moaned as she dug her hands down now to loosen his trousers, one naughty hand slipped in to caress his manhood, checking his hardness directly as it were. Which he was throbbing ready and a little sticky from precum, shaking in her grip.

Xelloss slowly pulled his lips away from her tits, their half open eyes met heavy with their lust as they kissed again, starting off yet another tongue battle. Lina's hand though kept gripping his member, trying to use it to her advantage as she gained control, slipping her tongue into his mouth. Xelloss moaned as it was hard to concentrate with the beautiful redhead ontop of him, but he decided to attempt to get back at her seduction and teasing by slipping one hand into her slacks, working into her panties until he found the spot above her sex, taking two fingers and stroking softly.

And it work, as Lina mewled from his touch as Xelloss took charge now, pushing his tongue with hers back into her mouth. He teased her clit so painfully slow that she was bucking her hips, in much need of friction as her pussy was leaking fluids like mad, her wet panties were proof of that. This seem to be pushing Lina to her limit of teasing, as she tugged on his pants in attempt to pull them down.

Xelloss gave her breast a squeeze as he broke the kiss, slowly pulling his hand out of her pants. "Lina, maybe... Let's take turns and do it properly." He suggested, letting her go and lying flat to give her easy access.

Lina's face was completely flushed now. "... Oh fine." she hated stopping after they were so built up with lust for each other, but she nodded and pulled his on his pants again. He lifted his legs as she removed his trousers, then lowered them again as his slacks joined the rest of their clothes on the floor.

Xelloss smirked as his dick showed how badly he wanted her, making the redhead blush at the sight as he sat up. "Now you." He whispered in a velvet voice, gently rubbing her shoulders as he lowered her onto his cloak that was still spread on the bed.

"Don't keep me waiting." Lina replied, her voice heavy with her lust for him as his hand rubbed at her breast again, his mouth placing several kisses on her chest.

"Of course." The purple haired priest replied with a grin as he pulled down her pants, all the way off and discarding them before he returned for her panties. He took them off slowly, using just one hand while his mouth and other hand were occupied with her boobies to distract Lina.

Lina moaned out, her hand gripping his violet hair and pulling as a sign of encouragement. When he was done he threw her panties to the top of the pile of their clothing, his free hand returning to take her hand. He raised her delicate fingers to his lips where he kissed her pale skin, giving her a seductive look as his amethyst orbs looked into her ruby eyes. "Now, where were we? Ah yes..." He placed her hand around his member which she gripped firmly, then returned his hand to brush his fingers over her now naked pussy.

As Lina mewled from his fingers that traced her pussy lips, closing and opening them shortly a few times, Xelloss smirked at her. "You're already so wet Lina-chan..." he never got enough of that sight.

"S-shut up, you want it too." she gave his erection another squeeze to stress the point, feeling how hard he was. "Didn't I warn you not to keep me waiting?" she complained, spreading her legs as if inviting him to ravish her vagina with his dick.

"Aahhh oh yes, quite the crime indeed." Xelloss chuckled, teasing her entrance with the tip of his member as she let go of it. "If I continued to keep you waiting you'd start using those vulgar terms of yours when your juicy garden is so hungry for my man meat."

Lina blushed heavily at that. "W-well I'm already pregnant so we might as well go all out, and these hormones make me want to keep you on your back a good 90% of the day." She snapped, turning her head to the side. "Now are you going to keep talking you jackass or are you going to fuck me?"

"And there it is, while that's a novelty idea we'd never get anything done if we did that but…." Xelloss laughed, reaching his hand up to turn her head to face him. "Why don't you just admit it now that you want the man you love to fill this lovely hole, and to take you in a such a way you won't want to stop?" he purred, leaning his head in even closer as he continued to barely press the tip of his cock at her entrance, still not entering just yet.

"S-shut up…" Lina balled her fists, bucking her hips to try and get him to enter her as she grabbed at his rear, trying to pull him closer. "I-I never said anything about you being the one I… I… I mean that-"

"Well I suppose giving your actions today it probably wouldn't matter what male took you, as long as he gave you what you wanted." Xelloss replied rather sharply, and that made Lina giggle.

"Oh this is rich, you really were jealous weren't you?" she laughed beneath him. "Obviously you're not fond of how human emotions make you act at times, well at least you'll know why I will get moody when these hormones driving me up a wall."

Xelloss raised an eyebrow at that. "Considering those hormones I'm surprised you didn't snap at his advances earlier…"

Lina snickered. "Because it was too damn hilarious to watch you fum like a jealous husband over nothing." She admitted. "Why do you think I let him drone on all that time and didn't blast his ass away when he made that snide remark, figured he was just trying to get under your skin."

Xelloss narrowed his eyes at that. "You let him torment me like that?"

The redheaded sorceress continued to laugh at him. "Of course, how many times have you tormented me one way or another? It was the perfect getback." she grinned wide, laying on her back on his cloak.

Though the ex-Mazoku wasn't very pleased at this. "… Why you…"

Lina winked at him. "Awwww what's wrong Xelloss? It's not your fault your sharpness went to as dull as a kitchen knife when you became human, or else my emotions would have given it away."

A fuse must have snapped in Xelloss's brain. "I'll show you dull!" he growled, pinning her arms above her head with one hand, he reached to the table next to them to grab his sash, using it to tie them together.

"Huh?" Lina blinked, looking up at him." Xelloss what are you-" she was cut off by his demanding lips against hers, just as his cock pushed straight into her pussy with a powerful thrust. She gasped as she arched her back and moaned into his mouth.

Xelloss bit her lip which she yelped, his hips pounding rapidly against hers as he thrust. She struggled beneath him a bit as she was surprised to see this possessive side of him since as a Mazoku he didn't get unnerved so easily. Xelloss's tongue invaded her mouth, quickly gaining dominance as his thrusts picked up speed.

"MMMMM!" Lina moaned loudly into his mouth, pushing against him. A strange sensation flooded her as she found she actually liked this dominate side of Xelloss, it reminded her of the days back when he was a Mazoku, forcing his advances on her while she was an innocent virgin. His raw and powerful thrusts brought her to an orgasm fast, and for once he didn't cum inside her, actually able to hold his human body back.

Xelloss broke the kiss, licking at the few droplets of blood on her bottom lip as he gripped her hips to help him deepen his thrusts, which were almost threatening to tear her into two. She moaned out his name several times loudly as he eventually pushed her to lie a bit on her side, then lifted her leg onto his chest, resting the heel on his shoulder, and proceeded to thrust harder and faster at a different angle than previously. After the shift, he moved his hands so one held her leg up and the other rested on her buttock.

"W-what are you doing you bast-OOOHHH!" Lina continued to make noises as her hands that were still tied together moved, but she couldn't lower them as he continued to violate her hole, she yelped when he spanked her ass once which triggered her second orgasm. This time he blew his load into her cunt as her walls tightened around him.

"Showing you just how dull I am." Xelloss replied in a rather menacing voice, one like he used as a Mazoku when speaking to an opponent he was about to destroy. He then lowered her leg down and flipped her again, all the time without exiting her pussy, so that Lina would lie on her stomach - he leaned down this time so his chest touched her back her could slip his hands under her breasts to squeeze them and also lick her neck, while thrusting from behind.

Lina's face was buried into the pillow as he continued to fuck her from behind, the excitement and pleasure just building more and more for her. 'I've got to get him riled up more often, he's been holding out!' was all she could think of while he violated her. Never had he claimed her so violently, but never had their lovemaking been so raw and powerful, she actually found herself liking herself being ravished so much by the man she loved. As a Mazoku he was always careful, as he pointed out his strength could easily kill her since he was an immortal being, but as a human he could go all out on her, just he never had the confidence to do so as he was always moping about being in this mortal form. One thing was for certain, she needed to get him jealous more often if this was how he'd react from it. She had expected him to take her hard once she teased him, but not like this, this was far better than she had imagined.

Once she had cum for the third time which this time he hadn't, Xelloss finally withdrew from her pussy, fluids were spilled all over the bed now as she panted heavily. Lina looked back at him with a smirk. "I have to admit that sure wasn't dull." She teased.

"I'm not done with you yet." Xelloss growled rather darkly, his hands on her hips as he raised her ass just a bit before he lined up with her butt cheeks.

Lina blinked rapidly from his sudden action. "W-what are you doing?" she gasped. 'He wouldn't! He hasn't fucked my ass since he was Mazoku and even the few times he did, he always adjusted his size to fit so as a human it'll…'

"I told you didn't I? I'm showing you just how dull I am." Xelloss answered, before he thrust his cock, length and width increased slightly by his built up orgasm, straight into her ass.

"AAAHHH!" Lina cried, her scream muffled by the pillow as he stretched her ass.

Xelloss smirked victoriously, pounding her ass without remorse. She squirmed and moaned into the pillow at his hard, powerful thrusts. "Mmmm I think this hole has gotten much neglected since I became a human, how foolish of me to do that. That and this naughty ass needs to be taunt a lesson that it belongs to me so you don't try to seduce anymore foolish men with your charms." He taunted as he continued to pound her ass, occasionally lifting his hand and delivering a hard smack to the jiggly cheeks.

Lina cried out from the smacks, her hands gripping the sheets. He let out a cry as he filled her ass to the brim, bursting with cum, leaving her panting heavily against the mattress as he slowly slid from her ass.

There was a moment of silence before Lina turned to smirk at him. "Is that all you've got?" she teased.

Lina groaned as she sat down in the dining room for breakfast; Xelloss had continued to show her how 'dull' he was as a human for hours after that in all kinds of positions, her ass had never been so sore in her life, and her legs were extremely wobbly.

"Are you alright, Lady Lina?" Bulzome asked, sensing her discomfort in her emotions.

"Fine, Bulzome." Lina muttered, glaring daggers in her fiancée's general direction.

Xelloss just idly drink his tea at the table, smirking at her in response. "It's such a lovely morning, isn't it? I wonder where Miss Hawke and Varric are?"

As if on que, Hawke stumbled down the stairs on shaky legs. Hair disheveled, dressed in a messy outfit minus her armor, she looked as if she had been through a sparring match with Prince Phil and lost. Slowly, she sat down in a chair at the couple's table.

Xelloss blinked at the sight of her. "Oh my, what happened to you Hawke?"

"Did someone attack you?" Lina asked, her eyes wide and her jaw dropped.

"You could say that..." Hawke mumbled.

"Gooood Morning everyone." Varric said as he came down the stairs, whistling a tune as he joined them.

Xelloss raised an eyebrow at that, looking right at the dwarf.

Varric returned the look, sitting down beside Hawke. "So, what's for breakfast?" He asked cheerfully.

"Whatever Lina-chan hasn't already eaten..." Xelloss answered, eying him suspiciously. "So I take it you had a pleasant night."

"You could say that." Varric replied. "How was yours?"

Hawke grumbled unintelligently, reaching for food.

"It was pleasant indeed." Xelloss replied with a smile. "With a few interesting turn of events."

Lina snapped a glare at him, then turned to her cousin. "Seriously, what the hell happened to you cuz?"

"Nothing." Hawke mumbled, beginning to eat at a rapid pace to recover the energy lost overnight.

"It takes a lot for someone to get the jump on you, spill." Lina narrowed her eyes.

"Perhaps she just had a bad night, Lina-chan." Xelloss spoke up, his eyes on Varric.

Hawke raised her eyes to Lina's. "Nothing happened, Lina. Drop it." She replied, not really in a mood to listen to her cousin chastise her over her sexual escapades.

Lina twisted her mouth. "Says the person that butts her head into my personal life."

"That's my job as your older relative." Hawke answered softly, still eating.

"It isn't your job to judge me all the time!" Lina snapped, almost raising but stopped as her bottom was still sore.

Hawke raised an eyebrow. "Judge? No. Comment? Yes. Just like it's obvious from your actions you had sex last night." She said simply.

Lina flushed at that. "H-how did you- I mean what the hell?!"

"Judging by how much you're shifting and taking pressure off, seems Xelloss plowed that ass of yours for a couple hours." Hawke commented dryly, shoving a sausage in her mouth.

Lina growled at that, but then remembered something as she turned to Bulzome. "Hey Bulzome, sense anything weird on Hawke?"

"Well there is obvious evidence Miss Hawke here mated with Mr. Varric as you can smell him on her skin." Bulzome shrugged. "And-"

"That's enough." Lina snickered as she cut him off.

Hawke began choking on the sausage in her mouth, an adequate analogy to her night as her cheeks flushed.

Xelloss sighed and leaned back, looking at Varric. "Do I want to ask?"

The dwarf chuckled softly. "I never kiss and tell, Xelloss." He said mysteriously, smirking.

"And you mock me for sleeping with Xelloss for energy or other means, you god damn screwed a person you just met!" Lina snapped at her cousin.

Hawke rolled her eyes. "I don't have to explain myself to you, Lina."

"Funny I always have to explain myself to you." Lina huffed.

"Because it's my job to keep you safe." Hawke shrugged. "I do it in the form of criticism."

"And like I can't be worried about this kind of choice?" the crimson haired sorceress snapped.

Hawke shrugged. "You can. I just don't have to listen." She replied smartly.

Lina hissed at her. "Don't come crying to me when you get hurt."

"Good, I won't." Hawke huffed, crossing her arms.

Xelloss groaned, not liking the way this was going. "Well we better get on our way, right Varric?"

Varric nodded. "Good thinking, Xelloss. Ladies, shall we?"

Lina made a face, walking didn't seem such a good idea. "I guess we need to get the job done." she grumbled, slowly getting up.

Hawke nodded numbly. "I'll go get ready..." She replied, slowly slumping back up the stairs.

Lina frowned at that, then turned to Varric. "And you...!"

Xelloss chuckled. "Errr let's wait outside shall we Varric?"

"Agreed!" Varric cried swiftly, quickly hoisting Bianca onto his shoulder and heading outside.

"HEY!" Lina shouted, growling as the men hurried outside.

Xelloss sighed as they stood outside. "So mind telling me what REALLY happened?"

Varric shrugged. "I really don't know what you mean, Xelloss. It's exactly as it seems. We were merely having a chat and one thing lead to another."

"Varric, I know you." Xelloss said with one eye open. "Obviously you put some charm into it, or put the information I gave you to use, so either you actually seduced Hawke or you made her some sort of offer. I'm leaning towards the latter due to the way she was acting." he tapped a finger on his chin. "Perhaps something involving getting over the pain of her lost loves?"

Varric looked away from him, even as a human that purple haired priest was still sharp. "...You should have warned me she'd been hurt, Xelloss. You know how I am for those who have lost people."

"That's EXACTLY why I didn't tell you." Xelloss sighed, shaking his head. "She's in a fragile state right now, with the death of Sherra and Filia rejecting her. She's jealous of Lina's pregnancy and won't outright admit it."

Varric sighed, rubbing his temples. "Well how was I supposed to know? And speaking of interesting nights, seems that 'human jealously' of yours made you go all out on Lina last night." He said to quickly change the subject.

Xelloss felt his cheeks flush as he turned his head. "… That was a spur of the moment because she was mocking me for getting jealous. She actually saw through your little act and kept it up just to irk me."

The dwarf laughed at that. "She is a sharp one that Lina Inverse, must run in the family. Though with as violent as she is I'm surprised she didn't kill you over it."

"Well, I guess it might have something to do with something I did…" Xelloss muttered, running his fingers through his violet hair. "… Or said rather."

"Oh? Do tell." Varric elbowed his ribs.

"… Well, Lina's been just as worried as I explained to you about Zelas having plans for the baby." Xelloss explained. "She wanted to know if I would just blindly follow her or protect this child. She's worried I won't retain free will once we remove the curse."

"… Is there a possibility of that?" Varric asked.

"I don't know, this curse isn't really a common one after all." Xelloss sighed, shaking his head. "It took Gaav centuries to regain his Mazoku powers, by then he had complete free will after hundreds of years as a human. Will three months be enough for it to do the same for me? Or will I return to the way I was with only minor changes? I don't know."

"You don't think that once you change back that Zelas would… Order you to take Lina and the baby away do you?" Varric asked, he seemed to be thinking of something as he rubbed his chin.

"I wouldn't put it past her, and make me kill everyone around her to prevent them from rescuing her, including her sister and cousin." Xelloss said, turning towards him. "You might want to get as far away from me as possible once this task is done, but I doubt she'll do much until the baby is born."

"So unless you deal with Zelas before then, she might just dangle Lina's life over your head like candy." Varric assumed. "And if we break your curse now, it's a gamble if you'll retain your humanity enough to disobey her commands because you haven't been human for long. You make it sound like if only you could stay this way longer, the better chance you have of fighting it."

"It's only a theory, Varric." Xelloss said. "And honestly I can't face Zelas or Dynast as I am, I need my powers. So putting off using the staff would not be a good idea, besides the fact that Zelas already knows we're going for it, the minute we return she'll want to try it on me immediately… And then test the theory on my free will…."

Varric then turned to him wide eyed. "Hold on a second, you're going to face off against your mistress?"

Xelloss chuckled, turning to him with those human amethyst eyes open. "If she dares to threaten Lina or my child, I can't just stand by idly can I?"

Varric chuckled as he shook his head. "I suppose those rumors about love changing a man are true, because I hardly recognize you as the demon that kept secrets and was as loyal as a puppy to his mistress, who didn't hold regard for any human lives that got in the way of his orders." He then looked serious at the purple haired priest. "You really love her that much don't you? I never thought it was possible for a Mazoku to care about one human so…"

"Well I'm human right now, Varric." Xelloss chuckled, closing his eyes. "But… There has always been something that drew me to Lina Inverse, something even stronger than my Soul Touch with her. I guess humans would call it destiny maybe?"

Before Varric could reply, Bulzome suddenly teleported in front of them. "Master Xelloss, I think perhaps Lady Lina and Miss Hawke will need some assistance if we are to travel any further today."

"Why's that Bulzome?" Xelloss asked, blinking a few times.

"They are having a hard time standing on their feet longer than a few minutes, I think both your bedding activities have rendered them both unable to walk great distances." Bulzome stated bluntly. "And they both refuse to allow me to carry them."

"Too bad, I imagine he could with no problem." Varric laughed. "I guess it's a price to pay for such beauties."

"We better find a carriage then, because I know Lina she'll refuse to be carried." Xelloss chuckled. "Hopefully the girls will recover by the time we get to our destination."

"Perhaps we should stop at the next inn we come across closer to there then, give them a night to rest." Varric suggested.

"Only if you both refrain from mating with them again for that night." Bulzome stated like as if he were merely talking about skipping breakfast. "Or else you'll just worsen the situation, after all it would be best if they can move swiftly on their feet during battle."

"…. You know Xelloss, for a creation from you he can be a real killjoy at times." Varric pointed out. "Not to mention his lack of tack for wording."

"What can I say, he was my first try 500 years ago." Xelloss laughed. "Let's see you try to make a Mazoku for the first time perfectly, I wanted to create one as truthful and obedient as myself… He just ended up being a bit too truthful and so obedient he doesn't tell things unless asked."

"Is something wrong Master Xelloss?" Bulzome tilted his head.

"No Bulzome, just see if you can help Varric locate a wagon around here to carry the girls." Xelloss chuckled, patting the Mazoku's back.

"May I ask something Master Xelloss?" the masked Mazoku asked.

"Very well go ahead." Xelloss shrugged.

"Why would you and Mr. Varric render Lady Lina and Miss Hawke useless knowing we will need their aid in this mission?" Bulzome asked, his questioning was like that of a curious child. "They both claim it was entirely your faults."

Varric nearly burst out laughing as he turned to go look for the wagon they needed. "Please don't tell me you haven't taught this guy the birds and bees Xelloss…"

"It's not something most Mazoku learn, Varric." Xelloss rolled his eyes while rubbing his temple as the dwarf left. "It's rather long and hard to explain Bulzome, you'd understand it best if you had a Soul Touch yourself in a way…"

"But I still don't understand it master, that is why I am asking." Bulzome stated.

"Well that's-" Xelloss suddenly cut himself off, his eyes widened as he looked at his servant. ".. Wait a second Bulzome, are you telling me that you-" he was cut off this time by Lina growling his name from inside the restaurant. He sighed, shaking his head. "We'll talk about this later."

"As you wish master." Bulzome bowed, muttering to himself. "I just wonder why is it I made a connection with her…?"