"Hey look! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish..."

"I think I hit my head too hard..."

"Princess, Princess! Let down your hair!


"You fool! You were supposed to give the Princess the apple! Not the Queen!"

"You must kiss the Princess to wake her..."

-"Nu-uh! Don't you even go there!"

"Well?! What are you waiting for?!

-"Explain to me again why I agreed to kiss a frog?"

"OH NO!"


-"I think I broke the glass slipper..."

"Eh, Ferb...where's Phineas?"

-"Who's Phineas?"

-"You mean you don't remember him?!"

"This story doesn't end, until the lesson is learned..."

"Fairytale?! More like 'twisted story'..."


-"Umm...I'm sorry...Who are you?"

"Where's my fairy godmother?!"

"Ok, which one of you cut the cheese?!"

"I am SO confused!"


-"People do crazy things, when they're in love..."

"PLEASE!...It's all my fault!"

"Well you know what they say, 'be careful what you wish for'..."

Coming Soon...(again)...