AN: HAPPY SUNDAY ALL! Sorry its been so long since i updated but i've been super busy and i just found the It Girl series of books that are almost impossible to put down once you start. But anyway here is the next chapter i hope you Enjoy it and please REVIEW.
We finally made it back half an hour late, oops; we were going to have some explaining to do. We walked hand in hand into the Cullen's living room, when suddenly Alice came running over and pulled me back into the hall way.
"What was that for?" I hissed.
"Bella have you seen your neck." Alice whispered.
"Uh no why?" I asked confused.
"Well come with me." Alice said as she dragged me up the stairs into her room and stood me in front of her long full length mirror. "Look." Alice said as she pointed to a small purplish mark were Edward had been kissing me in the meadow.
"Shit." I said as I slowly ran my fingers over my love bite. "There's no way I can go downstairs like this." I said panicking.
"Don't worry Bella; I can try covering it with some foundation for you." Alice said as she when over to her desk and grabbed a small black compact.
"Thank you so much Alice." I said after she finished applying her ivory foundation to my neck relieved that what was left on my neck looked like a fading bruise.
"No problem, now let's go downstairs and join the family for dinner." Alice said as she led the way down into the dining room.
"Glad you could join us ladies." Esme said –as we took our seats at the table –clearly annoyed we had delayed dinner even more.
"Where did you go?" Edward asked as he took his seat next to me.
"Oh, Alice was helping me cover up the hickey you left on my neck." I whispered in Edward's ear not wanting anyone else to hear me.
"Oops..." Edward said. "Sorry."
"Don't worry about it." I said placing a gentle kiss on Edward's cheek as everyone else started to pile in around the table.
We enjoyed a great meal of burgers –or veggie burgers for me –homemade chips and salad. I was so glade that the Cullen's had accepted me so quickly and even better than that my dad and the Cullen's got along so well since they had known each other for years. After we finished a lovely dinner we all moved into the living room to watch a movie.
"How did the doctor's appointment go?" I asked as I took a seat in-between Alice and Edward on the couch.
"Oh, it went alright, the doctor gave us loads of leaflets and information, and then he took a bunch of tests to check that I'm healthy and stuff like that, oooh and he took an ultrasound…" Alice said as she ran into the kitchen and came back a few minutes later with a small A5 black and white scan and a massive grin on her face. "There it is…" Alice said as she pointed to a small white bean shaped spot on the scan. "That's my baby..." Alice trailed of obviously deep in thought.
All the worries Alice had before this appointment, just disappeared from her face when she looked at the scan of the baby that was now growing inside her. As hard as this was going to be for Alice you could tell that she was super exited to be a mother; just looking at the small print in her hand caused her whole face to light up with joy. I looked around the room at each of the Cullen's to see them all smiling and watching Alice, they were all clearly happy about how maturely Alice was handling this, although behind both Carlisle and Esme's smiles was strain they were both probably so worried to death about their little girl.
"So when are you due?" I asked Alice.
"Oh, February 6th." Alice said as she placed the small copy of her scan on the coffee table.
"So when will you get your test results back Al?" Carlisle asked clearly curious as both a doctor and a father would be.
"Well the hospital said they should be back in a few days and would call if anything was wrong." Alice said to her dad.
"So when is your next appointment Ali?" Emmett asked his sister from across the room.
"July 10th, so in about four weeks…" Alice replied. "Anyway enough about me how about we watch a movie?" Alice asked.
"You guys can start without me; I'm going to go wash the dishes." Esme said as she got up and made her way towards the kitchen.
"I'll help." I said as I hoped up and followed Esme out of the room, but before entering the kitchen I quickly looked back to see Edward smiling and me, obviously happy that I was taking the time to get to know his family.
"Thank you sweetheart." Esme said as she started to wash the dishes from dinner.
We had been washing the dishes in comfortable silence when Esme turned to me and said. "Bella, I would just like to thank you for all the help you've given Alice these past few day."
"No problem, I just love to be able to help." I said as I stacked the dry dishes next to me on the counter.
"I see why Edward likes you so much, you a truly wonderful kind hearted girl, I mean you've only known us a few days and you've already helped Alice so much and I can't thank you enough." Esme said as she pulled me into a hug.
"It's no problem; so how are you taking this whole pregnancy thing?" I asked hoping Esme would feel comfortable enough to talk to me.
"It's hard watching my barley teenage daughter have to throw away her childhood and grow up so fast…" Esme said as she drained the water from the sink and turned to face me. "I mean I wasn't angry when she told me she was pregnant I was just worried. But watching her handle this so well and so maturely has really helped me realise that she can do this." Esme continued.
"I know this must be hard for you watching Alice grow up so fast, but I'm sure even with the baby Alice will be her same bubbly self. I said hoping to relax Esme's fears, I mean no matter what happened Alice would always be Esme's little girl.
"I know it's just hard and I know I have to not let my worry show because Alice needs our support…" Esme trailed off as a single tear rolled down her cheek, which just made my heart ache; poor Esme, everyone had been so concerned about Alice that nobody had thought about how Esme might be taking this.
"Aww Esme…" I said as I pulled her into a hug. "Everything's going to be okay and it's only natural that your worried about Alice, I mean it must be hard watching your little girl face such adult problems and if you ever need to talk I'm here." I said.
"Thank you so much sweetie, you've really helped a lot." Esme said as she pulled me into a hug. "Come on let's go and watch the rest of the movie." Esme continued as we made our way back into the living room.
AN: So what do you think? PLEASE REVIEW AND IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS PLEASE LET ME KNOW BECAUSE I WILL TRY MY BEST TO INCLUDE THEM SOMEWHERE IN MY STORY. Also sorry there hasn't been much Bella and Edward recently but i promise there is some great chapters to come :D