I realize that I'm kinda re-using an idea I used for one of my Kickin' It fanfics but I thought if you're not as much of a fan of Kickin' It as you are of Austin and Ally then I thought I'd share this idea with you guys as well! And for those of you that read both, the stories are still very different! Hope you like it!

Oh and if you're looking for Auslly fluff, there's not that much in the beginning but sit tight! There will be plenty of that later on ;)

Ally just finished wiping the store countertop when she looked up and saw a panicked looking Austin bolting straight at her.

"Ally, I'm not here! Okay?" he whispered loudly.

"Austin! Not over-" Ally tried to stop him but it was too late, the long-legged, blonde made a leap over the countertop leaving scuff marks when his feet scraped over.

Ally glared at him, "Austin, WHAT is going on?" she demanded.

Austin was curled up on the ground behind the counter. He looked up at Ally and pressed his finger against his lips to silence her.

Then Ally noticed a girl with blonde hair braided in two braids, strode into the store with a slightly wild look is her eyes. She smiled broadly at Ally.

"Hey Ally!" she said to her.

"Um…Hi girl I've never met before…" replied Ally very confused.

"Have you seen Austin?" she asked eagerly.

Ally took a quick glance at Austin and he frantically shook his head. Ally hesitated but finally answered slowly, "…noooo…"

"Well do you know where he is? I mean you are his songwriter! and one of his best friends! Do you realize how lucky you are to be one of his best friend! I bet he tells you everything! Gosh what I would give just for Austin to say hi to me! That blonde hair! That smile! That perfect voice!" the girl rambled on and on about Austin to Ally.

Ally got very uncomfortable. Suddenly a voice came to her rescue.

"OH EM GEEEEEE! Austin Moon can I have your autograph?" the voice sounded suspiciously like Trish's.

The girl's head quickly swivelled around and with a blink of an eye, she was gone.

Ally let out a deep sigh as Austin let out a deep breath as well.

"That was too close," he said as he got up from his hiding spot.

"Uh, yeah," agreed Ally, "But who exactly was that, Austin?"

At that moment Trish strode into the store proudly, "No need to thank me, but I totally sent Mimi on a wild goose chase for you, Austin. Who's the best manager in the world?" She raised her hand for a high five which Austin automatically gave her.

"You are!" he said proudly.

"Hey I helped to!" Ally piped up.

"Yeahhh…." said Austin, "You're a terrible lier. Thanks for trying though!" He gave her a sincere grin but Ally just pouted.

"So who's this Mimi girl?" asked Ally.

"Actually I'm surprised you haven't come across her yet. She's basically Austin's biggest fan and has cornered all of us, Austin, Dez and me," explained Trish, "you would have thought that she would have easily found you at Sonic Boom. I would think she would know you work here because she basically knows everything about Austin and everyone who is associated with him."

"Yeah, it's really scary," said Austin, "look at this video she posted online!" Austin pulled out his phone and did a search of the video. Within seconds he found it and started playing it.

In a nutshell, it was Mimi sitting in front of a webcam telling her audience everything there was to know about Austin Moon and his 'team' as she shrieked and giggled and expressed her infinite love for him.

Thirty seconds into the video, Ally went, "Ugh stop it! stop it now!" There was still another 16 minutes and 28 seconds left.

"Creepy, right?" asked Austin.

Ally nodded. "How long as she been….following you?" asked Ally.

"I met her a couple of weeks ago. I was leaving the house for school and she was sitting on the curb at the end of my driveway. She looked innocent enough so I said, 'Hi, are you waiting for someone?" she looked up at me with this really big smile and big eyes. "Just you," she answered. She stuck her hand out in front of me and said, 'HI, I'm Mimi Hobbins! And I have been dying to meet you for a realllllyy long time! I was so excited when I found your address. I just HAD to meet you as soon as possible! I love your music! I love your voice! I love YOU!' It was really overwhelming and uncomfortable. I just said, 'Uh I gotta get to school. BYE!" and ran to school as fast as I could. And I NEVER rush to school. even when I'm late! But that girl freaked me out so much I had to find some sort of safe haven!"

Ally stared wide-eyed at Austin's story.

"Hey you think that was bad! Listen to what happened when I met her," Trish started telling her story, "I was working at Mr. Cuckoo's Clock Shop at the time. Thank goodness I left that job, there was ticking in my ears for days and I was only there for an hour before I took my 5 hour break. Anyways that's besides the point. During the hour that I was there I was sitting there, bored behind the counter when this girls with blonde, braided hair comes skipping into the store. "Can I help you?" I asked grudgingly. 'YES,' she answered excited. Way too excited for someone who was buying a clock if you ask me, so of course she wasn't coming into the store to ask about clocks. Instead she asked, 'Do you know where, Austin Moon, is? I mean, you are his manager, right? you should know these things right?' I just stared at her totally weirded out. She went on, "I wanted to give him THIS!' she pulled a scrapbook out of her bag and started to flip through it to show me. It was an album full of collages of her and Austin's face. There was one of them at prom, them on their wedding day, them with their first child, them with there SIX children. I know you can find some pictures of Austin on the internet but some of these pictures I never recognized so I asked, 'how did you get all these pictures of Austin?" She pulled out her phone and gave me a mischievous grin, 'the zoom on my camera phone is magnificent," she replied. I was truly terrified of this girl by that point, so to get rid of her I said, 'How 'bout I give this to Austin for you?' 'OK' she replied excitedly, 'let him know it was from Mimi Hobbins!' Trying really hard to put on a smile, I said, "Okay, I will." Then she skipped out of the store and I chucked the freaky book in the trash!"

"You didn't tell me about the six kids!" said Austin.

"Trust me, there are more worse things in that book that I could tell you about that you would preferably not hear," said Trish.

"Were either of you guys there when Dez met her?" asked Ally.

"Actually, yeah. It wasn't quite as weird as Trish's story but it was still really weird," Austin began to tell Dez's story, "Dez was getting some shots of me playing music at the beach when suddenly she comes out of nowhere and starts telling Dez how to film. She made suggestions like, 'Shouldn't he have his shirt off? I mean he IS at the beach? Oh and be sure to get a good shot of his beautiful eyes! Make him splash in the water, Dez!' You know how Dez doesn't like to be told how to film so he said to her angrily, 'EXCUSE ME! but you are NOT Austin Moon's Music Video Director! I AM! So I will shoot this video how I want to!' An angry Dez is pretty scary but Mimi didn't even seem phased by him. Instead she grinned at him, 'As Austin Moon's biggest fan I feel it is my duty to make suggestions for his music videos! Mimi Hobbins at your service! It's soooo great to finally meet Austin's best friend and music video director!' She shook his hand roughly. 'Here's a gingerbread man for you!' And she just pranced away after that. Dez turned to me and said, ' Heh heh, it kinda looks like you! This'll be great for the collection. I like her.' but once I told him about all the creepy things she's been up to he sided with me."

"Phewf," said Ally, "well that's good, can you imagine Dez being friends with her, and her hanging out with us?"

The three of them shuddered.

"I can't go anywhere without being paranoid that she's creeping close by!" said Austin.

"Austin, you have to do something about this girl!" said Ally.

"But hey, that's the price of fame," said Trish, "If it's not Mimi, I'm sure there are more or will be more later on."