Hello, everybody. I'm TheSmallestOne and I'm here with Glinda from Broadway's hit musical Wicked.
Q: so how are you today?
A: I couldn't be happier! I bought a new pink wonderfuller dress!
Q: What school to you go to?
A: Shiz University
Q: what grades do you get?
A: on my last test, I got a Fantastic!
Q: as in, an F?
A: yeah!
Q: okay, then. What do you eat for lunch?
A: lobster, a cheese danish, a little roast beef and a pink fizzy's all delivered to my private suite.
Q: tell us about your roomate.
A: this is MY interview!
Q: any friends?
A: everybody!
Q: what are your parents like?
A: you know, it's the strangest thing! They get mad over my Delightfuls and Fantastics!
Q: what do you do in your free time?
A: shopping, shopping, shopping!
Q: favorite authors other than me on this site?
A: Everybody! Because they all love me!
Q: do you play any sports?
A: shopping.
Q: favorite TV channels?
A: Emerald City News.
Q: Do you have a really big house?
A: not to brag…but…yes.
Q: why are you so rich?
A: daddy's a banker in the Emerald City!
Q: why are you so popular?
A: I don't know. I guess because I'm rich!
Q: last question: why do you ride in a bubble?
A: thank goodness! All of these questions are very confusifying…I don't know. That's all my wand does.
Q: thank you very much
A: I couldn't be happier!