"Wonderful!" My mom told me with a glow in her eyes. I smiled faintly to appease her while she took a picture . I was currently sitting on the front steps of Rosewood High School posing for a first day of school photo, odd for a 10th grader, I know.

Quickly I stood up and walked over to her, grabbing the camera from her hands and looking at the picture she had taken. The picture was okay, nothing model worthy, but it was one of the best first day pictures she'd managed to capture.

Every single year she makes me stand outside of the school and take a picture. Usually it's the same pose, unless the schools set up a bit differently; which Rosewood High School is.

At my old school I'd sit on the bench and she could snap the picture from there. But this school was different. Not that it bothered me. I just wasn't completely warmed up to the idea of living somewhere knew. I had been perfectly happy back in Philadelphia.

I grew up there, in Philadelphia. My mom moved there when she was 7 months pregnant with me. It was her escape at the time. And growing up it was the only place I ever knew. The city was always so intriguing for me. But now as I'm older I'm starting to understand that it was my mom's way of hiding.

No one from Rosewood could see her raise her daughter. For some reason I was considered a mistake. At least that was the impression I got when I was 3 years old and visiting Rosewood with my mom. Everyone gave us weird looks. No one wanted to talk to us; even my grandparents had done their best to avoid us when we were in public. Since then we've only come to visit once, and it was to meet my Uncle Mike's fiancée. That trip was quite interesting... I don't exactly remember what happened but we did leave 4 days early, and it was in a rush too. I barely had time to pack before I was being thrown into the car.

"Let's go inside." I said. Throwing my arm down to my side, and gripping my bag with my other I took a few steps up the stairs. I could feel people staring at me, and it was making me a bit nervous. But I wasn't one to let anyone make me feel uncomfortable.

I lifted my chin up and straightened my back. You could hear the dull noise of my heels hitting the dense floor as I walked down the entrance. Smiling at a few boys in the corner, purposefully winking, I made my way through the doors, waiting for my mom to walk through before letting them shut. Confusion was written all over hrt face as she watched me enter.

"What in the world was that, Jade?" She wondered. Her brown eyes where big confusion. She didn't see me as I saw myself, confident and mature. Most of the time I spent with her consisted of eating take out from the container, and watching classic movies while she cried over the fact that they fell in love. Also it might be due to the fact that I was her daughter and it wasn't something she watched for. But while the boys where watching, she sure was too.

It happened every time –the crying I mean- and I didn't mind. It was hard for her leave my father, and she isn't over it yet. She still cries most nights, and I can tell that it's hard for her. I try not to make it any harder. But when she is at her worst she looks at me and starts to cry. She claims I look like my dad, I don't see it. Everyone tells me I look just like my mom, which I do. Sometimes I'm positive that there's a resemblance between my father and I, being that he is my father. Genetics play a huge part in your appearance.

The hallway was filled with teenagers and they talked. Most of them were tanned from summer vacation. I, on the other hand was as pale as ever. Sun and I weren't good friends. I tend to burn easily, which is the main reason why I'd rather hide away than go outside.

All of the students looked so happy. Everyone had a friend they were talking to whether or not it was something of importance or intellect they all seemed to enjoy each other's company. Sadly I've never really been a friend person... The closest thing to a friend that I have is my mom.

Don't get me wrong, she's amazing. I love her to pieces! But sometimes I wish I had friends to go to the movies with. Not that I don't love my mom completely, I do. Though it'd be nice to have friends; maybe one of these Rosewood students will want to talk to me. I'm not that unlikable. I can be quite nice sometimes.
Pushing through the crowd we finally reached the administration office. "Here?" I asked my mom quietly as I walked into the small room. All four walls were extremely close together for my liking, school excellence trophies were piled on shelves that were hung high on walls. Close to the wall was a large desk, which took up about 80% of the room. Two chairs were places in the opposite corner, and there was no one sitting at the desk when we entered.

"Yeah, this should be the administration office." She shrugged. Sitting down in the chair closest to the wall. "This is so different from when I went here..." Her voice trailed off. Her eyes glittered with remembrance, probably reliving memories of when she went here.

It wasn't exactly my fault she left... In a way you could say it was my fault, but I taken no part in the creation of I, the said problem. She left because she had gotten pregnant, but she still had graduated high school and went on to college.

She completed all of her education online. Online classes worked well to her benefit. I remember when I was young and she would be up until three or four in the morning working on class work, and then she would drop me off at pre-school at seven so she could make it to work. She did a lot for me, and I'll be grateful to her forever.

We never had any financial troubles. Her book was published when I was 7, and soon after it became a best seller. Because of her prompt success at writing we never had any problems. Since the first books she's gone on to publish 5 more books, all of them securing their own spot on the best sellers list.
I heard the door open and I turned around, smiling at a middle aged woman whose whole head of hair had already turned grey. She had a nice welcoming smiled as she walked past me and took a seat at the desk. I moved my way to the other chair, sitting down and crossing my ankles. "What can I do for you?" She asked with an obviously forced smile.

"I'm here to pick up my schedule." I replied quickly. "Late registration." My mom added. The woman nodded knowingly and started typing at her computer.
"Name?" She asked me. Her hands still typed furiously at the keyboard. "Jade Fitz," I responded; my hands in my lap as I played with the many rings that adorned my fingers. Although I'd hate to admit it I was a little bit nervous. Starting a new school was always a bit intimidating.

I don't exactly understand why my mom gave me my father's last name. It was weird not having the same last name as her. But it's what she wanted. Montgomery would have worked just as well for me. But no, of course not. 'Let's complicate Jade's life' they said. 'Let's give her a different last name' they decided. Okay, so maybe it wasn't an evil plan, but it was odd all in same.

The woman, whose desk sign had read Helen, stood up, grabbing a folder off the desk and walking out the door without even acknowledging us.
"Do we just wait here?" I asked my mom. She smiled at me, "I guess, I mean she didn't give us any other instructions." "Okay, that makes sense." In the background you could hear the loud noises of the large printer printing out my schedule for the year.

Moving to Rosewood had been a tough choice, but my mom thought she was ready to come back. It was okay with me. But I still missed Philadelphia; everything there was much louder than in Rosewood. Small town charm has its quirks and perks, but I missed the rush of the city.
I'd hope with time I'd get used to the small town life. We did have a nicer house here; all of the homes where so nice and charming. Charming and home-like weren't something that we had much of in Philadelphia.

Slamming the door shut, Helen walked in handing me my schedule. "Here you go, dear. Oh! There's no homeroom today, classes run a little long during orientation, so we eliminated homeroom today, okay?" She asked me, tilting her head slightly, letting me know I was welcome to ask questing. "I've got it." I nodded at her. "Thanks." I stuck the schedule in my bag before slipping out of the room and into the hallway.

My mom followed not long after me. "I'll be fine mom!" I told her sweetly as I have her a hug and she grabbed my shoulders looking at me in the eye. "Are you sure? I can totally walk you to-" "No, that's not necessary," I interrupted her. I gave her a light kiss and one last hug before heading down the hallway and towards first rotation English class.

As I walked through the door of the classroom I bumped straight into someone. "Excuse you!" I yelled while lifting my head up to get a look at the face of the person in question.

A/N || So yeah, I edited this chapter. I really and one of those people that needs to improve, and I wanted to improve this story. I hope you enjoyed it!