Hello and welcome to my new story. I am going to be writing this one and my other story at the same time because I have way to much free time on my hands and I have been dieing to do this story.

It was just another cloudy day at Hogwarts. Everyone in the Gryffindor common room was getting dressed. When the Golden Trio got dressed they started heading their way towards the Great Hall for breakfast.

"I am failing muggle studies. I can't believe Dumbledore made it mandatory," said Ron

"It is very important," said Hermione

"Yes but why should people who were raised by muggles take it," said Harry

When they got to the Great Hall Professor Dumbledore had a grave look on his face.

"Students if I could have your attention please. The Ministry has informed me that anyone who is failing Muggle Studies must go to a muggle house to learn how to live like a muggle," said Albus

There was a cry of shock all around the hall.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO," said Draco, "I will not have this. It is a outrage "

Professor Dumbledore ignored the cry of shock and continued speaking.

"I have the perfect place for all of you to go. You will all be going to Mr. Potters house.

Harry gasped. He then attempted to speak but he was in too much shock. How could Professor Dumbledore do this. The Dursleys will never agree and even if they do they will they will be grumpy about it.

"Mr. Potter if you will please come up hear and tell everyone a bit about your family that would be great," said Albus

Harry hesitated. What was he going to say about them. That they are fat and ugly and they hate Hermione kicked him from under the table. He got up and started making his way to the teacher's table.

"Great now Harry why don't you tell us how they look like," said Albus

"Um OK,My Uncle Vernon is kind of tall but he has no neck and he is kind of well wide.," said Harry

The hall burst out laughing.

"Settle down settle down. It is rude to laugh at him," said Albus who was hiding a giggle.

"My cousin Dudley looks just like his dad. My Aunt Petunia is tall and has a really long neck and is really thin," snorted Harry

The hall laughed at Dudley's name and muttered,"opposites attract."

"Ok Harry you can sit back down. Here is a list of people who are going to the Dursleys," said Albus










"Oh and Harry, Hermione I know you are not failing but I would like you to go with them to the Dursley's so you can show them around in the muggle world," said Albus

Harry gasped in horror. No summer just ended and now I have to go back.

"You will all be going there in one weeks time so you should start packing," said Albus,"Oh, and one more thing while you are there you will not be allowed to use magic."