A/N: Hi everybody! So, this is the second OC series I've written out (check out my first, the Acadmic Series, if you haven't!) and will involve a new OC/Time Lady. At first, most of this story will follow my OC's POV, but since she can read the Doctor's mind we'll still have an idea of what is going on with him. As the story goes on, I might add more scenes that involve the Doctor's POV or even scenes where he or the OC are mentioned, we'll see.

This first chapter is an original chapter, most will follow the episodes, plugging this OC into the story, changing small details. Here we learn a bit more about the OC, just some background that will set the stage for what her character is like and her relationship/connection to the Doctor. This story will be updated every day, each episode will be broken up into two chapters except the Sarah Jane Adventures (of which I will be doing The Wedding of Sarah Jane Smith and Death of the Doctor) and any original chapters I might add.

I really can't think of much more to say but that I hope you enjoy!

~8~ is a scene break.

Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who...or I'd be living in Ireland right now and writing nonstop.


Lost and Found

The members of Torchwood stood around a small table where Ianto was sitting, a red cone hat on his head courtesy of Jack, as they sang 'Happy Birthday' to their beloved Welsh colleague and friend. Ianto, for all his efforts, couldn't keep the faint grin off his face as they did so. He suspected he should have been embarrassed a bit at the show going on, but he'd never really been much for birthday celebrations in the past and decided to take the time to enjoy it from his friends.

He glanced up at the small gathering when something caught his attention out of the corner of his eye. He looked over to see a flash of white moving. Before he could even blink it was gone. He frowned as he noticed the singing growing fainter as the image grew stronger. He eyed his friends but none of them seemed to have the slightest clue that there was something wrong. They all just laughed and smiled and stared at him expectantly. He tried to look at his cake but the flicker of white caught his eye again. He looked up to see something trying to push its way through his oblivious friends.

'Help!' it whispered quietly to him, reaching out a hand, a look of complete helplessness on their face.

It was a girl, he could tell as the image grew clearer. She was wearing a white hospital gown and nothing else. She had very dark brown hair, though he couldn't tell if it was natural or from how utterly dirty it looked. It was all sorts of unkempt and tangled. She was pale, no freckles that he could see, but with pale green eyes with a dark green rim around them. Her eyes were what captivated him, they were wild and frightened, begging him to do something, to help her.

But he couldn't move, only stare, as she finally managed to push her way past his friends who were now staring at him in concern.

'Please!' she begged, 'Help me!'

She tripped and fell against the small table that held his cake and he jumped up, shocking himself out of whatever that was.

"Ianto!" Jack half shouted as he reached out and put a hand on his shoulder, "You alright?"

Ianto looked at him for a moment before glancing at the table and then his friends.

The girl was gone.

"I'm fine," he answered, sitting back down, "Just…thought I saw something for a moment…" he shook his head, trying to smile and reassure his friends, but didn't quite manage it. Instead he looked at the single candle flickering on his cake before shutting his eyes and making a wish.

I wish I knew what that was…


Had the birthday cake incident been the only time he saw the girl, Ianto would have been a very happy man. Unfortunately that was not the case. Ever since that day, his sleep had been plagued with nightmares of the girl, stuck in a small dark room, calling for his help. He'd jumped awake plenty of times since then.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" he asked Jack as they sat by Jack's desk, sipping coffee and tea.

"No," was Jack's simple reply.

Ianto glanced at him, "Feels like I am."

"With all the things we've seen, maybe it really is someone calling out for help."

"But why me?" he sounded weary, defeated, the sleepless nights were really starting to take their toll on him.

"I don't know," Jack shook his head, "There could be a whole…"

'Please…' a voice whispered.

Ianto jerked up as he turned to look at the corner of the room, only to see the girl sitting there, braced against the wall.

"What is it?" Jack asked, noticing Ianto's focus on the corner, "Is it her?"

He nodded before getting up and cautiously making his way to the girl. He knelt down, Jack standing behind him, and reached out.

His hand went right through her.

"Who are you?"

She stared at him, tears welling in her eyes and just shook her head. She couldn't say.

"What do you want?" he tried instead.

'Help me,' she begged.


Her head jerked to the side as though she'd heard something, but there was silence, 'They're coming,' she whispered, 'Please, get me out!'

"Where are you?"

She twisted her body a bit so he could see her shoulder. It was then that he realized she was wearing a straight jacket. He could see an emblem sewn into the back of the jacket just before she was pulled back through the wall and disappeared.

He quickly stood and rushed out of the office and down the stairs. "Tosh!" he called to the girl sitting at the computer, "I need you to find someone for me."

"Sure," she replied, looking a little concerned for him, she eyed Jack who just shrugged, "You got a name?"

He shook his head, "No, but I've got a place. The Mason Institute."

"O…K…" Tosh began typing into the computer, searching their database for anything they might have on it, "A mental institute? What do you need that for?"

"I need you to find a patient," he explained, "A girl, probably early to mid 30s…brunette…that's really it."

"Wow Ianto, way to give me something to work with," Tosh rolled her eyes but went to work nevertheless. She managed to hack into their records and quickly went through the files she could find on the women of the institute.

Ianto's eyes scanned the files as fast as he could until finally, "Stop!" he shouted, "That's her!"

Jack leaned in to see what the file read but didn't have to look much as Tosh turned a skeptic eye to Ianto, "According to her file, she suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder, hallucinations, and the occasional catatonia. What about her?"

"We need to get her," Ianto said, ignoring her to turn to Jack, "Please, she needs our help."

"The Mason Institute, huh?" Jack asked, squinting as he looked at its location, about two miles outside of Leeds, they could make it there and back in a day, "Well, what are we waiting for?"


If they hadn't of known it was a mental institute from their files, they would have as soon as they stepped through the front doors. It was a fairly orderly and sterile place, the only indication that it was that sort of institute were the various patients wandering around the halls with nurses beside them. Jack shook his head as he and Ianto made their way towards the front desk.

"Hello miss," Jack said, leaning against the table, grinning at the young woman who couldn't help but swoon under his gaze.

"H-how may I help you?" she stuttered, blushing.

"We'd like to visit a patient," Ianto answered.

Jack nodded, "We were given a file on one Mary Doe," he held up a fake ID Torchwood had provided, "And we've come to look into her case."

The woman nodded, typing something into the computer before looking back up at them with two passes in her hand. "She should be in Room 312, let me just call a doctor to escort you there…"

Jack nodded, pinning the pass on Ianto's jacket as they waited. He was about to say that they didn't need an escort but then figured they'd be able to get some more information out of him than if they just had the patient. And if her record was anything like her, it would be pretty hard getting a coherent thought from her.

"Are you the ones here for Mary?" a voice asked behind them. They turned to see an older man in a white lab coat standing there with a clipboard.

"Yup, that'd be us," Jack replied, nodding at the doctor as he flashed the ID card.

The doctor nodded, "Right this way."

They followed him around the corner and down a hall, towards a stairwell.

"So doc," Jack began, "This Mary Doe, that her real name?"

"Unfortunately no," the doctor answered, "She was admitted to the institute some time ago and no one knew who she was. We waited for a police report to identify her but none came. As we already had a Jane Doe, we gave her another name."

"Her file mentioned something about multiple personalities," Ianto added, "Could you tell us more about that?"

The doctor held a door open for them to enter the third floor before taking the lead again, "She is an enigma," he sighed, "Usually, in cases dealing with MPD, the patient takes on a few personalities which they may slip into from time to time, unaware that it's happening. While Mary does have one or two permanent personalities, she has a plethora of others as well. Most of which we rarely ever see again after she's gone through it."

"Interesting," Jack mumbled as they came to a stop before a door, a particularly heavy metal one, similar to the others that lined that floor, drastically different from the wooden ones of the first floor.

"I should warn you," he began, going though his keys, "She's had a bad morning, we had to sedate her earlier and she's probably just come out of it. She won't be very coherent."

"Understood," Jack said solemnly as the doctor opened the door.

"Last time we met you were breeding humans for experimentation. I've sought forgiveness…" the girl mumbled, her voice altering slightly from a masculine sounding one to a weary woman's as she rocked back and forth, sitting curled up, her eyes, unseeing, were trained on the floor to her left.

She barely acknowledged their presence.

"Mary," the doctor said softly, stepping into the room, "There are some men here to see you."

"Always here, always crowding," she muttered, scrunching here eyes shut for a moment, "Always were here but never here. Gone. All gone. But different."

"Mary?" he tried again.

Jack held up a hand, stopping the doctor who was about to take a step towards her. Instead, he knelt down before her himself. Her eyes were twitching back and forth in rapid succession as though she were in the middle of REM sleep or reading something at an incredible pace.

"Mary?" Jack asked.

Her head shot up to look at him, "Anomaly," she whispered, "Too old, too young, but never old. Never young."

Jack blinked, a bit startled at her words.

Mary just looked away again, "They died Doctor, the city died. How long's it been like this?" she asked before answering herself, "24 years. All of them, everyone. What happened? A new chemical, a new mood, they called it Bliss. Everyone tried it. They couldn't stop. A virus mutated inside the compound and became airborne. Everything perished even the virus in the end. It killed the world in 7 minutes flat. There was just enough time to close down the walk ways and the flyovers sealing off the under-city. Those people on the motorway aren't lost Doctor they were saved. So the whole thing down there is running on automatic…"

"Please ignore her," the doctor spoke after minutes of the girl speaking to herself, "She does this quite often, one of her many personalities."

"It said she suffered hallucinations as well," Ianto brought up, his eyes fixed on the girl, now squirming in her straight jacket as she continued to speak under her breath.

"Yes, she has had quite a few episodes of that," he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, "There are times where she becomes severely agitated and distressed. She begins shouting and trying to attack something that isn't there. Following that are her periods of catatonia, she's completely unresponsive to external stimuli."

"…the two of you stayed here on your own for all these years. We had no choice. Yes you did. Save them Doctor, save them!"

"You said you medicated her?" Jack asked, glancing up at the doctor as Ianto moved to kneel beside him.

"Yes, for some reason the mediation wears off in half the time than an average dose so we have to give her twice the amount just to reach that same time and effect."

"Don't you go dying on me you big old face. You've got to see this, the open road…"

"Big old face?" Jack looked questioningly at the doctor.

"We don't know," he shrugged, "She speaks of many things we are unfamiliar with. There are only a few times we understand her and even then it's a bit of a stretch."

"Such as?"

"At certain times, she's believed she was Madame de Pompadour, Queen Victoria, and most recently William Shakespeare. And those were some of the few we recognized."

"Mary?" Ianto tried, "Can you hear me?"

She looked up at him, 'Please help me!'

Ianto blinked, realizing that she hadn't spoken aloud. Her mouth hadn't moved yet he still heard her as though she were whispering in his ear.

"Doctor," Jack stood, "Would it be possible for us to transfer her to our institute? She's a very interesting case and our team would love the chance to crack the puzzle."

"Oh, well, I…" the doctor was speechless. Mary Doe had been a patient at the institute a little more than a year now. He felt almost insulted that these new doctors wished to try their hand with her, though he could not argue that they had failed to help her in the past. She had changed hands to many doctors in only a few months before she'd been left under his care, with no improvement. Perhaps the new team would be better suited. These youngsters probably had all sorts of new information and technology they could work with.

"I'll have my secretary draw up the paper work," he nodded, motioning for them to leave the room.

Jack stepped out first, while Ianto lingered just a bit, "I'm going to help you," he promised quietly. He could have sworn he heard a 'thank you' just as he closed the door, however that would be impossible as the girl was still mumbling to herself.

"You don't talk, you never say, why not? It's the city. They're singing. I lied to you 'cos I like to. I could pretend, just for a bit that they were still alive. Beneath the burnt orange sky…"


Owing to Mary Doe's lack of history, it was fairly easy to get the go-ahead to take her with them when they left the institute. The doctors had had to sedate her once again despite Ianto's protests, but it was hospital policy when transporting patients as temperamental as she was.

To say the crew was shocked when Jack and Ianto arrived back at Torchwood carrying a slim girl was an understatement.

They ignored the questions thrown at them as they quickly headed towards the medical examination area. It was a nice change, though, to have a live body on the examination table than a corpse.

"No more drugs," Ianto muttered as Owen went to work, examining her.

He took a blood sample first since there were no outward signs of abuse or illness and began to look into her records. He ignored the fact that Ianto was standing by the girl's side, holding her hand in his, while Jack explained to Tosh and Gwen what was going on.

Owen couldn't help but let out a low whistle as the results of the blood came up. He glanced at the girl, "What did they do to you?"

"What's up?" Jack asked, walking down into the room to lean against the wall.

"They've crammed her with drugs that's what," he explained as his eyes racked over the sheer number of different drugs he'd found in her sample, "I mean literally must have just given her every drug they've had for ages," he looked up to see Ianto staring at him, a hint of concern in his eyes, "It's going to take a while for her system to work through it."

"The doctors said that her body tends to process it twice as fast as normal," Jack added.

"If that's true, then that'll be sooner than later. But that's not what I'm worried about."

"What is it?" Gwen asked.

"It's just…" he sighed, "If they've been giving her these drugs for prolonged periods of time, her body may go through withdrawals."

"She's addicted to the meds?" Tosh asked.

"Not her exactly. Her body is just so used to having them in her, the detox is going to be hell."

No one said a word, just looked over at the girl lying unconscious on the table.


The detox really was hell. At least the first day or so was. Owen was shocked by how quickly her body was burning through the meds. It had been terrible throughout the day, the girl kept shaking and even vomiting a bit, but Owen assured them it was normal. Ianto stayed by her side, sitting on a stool, holding her hand and whispering calming words to her. By the end of the day her tremors had lessened and the fever that appeared had gone down just a bit. She was still shaking and sweating, but she looked much better than she had earlier.

"She ok?" Jack asked quietly as he entered the medical room.

Ianto looked up, offering a tired smile, "Better."

Jack smiled as well, "Good."

They were silent for a moment as Jack looked at the girl now sleeping on the table. She was shifting as she slept, muttering half conversations to herself like she had been most of the day. Soon enough his gaze landed on Ianto who was still looking at him.

"You do know Jack," Ianto began, "That I'm not…I mean…she's…"

Jack grinned, "I know, how could you find anyone even remotely attractive now that you've met me?"

Ianto laughed before turning his attention to the girl, "I don't know what it is," he admitted, "I just…I feel like I'm supposed to protect her. I feel like she's my little sister who needs protecting..."

Jack nodded, it was exactly how he'd felt when he met Rose and the Doctor. Rose seemed far too innocent and young and he just wanted to do what he could to protect her when the Doctor couldn't. Ianto smiled gratefully at him for understanding.

"Let me know how she does," Jack whispered before sliding out of the room.

The next day the tremors were still there, but to a far less degree than the day before. Around noon her fever had broken and by night she had managed to regain consciousness if only for a moment or two. In that time she uttered her first coherent thoughts, "Thank you Ianto," before she fell asleep again.

Owen was shocked, to say the least, when the third day rolled around to reveal the girl, sitting up in bed, watching over the sleeping Ianto. She motioned for him to keep quiet, allowing the Welshman to continue with his sleep which he was sorely lacking, mostly because of her.

"How are you?" Owen whispered as he went to take her pulse. Still a bit fast, but given the fact that it should have taken her nearly a week to recover, he was going to overlook that.

"Better than I can remember being," she replied honestly, "Thank you, for taking care of me."

Owen smiled, noticing Ianto starting to wake, "My pleasure."

"You're awake!" Ianto exclaimed as he sat up from shock.

"Yes," she nodded, reaching out a hand to take his, "Thank you so much Ianto, for hearing me, for helping me."

"How did you do that by the way?" a voice asked from the doorway. She glanced over to see Captain Jack standing there, smiling at them.

She smiled softly, 'Haven't you already guessed?'

He blinked much like Ianto did as he realized she hadn't spoken out loud either.

"How?" he asked, eyeing her as Owen went to get his stethoscope to complete his examination.

"You're telepathic?" Ianto ventured, all of them having already guessed she was something of a humanoid alien. No one human would have been able to project herself to him like she had, they just didn't know which kind she was.

"A bit," she replied, sensing that from them as well, "I'm much better at reading minds than projecting. With time and practice all my people could do the same."

She winced a bit as the cold metal of the stethoscope brushed against her chest but couldn't help but smile when she saw the startled look on Owen's face. He quickly moved to the other side of her chest before taking a step back.

"What's wrong?" Ianto asked, noticing his look as Jack stepped closer.

"She…that's..." Owen commented to himself, staring at her.

"What?" Jack shook his head, not following.

"She's got two hearts."

Jack's eyes widened impossibly at the implication of what Owen had just said. Her telepathy was far too developed to be that of a human, which they all knew meant she was an alien. The two hearts though…he could only think of one human-looking alien species with two hearts. He looked at the girl just in time to see her look away from him sadly.

"I could be mistaken," Owen remarked, tapping the stethoscope, "The scope could be all wonky…"

"Get a scan to confirm," Jack ordered, now very serious.

Owen nodded and wheeled over the scanner. Ianto stepped back to Jack's side as Owen set up and quickly got a reading of the woman's chest.

A minute later he had the results up on a screen, clear as day, there were two hearts.

"What's that mean?" Ianto asked, concerned from Jack's reaction.

"It means she's a Time Lord," Jack answered, staring at the scans of the hearts.

"Time Lady," she called. They all jumped, completely forgetting she was right behind them, "Is the correct term," they spun around to face her, still sitting on the table, a sad smile on her face, "The last one, actually."

"No you're not," Jack replied, shocking his companions, "There's an…"

"Another Time Lord, yes," she nodded, "But there is no other Time Lady."

"You know the Doctor?" he asked, stepping towards her.

"Yes…and no…" she frowned, "It's a bit complicated."

Jack reached out and pulled up the stool, sitting down facing her, "I've got all the time in the world."

"I know," she smiled a bit, an understanding passing between them. She took a breath, "Thet…the Doctor and I, we're Linked."

"Linked?" Ianto asked, leaning against the wall.

"It's…" she trailed, trying to think of how to explain it when clearly only one of the three men might have a clue as to what she was talking about, "We're connected, mentally. It's why I was so jumbled in the institute."

"Why would that make you jumbled?" Owen inquired.

"The drugs they gave me, did any of them contain aspirin?"

Owen paused a moment, going through the list of medication he'd found in her blood, "A bit, yeah, why?"

"Aspirin is lethal to Time Lords," Jack answered, "And Ladies," he added, seeing her look.

"They were poisoning you?" Ianto gasped, shocked at how the doctors could basically have almost killed her.

"They didn't know," she defended, "They have no idea I'm really an alien…"

"You've got two hearts," Owen cut in.

She shrugged, "They thought it was a birth defect," she sighed, thinking of how some humans could ignore things even when they were right in front of their faces, "When they started giving me medication, the aspirin started to poison me. It made me more susceptible to the drugs and it made my physiology go out of whack, my mental shields and control began to slip. It made it hard to block the Doctor out."

"So…all that time you were mumbling and slipping into other personalities," Jack began, slowly coming to a conclusion, "It was really the Doctor you were hearing?"

She nodded, "I couldn't block it out and the only way to relieve my mental stress at feeling and hearing everything he was, was to get it out somehow, by speaking it."

"If you can hear the Doctor, why can't he hear you?"

"It's the Link I share with him."

"Yes, but why are only you affected?"

"It's complicated," she bit her lip, trying to work up the nerve to relieve the past, "On Gallifrey…"

"Where?" Owen scrunched his face in confusion.

"My home planet. On Gallifrey we have a phenomenon call Linking, it's..." she sighed, rubbing her head, it was so hard to explain.

"Take a breath," Jack told her, "Start from the beginning."

She nodded, "The Doctor...was married on Gallifrey to one of his childhood friends because he hadn't found his Link yet…"

"Links?" Ianto cut in this time.

"It's a person who is connected to you, on every level. When a Time Lord and Lady who are each other's Link meet, they become instantly connected, Linked."

"Like imprinting?" Owen asked, trying to follow along.

"Not really. While it is an instant connection, it is not an instant love. In fact, until a Linking occurs, there's no way to tell in which direction the connection will go. Some become friends, some rivals, some like siblings, and some fall in love. It depends on the person...it depends on what you think of them after..." she swallowed hard, recalling what Linking felt like, what was discovered during it, "After the Linking occurs."

Jack started to smirk a bit, already able to tell from how she spoke of the process and the Doctor that she loved the man.

"It doesn't always happen though and some aren't as hopeful that they would meet their Link and so they become involved with another, which is what the Doctor did. He hadn't met his Link…"

"You," Jack corrected.

She smiled softly, nodding, "Me. He hadn't met me before the war started and he doubted he ever would. He and a friend both felt that way and decided to become involved. She soon became with child, but..." she hesitated, not wanting to give too much of the Doctor's private past away, but these men had saved her, they wanted to know her story, and a large part of it involved the Doctor and how she came to Link to him in the first place, "Both died during the birth."

She remembered that day. She had been in her home with her mother when there was a fierce knock on the door. Her father, sensing the Doctor in a panic, ordered her and her mother to leave the room. Just as she was climbing the stairs, her father had opened the door. In that single moment that she caught a glimpse of the Doctor, she knew in her heart that she had found her Link, the connection was instantaneous, flooding her mind with his memories, her heart with his pain. Linking opened you up to another person, let you see into their mind, their soul bear to you. Everything they were, everything they are, all their memories, desires, hopes and fears were exposed only to their Link. The connection blazed so strongly that it took time to process such a connection forming, to know someone so deeply and be known in return...but once things had settled, depending on the person, feelings would soon develop.

And he was the Doctor...how could she not love him in the end?

But that end never came for the Doctor, he'd been distraught, barely aware of anything let alone her, so she left him to speak with her father, knowing he'd come there truly for her brother, his best friend. She would learn later that the Doctor had just lost his son and its mother in childbirth. She never saw him again after that. His loss had driven him away from the planet, exploring the Universe. She could hear him, of course, in her mind and in her heart. It was an effect of the Linking, no matter how far away one traveled or to what time or dimension they went to, the other would always be able to hear them.

She had Linked to the Doctor, but he had not Linked to her. He had no idea she existed.

"Is that what Linking feels like?" Ianto asked quietly after a moment.

She looked up, shocked, to see the men staring at her with awed expressions and she realized she had been projecting her thoughts to them. Well, at least it was one less thing to explain.

"Yes, that's Linking," she nodded, flushing a bit as she realized they'd only been able to feel what came from Linking, the intense connection, the feeling of never being alone, of knowing someone would always be there, of understanding...

"And the Doctor," Jack shook his head, bringing himself back to the present, "He didn't realize you had just Linked to him?"

"No, he didn't, he was far too upset about the passing of the baby and its mother to notice anything."

"Well it explains why he doesn't know you exist," Jack muttered. If the only way to tell where a Time Lord was in all of space and time was to be Linked to them, and he wasn't Linked to the girl, he'd never know he wasn't the last of his kind. Speaking of which…

"What's your name?" he asked, "We can't exactly call you Mary Doe if it's not your name."

Her smile grew into a bit of a smirk, "I can't tell you my true name. However, while I was on Earth, I did enjoy being called Evelyn, or Evy."

"While you were on Earth?" Owen caught on, "How long have you been here?"

"How did you survive the war?" Jack added.

"Just before the final measure was to be taken to end the war, should the fighting become too dangerous, my mother pushed me into the Untempered Schism, it's a crack in time," she explained, seeing their questioning looks, "I fell through it and kept falling until I actually landed here on Earth, I'd say about 5 years ago."

"Why didn't you seek the Doctor out?"

"I tried, but he didn't always land in this time," she sighed, "By the time I made it to where I could sense him, he'd gone. He'd convinced himself that the inkling he'd feel of my mind whenever he did was just a phantom sensation from losing our people in the war. And I wasn't exactly capable this last year or so..."

Jack winced, shooting her a sheepish, apologetic smile which she shook her head at, nothing to apologize for.

"How did you end up in the Mason Institute?" Ianto inquired, moving to sit on the edge of her bed.

"Sheer stupidity," she answered, laughing a bit, "There was a time, about a year or so ago, when the Doctor must have either been very angry or very frightened because I had such a terrible headache. One of the friends I had met offered me medicine she said would make me better. I didn't bother looking to see what it was. It was aspirin. A few minutes later I was nearly having seizures on the floor. She called for help, I was sent to the hospital, and they medicated me, which didn't help matters, only made them worse. When the hospital couldn't handle me anymore, thinking I was mentally disturbed, they sent me to Mason. There weren't any physical records of me and no contact information so I was left there."

She reached out and took Ianto's hand, "Thank you, so much, for getting me out of there," she smiled, "It feels so good to be able to think clearly again."

"It's no problem," he replied.

"How did you manage to contact Ianto?" Jack asked, very curious.

"I don't really know," she replied truthfully, "I'd been calling out for ages. And, I suppose, someone finally saw me. I'm sorry if I ruined your birthday," Ianto just waved her off, "Once I knew you could see me, I focused as much as I could on contacting you again."

"So, do you have a sonic screwdriver too?" Jack grinned.

"No," she smiled, thanking him silently for the change in subject, she really didn't enjoy thinking on the war or being stuck in that horrid institute. She blushed a bit when she ended up yawning halfway through her 'no.'

Jack laughed, "You rest up," he told her, standing, "You're welcome here as long as you want."

"Thanks," she smiled, starting to drift back to sleep, feeling safe for the first time in too long.


She'd been at Torchwood a week now and was currently sitting on the sofa in Jack's office, staring at nothing in particular with a cup of hot tea in one hand and a banana in the other.

"Is it a Gallifreyan thing to like bananas," Jack's voice carried over to her, snapping her out of her thoughts, "Or is it just a trait you and the Doctor share?"

She smiled, rolling her eyes, "I like bananas, banan…"

"Bananas are good," Jack finished for her, this time rolling his eyes, "Where have I heard that before?"

She laughed, "It's probably a Gallifreyan thing, potassium is good for stimulating our brains, keeps up clever. Pears on the other hand…" she made a disgusted face, "They serve no purpose at all."

Jack let out a booming bark of a laugh, leaning back on his desk chair with his hands behind his head as he observed her, "But seriously though," he continued, "What were you thinking about?"

"The Doctor's idle," she replied, "He hasn't gone anywhere since New New York. I think he's trying to debate whether or not to go on a make up trip. Martha's about to kill him."

Jack grinned, thinking about the new companion she'd told him about, "Well, why don't we invite our Time Lord friend down here and introduce him to y…"

"Jack," she cut off, a slight warning in her voice.

They'd had this discussion a few times over the last week. He kept insisting they find some way to get the Doctor to stop by so that she and the Doctor could 'reconnect,' as Jack had called it. She refused. She understood all too well that the Doctor was still in pain over the loss of his friend Rose. She didn't want to push him into anything just because she was a Time Lady. Secretly though, she had another reason. She could tell the Doctor deeply cared for, maybe even loved, Rose and, if she revealed herself to be a Time Lady, he might want to be with her because he could be with her. In his mind, whoever his Link was had died on Gallifrey and so went any hope of a possible romantic connection should the Link have resulted in that. She would be a rebound and that would just hurt both of them in the end.

"I know, I know, you don't want to reveal yourself," he reached into his pocket and pulled out a necklace with a small hourglass on the end, "Which is why I had Tosh work on this."

He tossed it to her and she tried to look at it but couldn't, "A Perception Filter?" she asked, staring at him curiously.

"Not just any Perception Filter," he explained, getting up and sitting next to her, "Look closer."

So she did, or she tried to. She realized the affects of a Perception Filter and managed to work her brain around it to see what he was talking about, "You put a Perception Filter on a Perception Filter?"

Why would he do that? Perception Filters were meant to make someone invisible, automatically making the Filter itself invisble as well.

"Yup," he said, popping the p, "You can wear it and no one will know you're wearing it. It won't exactly hide you from public eye, 'cos it's running at half power to hide itself but it should…"

"Hide just enough of me where the Doctor won't recognize I'm a Time Lady!" she flung her arms around Jack and hugged him for dear life, "That's brilliant Jack!"

"So does this mean…" he trailed, waiting for her.

She smiled, "I'll call the Doctor."


The next morning would find Jack, Ianto, and Evy standing in the back room, a space just big enough for the Doctor to park the TARDIS without destroying anything…hopefully…

Evy took a deep breath and shut her eyes, concentrating as much as she could on contacting the Doctor. It was harder than she said it would be. First she had to use the Link to reach across time and space to find him, then she had to breach the walls of the TARDIS (not an easy thing to do), and then penetrate the Doctor's mind (another thing not easily done). But in the end, she managed a brief message before collapsing in Ianto's arms.

"Whoa," he stumbled, catching her, "I've got you."

"Did it work?" Jack asked.

Before she could answer the wheezing of the TARDIS could be heard. Evy's eyes widened, "He can't see me standing here waiting," she reminded them. She and Jack had come up with a plan to get her on the TARDIS without being suspicious. She just hadn't expected the Doctor to respond quite so quickly though, "All I told him was Jack and Cardiff," she mumbled to him as Ianto led her out of the room.

Moments later the blue police box appeared two feet away.

"Jack!" someone called as the TARDIS door opened. A man in his late 30s stepped out, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a brown suit, grinning like a madman.

"Doctor?" Jack asked in disbelief, he thought the regeneration stuff was a myth.

"Doctor!" an annoyed voice called from inside the TARDIS, a second later a beautiful black woman stepped out, "You shut the door in my face!"

"Oh, sorry 'bout that Martha," the Doctor apologized before turning back to Jack, "Jack, Martha, Martha, Jack."

"Nice to meet you," Martha nodded her head towards the man as he returned the gesture.

"You as well," he glanced at the Doctor who seemed to be avoiding looking right at him, "Good to see you again Doctor."

"Good to be seen," he replied, looking around, not having a clue where he was, some sort of base, "I love what you've done with the place. So why am I here?"

"What?" Jack asked, playing confused.

"I got a mental call telling me to come to Cardiff, to you. How'd you manage that one?"

"Uh…" Jack stumbled a bit, they hadn't exactly thought up that excuse yet.

'Tell him it was the Mental Amplifier,' the voice of Evy whispered in his head.

'The mental what?' he replied silently.

'That weird helmet you and Tosh were looking at the other day.'

"Oh!" he said out loud, before realizing his mistake, "Uh, you mean it worked?"

"What worked?" the Doctor asked, eyeing Jack curiously.

"The Mental Amplifier we found," he answered.

'Nice save,' Evy whispered again.

"We found a helmet thing the other day," Jack continued, "We've been working on it to see what it could do. Evy thought it might be a mental amplifier, she's been working on it and we decided to give it a try and who better to contact than the man who reads minds?"

"You can read minds?" Martha asked, just a bit put off that she hadn't known that and more than a little embarrassed as to what she had been thinking the last few days.

"Yes, but not all the time," the Doctor answered Martha, before turning to Jack, "Who's this Evy?"

"Oh she's great," Jack grinned, turning to lead them down to the work area where Ianto was seated with Evy, wearing her filter, jeans, and a green sweater, her hair half up/half down. She was sitting at a workbench, the helmet set up before her. It really looked like she was working on it, "Yeah, she joined us just a couple weeks ago, she's got a real knack for fixing things."

"Really?" the Doctor asked, a bit impressed. Mental Amplifiers, if it was one, were fairly hard to fix, being quite complicated to build in the first place, "I could use someone like her on the TARDIS."

"Hey!" Martha cried, indignant, "What am I, chopped liver?"

"You're my doctor," he replied cheekily.

"The Doctor has a doctor?" Evy mumbled as they neared her, "That's a bit redundant, isn't it?"

The Doctor laughed at that, "I like this one," he said to Jack as he walked over to the workbench where Evy sat, "What have you got here?"

"Mental Amplifier. Generation 7, I believe. Model SK2."

"And how do you know that?" he asked, very shocked by her knowledge of future and alien technology.

"Did I mention she's from the 51st century as well?" Jack put in, popping up on the other side of the bench.

"Nope, think you forgot that little detail," the Doctor frowned.

Evy spun in her chair to face the Time Lord, "Evelyn Daniels," she introduced, holding her hand out for the Doctor to shake, "Call me Evy."

She barely contained the twitch that struck her arm as electricity ran up her from the contact of his grip. It was so hard, looking into the eyes of her Link and knowing he couldn't Link to her as long as she wore the Filter. It would trick his mind into thinking she was human, and the mind was a very powerful thing. He already didn't believe any more of his people had survived, so the Filter just helped him along with not noticing that aspect about her. It hurt, but it had to be done.

"The Doctor," he began.

"I know," she replied, noticing he still hadn't let go of her hand, "Jack's told me a lot about you."

"Has he?" he asked, smiling, before nodding towards Martha, "And this is Martha Jones."

"Nice to meet you," she smiled at Martha, "I'd shake your hand except the Doctor hasn't quite let go of mine yet."

As if just realizing that he was, in fact, still holding her hand, he let her go quickly. Evy stood up and walked over to Martha to properly introduce herself.

"So," Evy began, turning to face the Doctor, "Do you really have a time travel box? A TARDIS, is it?"

The Doctor grinned, motioning for her to follow him to where he'd parked his police box. He opened the door dramatically, allowing her to step inside. For one brief moment, unnoticeable by anyone, she paused in the doorway, sending out a silent hello to the TARDIS itself who hummed happily at the appearance of another Time Lord. The box was not one to be fooled by a simple Perception Filter.

The Doctor waited patiently for her to utter the quote he so loved hearing, but sadly, 'it's bigger on the inside' never came. Instead the girl spun around, smiling, "This is brilliant!" she called, walking around the controls, "Is this a Transtemporal Vortex Director?" she asked, pointing to a small compass-like device on the panel.

The Doctor's eyes widened dramatically as he approached her, noticing that it was the TVD, "You know what this is?" he asked, shocked.

"51st century," she reminded him. It was a cover story she and Jack had worked out, "But it seems a bit skewed to the left…I could fix that for you…"

"Really?" now he really was in shock. He'd been trying to fix the blasted device on and off for decades.

She nodded before crouching down and puling herself under the panel to get to work. The Doctor walked over to where Jack and Martha were having a friendly chat, "I'll tell you what," he said, "She fixes that, I may never let her leave!"

Jack just laughed, "Then I'd have to say, she'll be sorely missed."

An hour later would find the Doctor, Martha, Ianto, and Jack sitting down for a cup of tea as Jack explained where they were, another cover story, that he'd gotten together a few friends who also had encounters wtih aliens to try and protect the Earth, when Evy walked through the door, a smudge of some sort of grease on her cheek and wiping her hands on a rag, "All done," she smiled, enjoying the look of shock on the Doctor's face.

"No!" he exclaimed in disbelief, before running towards his TARDIS. He made his way straight for the TVD only to see it was now right on target. He looked up at the girl in question receiving a high-five from Jack, "No!"

Jack just laughed, "I believe there was an offer for an adventure Doctor?" he asked the Time Lord jokingly.

"No. I believe there was a threat of a kidnapping."

Evy shook her head with a smile, "It's not technically kidnapping if I give my consent."

"Really?" the Doctor looked at her, "You want to come?"

"You'll let her come?" Martha cut in, getting excited to have another woman on the journey.

"If you'll have me I'd love to join you," Evy smiled, "Maybe I could help fix some things. Jack's told me how bumpy a ride…"

Martha had a bit of a coughing fit at the word 'bumpy.'

"…it is," Evy continued, "Maybe there's something I can do to help."

The Doctor stared at her for a moment, before shrugging, "It can't hurt."

Evy laughed as Ianto and Jack led her out of the TARDIS to get her some supplies for the journey.


Ianto and Jack stood watching as Evy packed a few belongings they had gotten her into a bag.

"Is it mad that she's like a little sister to us?" Ianto whispered to Jack.

"Considering she's centuries older than the two of us combined?" Jack countered, "Not at all."

Evy came up to them, pulling them into a hug, "I heard that," she said to them, "And thank you. You both are like my brothers," she began to walk towards the TARDIS, turning to throw a salute to them before entering the TARDIS.

The Doctor and Martha were talking by the control panel as she leaned against the doors of the ship after she shut them.

'It's good to be back,' she mentally patted the ship, smiling as the ship practically buzzed in her mind at her arrival.

She glanced at the Doctor and Martha, able to hear what was being said even though she was on the other side of the room, sometimes being Linked had its advantages.

"…a bit ironic though?" Martha was asking, "I mean, think about it. Just before we get to the TARDIS after seeing the Face of Boe, some woman's walking away from it, leaving a note stuck on the door. And that note…"

"What about it?" the Doctor countered as he focused on the controls.

"'Wait for the call?'" Martha shook her head, "And then you get a mental call to go to Cardiff and…"

"Martha, it's time travel, things don't always happen in the right order. That woman could have gotten her times wrong or the message could have been for another call…there's scores of possibilities, I know, I can see them."

Martha rolled her eyes and turned to grumble when she saw Evy standing there. She smiled "Oi!" she called to the new companion, "Come on! We've an adventure to go on."

Evy smiled as well and made her way to the control panel, watching the Doctor fiddle around and realized, quite quickly, he'd never passed his test in operating a TARDIS. Well, one thing was certain, this would definitely be an adventure.

A/N: The whole Linking process and what that is will be talked about much more in depth by Evy in a later chapter, really explaining the different ways it could go and the aftereffects of it, as well as her involvement (because she certainly was) in ending the Time War. There will also be more about her name, Evelyn, and why she selected it, but probably not till we first meet River Song.

I hope Jack and Torchwood were believable, I haven't really watched much of the show (which is odd because I love Jack) and what I did was ages ago, so some little details might be wrong.

Just a note, in this story Susan Foreman is not a Time Lady, she is like…a good, good friend of the Doctor's who she calls her grandfather. Like you might call any old man you're close to Gramps even if they're not related to you. Everything she's learned about Gallifrey has been from things the Doctor told her. She may possibly be another mildly telepathic humanoid alien, but she is not the Doctor's granddaughter. I don't think it was ever expressly stated she was 100 percent his biological granddaughter, I know there are some debates on that too...according to wikipedia, it says that it was 'generally assumed' she was Gallifreyan because she knew about Gallifrey, called the First Doctor her grandfather, and was mildly telepathic but that the actress herself was given very little background information on her character. So here, in this story, she's not.

As for the cover, I picture Evy to be similar to Natalie Portman.