Review please:D

Next morning.


Lucy's eyes slightly opened, she reached for the alarm clock and pressed the snooze button.

"Just..5 more minutes" She whispered to herself.

She was about to fall asleep when she heard snoring under the blankets.

She sat up and carefully looked.

"Natsu!" She shrieked, and at the same time her alarm ringed again. She pushed the stop button then faced Natsu.

Natsu unconsciously jumped up. He had no top on and was wearing only his school pants which were pulled down so his boxers were slightly shown.

"Wha-!" he yelled, now standing on the bed.

A pillow, vigorously thrown, met his face. "What are you still doing here!" Lucy stood on the bed as well to scold him face-to-face.

"Eh..Uh Happy locked me out last night. I guess I got home too late." Natsu lowered his tone and scratched the back of his head.

Soon, Lucy calmed down.

"Oh, well, okay." She replied.

"Can you put something on?" Lucy suggested

Natsu sighed and went off of the bed.

He grabbed Lucy's waist and guided her off the bed too.

Natsu took his polo which was lying on the floor and put it on. "I'll go home to take a shower and dress up."

Lucy nodded.

"I might be late, is it okay if you walk to school without me?" He asked politely while buttoning his shirt. "Just for today?" He added.

Lucy noticed he was buttoning it the wrong way. She sighed and unbuttoned his shirt again. "Yeah, it's alright." She replied.

"Just, take care."


Lucy finished fixing his polo. Natsu headed off.

"See ya Luce!"


At school..

Lucy reached the gate at the same time Sir Loki did.

"Morning sir." She greeted shyly.

"Good morning Lucy." He smiled "You went here alone?"

"Y-Yes." Lucy replied.

"Where's your boyfriend?" He asked

"Wha- You mean Natsu? He's not my boyfriend." She laughed


They were just about to part ways when Sir Loki held Lucy's hand.

"Would you mind for a coffee after school?" Sir Loki asked.

Lucy couldn't reply, she was blushing hard. She nodded and swiftly went the other direction.


Math class (First subject)

Their teacher was in the middle of a discussion when Natsu sneaked in.

He was literally crawling to his seat.

"Natsu Dragneel. I can see you!" The teacher exclaimed.

"Stand up and head to you sit!"

Natsu did so. Lucy smiled at him as he passed.

"Oh, and you will be attending detention after school for being late!" The teacher added.

Some students chuckled.

"Good for you." Said Gray.

Natsu faced him and did an ugly face.



"Aw damn it I've got detention." Natsu had his hands on the back of his head while walking with Lucy.

"That's what you get for being late." Lucy giggled.

Natsu pouted. "But you'll wait for me, right?"

Lucy looked down. "Uh, well, you see.."

"What?" Natsu glared.

"Something came up.." She faked a smile.

Natsu continued glaring. "What is it?" He walked towards Lucy.

"I'm with…" Lucy walked back as Natsu moved forward. Soon, Lucy felt the wall at her back, but Natsu didn't stop moving closer.

"Sir Loki." She spitted out. Only inches separated their faces.

Natsu growled after hearing his name "What about him?" He placed his hand on the wall.

"He asked me if we could get coffee after school." She trembled but still managed to fake the biggest smile.

"" asked Natsu, emphasizing each word bitterly.

Students around were noticing them but they didn't mind.

Lucy took a deep breath. "Yes."

Natsu punched the wall beside Lucy's head. "Why did you?" He yelled.

"Well, why wouldn't I!" Lucy yelled back.

"Because you know I wouldn't approve you going out with that guy!" the argument went on..

"Do I need your permission?" she pushed Natsu away and started walking.

"We're just friends, Natsu." She paused, with her back facing Natsu. "Extremely close. But still, just friends, right?"

She didn't look back to see Natsu's expression, instead she walked as fast as she could away from him.

*The bell rang and students headed their way to classes. Including Natsu, who felt as if a boulder fell on his chest.

Lucy and Natsu didn't talk to each other throughout that day. Natsu even traded for a seat far from Lucy's.



Natsu sat on the desk beside the window.

He got the view of Lucy and Sir Loki, heading out together.

"Damn." He whispered and punched his desk.

"Shhhhh.." said the teacher.

Natsu hid his face with his hands and growled.

"Had a bad day?" A familiar voice came from beside him.

Natsu looked. "Gray, what are you doing here?"

"None of your business." Gray replied.

No one spoke for a few minutes.

"You're best friends?" Gray broke the silence.

Natsu nodded.

"Then why do you feel that way?" He asked

Natsu turned to face him "Feel what way?"

"Idiot." Gray smirked. "I saw you at recess, you were..mad."

Natsu turned to his desk and buried his face in his arms.

"Shut up." He said.

"All you have to do is tell her." Gray softly punched his shoulder.


"Tell her?" Natsu whispered to himself.

Please tell me how was it :D I've got a new story by the way. Check it out, 'Tease' :))