Hey everyone! I know you want me to continue with The Omen but I am a very distracted writer and this just jumped up and strangled me until I wrote it so I hope you'll forgive me!

And as I don't seem to remember to do this too often because I forget.

I do not own bleach or any of its characters they all belong to the mega awesome Tite Kubo and I get no money out of this only utter glee at making you lovely people happy! (Goes for all my stories!)



~Chained to You: Chapter One – First Impressions~

The day was dank and dreary, clouds weighing the sky down and crumbling any atmosphere it might have had. The people under the heavy sky reflected the depressed mood of the day as they made their way to work, school or other such activities.

Sosuke Aizen also felt the uninviting vibes even from his perch high above the city on the fiftieth floor of his office building, gazing passively at the figures that passed below. Behind him lounging on the pristine white couch was his second in command – and the person he considered as his closest friend – the ever smiling, silver haired Gin Ichimaru who was currently watching his boss with an amused smirk.

"You know it's not good to brood." Gin informed the stoic brunette by the window.

"I am not brooding." Were it anyone else Aizen would have given his best and most intimidating stare which would have given him the satisfaction of watching them tremble in fear but it wasn't anyone so Aizen's reply was vaguely offhanded and amused.

"Could have fooled me." Gin retorted with a quite snort, "What are you doing then?"

"Contemplating." Aizen replied simply earning himself a grin he didn't need to see to know was there.

"In other words brooding." Aizen gave a silent sigh but couldn't really argue with Gin even if he would never admit it aloud.

"So what are you contemplating about?" Gin asked choosing not to mention he had heard that sigh. Aizen sighed again only without hiding it this time.

"I am contemplating a way in which to deal with their minor squabbles and such without having to deal with them directly." For reference Aizen was talking about the many people in his employ but more specifically his third in command Kaname Tousen and his volatile Sexta Espada Grimmjow Jaegerjaques.

The pair had the amazing ability to get on the others nerves just by breathing leading to frequent and pointless squabbles Aizen had to deal with and frankly it was irritating. Aizen had more important things to do than baby sit his disagreeable employees.

"Kaname and Grimmjow at it again huh?" Gin questioned without hiding the laugh in his tone earning himself an annoyed glance from brown eyes the result of which made the silver haired man chuckle aloud.

Aizen may have told him politely and roundaboutly to shut up but Gin beat him and spoke before he could.

"Here's an idea, why don't you hire yourself a secretary?" Gin had an idea that he wanted to try out.

"Excuse me?" Aizen was quite taken off guard by that little suggestion.

"You know a secretary and then they can deal with all those mundane things you hate so much, including appropriate action when kana-chan and Grimmy-kun start barking."

Hearing Gin refer to the two men like a pair of dogs may have been cruel were it not so true. It was actually quite an amusing description though. Personally Grimmjow reminded Aizen of some large cat, like a panther, sleek predatory and handsome and there is no room to doubt that the man was good looking and exotic with his sky blue hair and changeable blue eyes.

He just happened to be the biggest pain in the ass Aizen had ever had the misfortune to befriend. He was loud, he was brash and he was hot headed and rude, he was also fiercely loyal and competent.

"A secretary." Aizen repeated it after a moment of silence, turning back to the window. Having a secretary would prove useful Aizen knew but that person would theoretically have access to everything about Aizen's business, including Aizen's personal schedule which was currently under Gin's control and the man always managed to slip in pointless things such as dates that he did not want.

To have a secretary Aizen would have to be able to trust this person with much sensitive information and the only person Aizen truly trusted was Gin so the conundrum was does he disregard Gin's suggestion and endure his sulking or does Aizen stop being a 'paranoid idiot' as Gin would put it and just hire someone?

Aizen sighed. He really did not need the constant headaches Grimmjow and Kaname caused, perhaps a secretary was a good idea but they would have to have proficient knowledge of fighting otherwise there was no hope of keep Grimmjow in line. The only others able to do so were Gin when he was present or Grimmjow's lover and Aizen's Cuatro Espada Ulquiorra Schiffer.

"Perhaps that is for the best." Aizen finally conceded after several minutes of silence.

"Excellent, I'll send out the notice shall I?" Gin said cheerfully standing from his sprawl on the couch to his full towering height of six foot one.

"Before you do Gin I want to interview any and all applicants you deem competent enough for the position." Aizen spoke over his shoulder with a meaningful look to his second.

"Naturally." Gin replied with a widening of his ever present grin waving over his shoulder as he headed to the door, pausing momentarily in the doorway, "Don't forget the party starts in ten minutes."

"Yes Gin, I'll remember." Aizen said with a dismissive flick of his wrist conveying his displeasure of such events clearly earning a quiet chuckle from Gin as he exited Aizen's office to start his search for the perfect secretary.

Sosuke Aizen really hated parties. Despite appearances Aizen much preferred his own company and that of his closest friends but being the CEO of a multimillion dollar company came with responsibilities and attending such things were included in those responsibilities.

It was amazing how many of those invited thought they knew Sosuke Aizen, just goes to show just how much a well practiced fake smile can hide. Aizen sighed at his morose thoughts, Gin would surely reprimand him for doing so but in truth Sosuke Aizen felt utterly lonely.

The only one who knew him enough to have the right to claim such was Gin but Aizen strived for someone who could know all of him, who could understand him on a level Gin never could.

"Enough of these pointless thoughts, I have a party to attend." Aizen scolded himself quietly, plastering aforementioned fake grin on his face and decked out in an immaculate white suit with a wine red shirt underneath, a white tie and black dress shoes completed his attire.

With a solemn feeling following Sosuke Aizen rode the elevator to the second floor of Las Noches where the large ballroom was currently hosting a great many glitzy and glamorous people Aizen would soon have to address.

"I hate parties." Aizen sighed to himself just before the elevator doors opened.

Ichigo couldn't believe he actually let himself get talked – no guilt tripped! – into attending some stupid party! Damn Rukia! He was so going to make her pay for making him do this.

There were few things Ichigo hated more that parties and that included parties held by the insufferable rich and famous and what was worse about this party? It was being held in Las Noches the main branch of Hueco Mundo Industries a company that specialized in the manufacture of basically everything from aeroplanes to the latest technologically advancement to even children's toys and this larger than life company was unbelievably owned by a single man by the name of Sosuke Aizen.

Sosuke Aizen was a man of an impressive six foot one, with broad shoulders, dark brown eyes that always seemed cold to Ichigo whenever he happen to be paying enough attention to the TV to notice. He also had a very handsome face with a strong jaw high cheekbones and a somewhat pale complexion – well compared to Ichigo's darker peach coloured skin – all that framed by a thick mass of brown hair a couple of shades darker than his eyes, slicked back from his face with a defiant strand falling between his eyes.

Yep he was dreamy alright Ichigo couldn't argue with that, he was gay after all so he can appreciate a good looking man no matter how pompous he may be but as mentioned he was a pompous cold rich asshole. Sure the man always seemed civil and polite but there always seemed to be an undertone of threat that only a fool would miss.

Sure Ichigo hadn't met the man but he had it on good authority that the man was an ass. Rukia's – damn the demon! – older brother had personally met the man on many occasions and had described him as cold and uncaring of others, honestly not much difference between Aizen and Byakuya really, Byakuya was just as much an ass in Ichigo's opinion.

Ichigo supposed he should reserve judgement it was just hard seeing the way the man acted on TV didn't leave much to be desired of the man. Yet people still seemed to flock to the man like glue, they revered him, hell some worshiped him or even feared him. Guess that's what a whole lot of money would do to people.

"Ichigo stop fidgeting you'll be ripping out threads in a minute!" Rukia scolded him, jerking him out of his thoughts.

"I don't care, I don't recall wanting to wear this stupid suit anyway!" Ichigo hissed back quietly though so not to grab more attention than he was already getting thanks to his orange hair.

"Oh please a lady of my standards is not going to be seen with a slob!" Rukia retorted, casually dragging him by the arm she had looped with his.

"Then why the hell did you choose me to be your scapegoat?" Ichigo scowled down at his best friend.

"Because you're the only one available or wasn't already invited." Rukia replied casually.

"Oh gee thanks." Ichigo said sarcastically earning him an elbow in the stomach.

"Not to mention you really need to get out more," Rukia added earning a glare and what was going to be a snappy retort before she interrupted him, "And besides you're my best friend Ichigo is it so wrong to want to hang with you on a night of torture to make it more bearable?"

Ichigo snapped his mouth shut and glared at the sincere violet eyes gazing up at him. Sighing heavily Ichigo scowled and looked away.

"No I guess not."

"Good now let's go and get you a date!" Rukia perked up suddenly and began dragging Ichigo around with more force and evil grin on her face.

"Why you little!" Ichigo objected. "That's the last time I believe you!"

"Yeah, yeah come on drama queen." Rukia disregarded Ichigo's objections and continued to drag him through the crowds not even glancing back as she felt Ichigo run into someone.

"Ow jeez sorry!" Ichigo exclaimed glancing over his shoulder to meet a pair of deep brown eyes that seemed familiar but he was promptly pulled away before it could register that the man he had just run into was Sosuke Aizen himself.

Sosuke Aizen was utterly bored with these useless pleasantries and decided he had stayed long enough to earn a brief reprieve on the balcony so excusing himself from his current useless conversation and politely avoiding any others he made his way towards the large towering doors that lead to the secluded hideaway that was the balcony.

Halfway there however Aizen found himself rudely jolted when someone ran into him. Glancing towards the person with a polite but deadly reprimand Aizen found himself looking into a pair of slightly widened honey brown eyes.

"Ow jeez sorry!" Aizen barely registered the apology as the intriguing pair of eyes and even more intriguing head of orange hair was dragged through the crowd by a short woman in a form fitting dress. An Ishida design if he wasn't mistaken.

Interesting. Aizen had never seen this man before but he did recognized the woman he was with a Miss Rukia Kuchiki the adopted sister of Byakuya Kuchiki the Head of the famous Kuchiki family of Japan and a very fiery woman she was, out of the public eye of course.

Hmm. Continuing his way to the balcony Aizen silently slipped out to enjoy some much needed peace and quiet.

So what did you think? I'd really like to know please XD

PS. Don't worry I am still working on The Omen and will not neglect it.
