Angry. Frustrated. Sad. Confused.
Dante stormed away, walking along the shore as the sun set. He was tired. Weak. Wounded. Legion was a powerful devil. Dante was stronger, no doubt, but Legion definitely drained him a good deal. He walked along the desolate shore. He turned to the sea, and gazed at it once again, as if to look for some sort of answers. That sunset again…. Although, his reflecting didn't last long. He was soon greeted by a dark, hungry for vengeance voice. And the un-sheathing of a blade that was all too familiar to him.
"I finally have you."
He spoke in his deep, dark tone of voice.
Dante turned around to face him. He had long, flowing black hair. And his power was through the roof. This must have been him. Rorek. The son of Mundus.
"I am going to kill you. And avenge my Father, as well as claim this land for my own."
He told the silver-haired demon.
How was he going to do it?….
He barely had any strength left….
But he knew he had two options.
Kill, or be killed.
And he had to choose the former if he were to have any hopes of survival.
He drew the Sparda and clashed with Rorek's Yamato. The sword that had once belonged to his brother, Vergil. With lightning speed, they lashed at eachother, each drawing blood, and landing some good blows. Rorek seemed to have had the advantage as far as speed went. As he lunged into Dante's blind spot, and giving him a nasty slash to the side of his torso.
He cried out in pain, darting back.
But as Rorek dove in to tee off, Dante switched to Gunslinger, pulling out Shotgun, and dealing a nasty blow to Rorek's head once he got into close range.
"Take that, you dickhead."
He said arrogantly.
It was Rorek's turn to cry out in agony.
Their blades met in bitter clashing once again, Dante firing fatal blows with Shotgun every time Rorek came close enough.
"Ya know why ya can't beat me, Rorek?….
You've got all the power ya need. But your fighting style really sucks ass. My brother was a master of the Darkslayer style. You're a slouch at best. Ya leave yourself wide open to my close-range gun attacks. Pretty pathetic if ya ask me."
Rorek shouted, coming in for a final blow with Yamato, impaling it through Dante's heart, only to have Dante blow a huge, finishing blow with Shotgun through the back of Rorek's head when he opened his mouth.
However, Dante fell too. Left for dead.
Soon it had begun to red….
Dante was bleeding out; his blood being washed away with the rain. A huge gaping hole in his heart.
Lucy walked the shore. The sight before her broke her heart even further. She immediately rushed over to his practically lifeless body.
She shouted.
She let out an agonizing cry, holding his body close to her.
"I can't…."
She said.
"I've taken so much life…
But I want to save yours….My life….For yours….."
She spoke softly, using her vectors to start piecing his body together piece by piece.
She sung a certain song as she did so….
"Os iusti Meditabitur sapientiam Et lingua eius Loquetur iudicium Beatus vir qui Suffert tentationem Quoniam cum probates fuerit Accipiet coronam vitae Kyrie, fons Bonitatis Kyrie, Ignis Divine, eleison O quam Sancta Quam Serena Quam Benigna Quam Amoena Esse virgo creditur O quam Sancta Quam Serena Quam Benigna Quam Amoena O Castitatis Lilium"
It wasn't long before Dante had awoken. He was in perfect health once again.
However Lucy wasn't so lucky.
She had used all of her life energy to save Dante, thus decomposing her body…
The flesh was melting from her bones.
He panicked.
"You…You saved me…"
Tears began flooding from his eyes as he fell to his knees.
He screamed.
An invisible appendage came to wipe his tears away.
"Dante….Please…Kill me….I'm in so much pain….So much pain…Please…."
A vector of hers reached to Ivory, and placed it in his hands.
Her voice turned demonic. Nothing was left of her now, except her savage DNA instincts to kill. Her vectors spread ridiculously long, shooting out, and killing random lives, worldwide.
He knew he had to. Yet he couldn't.
He gripped Ivory tight with both hands, trying with all his might to aim, but failing miserably; his hands shaking like he was having a seizure.
He was sobbing frantically, crying like a child.
"I…..I….I CAN'T DO IT!"
He screamed in misery, dropping the pistol.
But in that moment, time had seemed to have stopped, and Lucy was standing right before him. Her soul was speaking to him.
"Dante….I love you. I love you so much. You gave me the only happiness I've ever known. I wanted to save you. Dante, I promise we'll meet again one day. In another life, when I can be as pure as you. Please, Dante. Set me free."
He picked up Ivory, closed his eyes, and finished the decomposing Lucy off with a final shot.
"My Mother gave her life to protect me….. And now you've done the same….."
He said solemnly.
He removed the amulet from around his neck, and putting it into the sand that she had died in.
"Now my Mother's here with you."
He then put his Father's sword, the Sparda into the ground as well.
"And now my Father's here to watch over you too. Rest in peace…"
The rain had stopped…. The sun had come out, shining bright….
"Good night….Lucy…."
He looked up to the sky.
"I'll never forget you….And I will always love you.