The Sacred Band died there.
Where my feet, dusty from the trampled ground worn flat by their sandals
Beats back the war paeans pounding in my blood
That I hear still.
Inward from the sea
On the great plain of Chaeronea
They did battle there
The Three Hundred.
Alexander pressed them back into
the Kephissus
Where Tethys' daughters drew their
Dead down into a loving embrace.
He walked there too,
That golden child of fire
Who shook the heavens and
burnt the world with his eyes
And razed cities with
The frown of his brow.
Was there one amongst them
He wept at slaying
When he and Boukephalus
Rammed into their
Hearts and taught them to die?
But he, as their brother knew
The price the gods ask for
Such things.
There are no cries here now
From the wounded.
No shouts of joy from the victor
No pounding of the shields
To shake the birds from the
Trees and make the rabbits flee.
There is no battle song
To ease the breaking of the day
No laugh around the campfire
To strengthen the resolve of
The weary.
All is quiet and the countryside
Lies dormant as in winter
Of the great deeds I saw there.
Only the lion of Chaeronea
speaks with stone eyes,
Make an offering of your tears for
The Sacred Band lies here.