Howdy! I've decided to write a Ryuki or a Ryo + Rika or whatever you wanna call it. I thought I'd give it a chance and I am not positive of the age difference. So let's just say they're about the same age. (Who cares about a few months....)

Summer Vacation: Dream Come True or Your Worse Nightmare: Chapter 1

"Hi, Grandma. I'm home." Rika Nonaka called. "Hello, sweetie. How was your last day of school?" Her grandmother asked.

"Fine, is Mom home yet?"

"Yes, she has a surprise for you."

"Don't tell her I'm home." Rika took her shoes off at the door and carried them to her room. (A/N You know her separate wing of her own. i'm prob. making very little sense if any).


"Yes, Rika?" The yellow graceful fox appeared out of the shadows.

"Keep watch that you don't see my mom. The longer I stay out of sight, the safer I'll be."

"Alright, Rika." Renamon faded into the shadows of her room again. Rika went to her computer. She turned it on and waited for it to start up. She connected to the Internet and went on her instant messenger. Jeri, Takato, and Henry were on.

Digi-Queen has logged into Chat Room 366

Lion-heart: Rika!

Digi-Queen: Hi, Jeri.

Terrier-Tamer: Hey, Rika. We were just talking about our last day of school. How did yours go?

Digi-Queen: Fine, Henry. Hey, Gogglehead, aren't you gonna be sociable 2day?

Gogglehead: Hi, Rika. I was thinking.

Terrier-Tamer: Oh, did it hurt? Stop that, Terriermon! I was just kidding.

Gogglehead: I can't believe summer's here. You going to camp this year, Rika?

Digi-Queen: Camp?!! Why would I be caught dead there?

Gogglehead: J-just wondering...

Digi-Queen: Don't worry, Takato. I won't be going. So, you don't have to worry about lil' ol' me.

Lion-Heart: I wish you would come. I'd love my friends to meet you and vice-versa.

Digi-Queen: My mother will probably have me signed up for a gazillion fashion shoots. She already has a surprise for me already. Oh no, Renamon says she's coming.

Digi-Queen has logged off.

Rika went to sneak out but her mother was already at her door. "Rika dear, I have a surprise for you."

"What is it, Mother?" Rika said in annoyance.

"I signed you up for summer camp."

"Oh, ugh. I'd rather have gotten a tank full of snakes. Why would I go to a stupid camp? I am not into the hiking and junk."

"I thought you'd be excited, dear. I already signed you up so there's no backing out. You leave in tomorrow at 10 AM. Oh, are these those tarot cards? You must really enjoy fortune telling or whatever it is you do."

"Go away! These aren't tarot cards. You are so stupid when it comes to my stuff. Just leave me alone!"

"Rika Nonaka, how dare you! You're grounded. I will not accept this behavior. You're not allowed out of this room till you apologize. Are you going to apologize?"

"I'd rather be eaten by a thousand piranhas."

"Rika, you are now here in this room. No going on your computer. You can pack for camp." Her mother turned to leave.

"I hate you! You're ruining my summer. You're ruining my life. You ruined your marriage. Just leave me alone." Rika sobbed. Her mother turned away with tears in her eyes.

"If that's how you feel, go."


"Go. Get out of my sight.."

"Fine. FINE! I'm so glad to be out of here I'll be jumping for joy." Rika grabbed her D-Power and modify cards. She grabbed her red sneakers. She pulled them on and ran out the door and her mother began to cry.

"Hi, Rika-Rika! Whatcha doing? Can we play? Please, please, please, pretty please with a cream puff on top?" A little white colored digimon bounced up and down.

"Hi, Calumon. I need some time alone. So could you...?"

"I guess I'll go. I'm supposed to play with Guilmon anyway. Bye-bye, Rika-Rika!" The little digimon bounced off. Rika giggled. He had so much energy for a little guy.

"Rika?" A boy her age with navy blue colored hair was standing with an off-white colored bunny with overly big ears with green stripes on the bottom of them.

"Henry!" Rika exclaimed.

"What's up?"

"My mom. She signed me up for boring old summer camp."

"It won't be that bad. I'm going to summer camp. Where you going?"

Rika bit her lip. She forgot her friends were going to camp. "Probably not with you guys. This will be the worst summer in my life."

"It's only two weeks."

"S-so? I have to go to some weird camp. I'll call you if I find out where I'm going."

Rika ran home as fast as she could. "Hi, Grandma..." Rika paused and saw her grandmother was comforting her mother, speaking with a very soothing voice. Rika grumbled to herself as she ran to her room. Renamon appeared out of the shadows again.


"Leave me alone right now, Renamon. I-I need some time alone." Rika cried, her hands were clamped over her ears and her eyes were squeezed shut.

"As you wish..." Renamon trailed and faded away.

"I'll call for you..." Rika said. She yanked her hands away from her ears. You promised yourself you'd never cry in front of anyone. Crying shows you're weak.

Then another voice seemed to speak. There's no one here to see you cry.

The other voice, the more aggressive one came back. But I know crying is weakness. Rika remembered the day she had made the promise she'd never cry again.


"Rumiko, I'm leaving." Rika's father said to her mother who was standing with a stony look on her face. 4 year old Rika was huddled on the floor of her bedroom, her violet colored eyes were filled with tears. Her mommy and daddy had just ended the biggest and worst fight ever. Her father was standing in her doorway. "Daddy?"

"Sweetie, Daddy's going away for awhile. Promise not to cry and don't give your mommy a hard time, okay, Pumpkin?"

Her dad was hunched down to her level.

"Daddy, why are you going away? Did I do something wrong? Whatever I did I'm sworry."

"No, it's not your fault. Your mother and I are just arguing. C'm'ere and give your daddy a hug and promise me you'll be daddy's sweet little angel until I get back." Rika went to her dad and he lifted her into a tight hug. He set her down on her bed. She grabbed her tiny stuff wolf.

"Daddy, take Wolfie so you'll remember me on your trip." Rika handed her father her stuffed wolf.

"How bout you keep Wolfie. I have a present for you and I'll have this same picture."

Her father handed Rika a gold heart-shaped locket. She opened it and on the left side was a picture of Rika and her father had her on his shoulders. On the right was a picture of her mother holding Rika by the hand with a large sakura tree in the background. Rika grinned at the little locket.

"Daddy, put it on me."

Her father fastened the chain around her neck. He kissed the top of Rika's red head and patted her on the head.

"I love you, Pumpkin. Take care of mommy for me."

With that as his last words, he slung his jacket over his shoulder and gave Rika one last wave. He disappeared down the hall and never came back.

"Wait, Daddy, don't go! I love you!" Rika sobbed as the door closed and Rika began to cry harder than she ever had.

(((End Flashback)))

Rika remembered her mother crying for days. Her grandma had done everything to comfort her mourning mother. Rika waited that whole year, sitting and staring outside as the seasons changed. The sakura blossoms blew by, the sun shone brightly and kids were heard shouting after school was out. Autumn came with it's colorful falling leaves and winter had come with snowflakes blowing by. Her father had never kept his promise to her. He had never come back.

Rika wiped her eyes. She realized how selfish she was being. Rika first called to Renamon.

"I'm sorry, Renamon."

"I understand, Rika. You were upset about this. I forgive you."

Rika left her room and closed the door behind her. She walked to the kitchen. "Mom?"

Her mother was sitting at the table with a steaming cup of tea in front of her. Her grandmother had her hand resting over her daughter's.

"Rumiko, I-I...Oh Rika dear, what is it?"

Rika's eyes filled with tears.

"I-I'm sorry, Mom." Rika burst out.

Her mother's head lifted. She rose from her chair. "Rika?"

"Oh, Mom!" Rika ran to her mom. For the first time in a long time, Rika hugged her mom and held onto her.

"I'm so sorry, Mom. Please forgive me."

"Oh, sweetie." Her mother wrapped her arms around Rika and squeezed her tightly.

"I love you so much. Please, try and have fun at camp. All your friends will be there. I did it because I love you and want you to have a fun summer and not be lonely with me being at fashion shoots."

"Oh, Mom..." Rika trailed and hugged her mother as tightly as she could. Her grandmother smiled.

"I'm very proud of you, Rika dear."

"Thanks, Grandma."

That night, Rika was trying to sleep. She had packed all her stuff and called Jeri, Henry, and Takato. She had told them she'd be joining them at summer camp. "That's so cool, Rika!" Henry had said. "Wow, Rika. I'm so glad you're coming." Jeri had been ecstatic. "Uh, I'm glad you're coming, Rika. Kazu, Kenta, and Ryo will be there too." Takato had said.

Rika sighed. She wasn't all that happy on seeing Ryo again. I hope he's not annoying as he always is... With that as her last thought, Rika finally fell asleep.

The next day, Rika made a quick double-check over her list of things she needed and if she had forgotten anything. The bus would be picking her up at the corner. It was 9:30AM. She took her suitcase and lugged it out of her room. She slung her pack over her shoulder. She went to the kitchen and hugged her mom and grandmother. She said her good-byes and remined her grandmother to be kind to Renamon and feed her.

"I'll be happy to take care of that guardian angel for you, Rika."

Rika then took her stuff, said one more good-bye, hugged her mom again and left through the door.

She walked down the sidewalk and checked her digital watch. It was 9:50AM. She had time to say good-bye to Renamon. She had said her good-bye to her last night but decided to do it again anyway.


"Yes, Rika?"

"Um, Grandma will be taking care of you. And, well..."

Renamon walked next to her.

"What is it, Rika..."

Before Renamon could finish, Rika had hugged the yellow fox tightly.

"I'll miss you. Try and stay fit and take care of my mom and grandma."

"Ii will, Rika. I'll see you in two weeks."

Renamon faded away and Rika walked out to the curb. She double-checked her backpack's front pouch to make sure she had her modify cards and D-Arc. She saw the bus coming down the street.

The bus driver came off and introduced himself as Pete and loaded her suitcase into the holding cell on the bus. Rika boarded the bus. She saw Jeri waving to her from very close to the back. Rika walked back where Jeri was.

"Hi, Rika. I saved you this seat." Jeri motioned to the seat next to her, by the window.

"Thanks, Jeri." Rika plopped down beside her.

"Let me introduce you to two of my friends. Rika, this is Kila Akihabara and Jodie Jamison. Jodie, Kila, this is Rika Nonaka."

"Hi." Kila waved, smiling nicely at Rika.

Jamie had long, curly red hair in a high ponytail, green eyes and wore white-fringed jeans with a green t-shirt with yellow sleeves and green and yellow sneakers. Kila on the other hand was a little shorter than Jodie with dark black, layered hair, dark black eyes, and a pair of dark blue jeans and a red shirt with a white peace sign in the middle, and red and white sneakers.

"Hey, Rika."

A boy with brown hair and light blue eyes smiled at her.

"Hi, Ryo." Rika said as coolly as she could.

"How's your summer?"

Rika rolled her eyes. This was going to be a long bus ride with Mr. Legendary Tamer asking 20 million questions.


So what do you think of my Ryuki? Or Rika + Ryo or whatever. Review if you like it please. I will try and post the new chapter soon. Ciao for now!