Edit: 1st, August 2013. Minor changes to grammar and information.


There will be an explanation at the end of the chapter.

Dark Skies

~ Chapter 1

There was a beeping noise coming from somewhere and it wouldn't shut up. It just kept on screaming and yelling like no one in the world was going to hear it. It went on for a minute and then all was silent again.

Ritsu groaned, and rolled over onto her back. She inhaled quickly and exhaled slowly. Her hazel eyes cracked open slightly, getting adjusted to the harsh light waiting for her to wake up. The beeping started again, even more annoying than the last time.

Another groan. Lifting herself off the bed with the help of her arms, she sat up straight. The beeping became somewhat louder. Her ears followed the direction of the noise; the clock, of course.

It read 7:32 AM.

With some effort, she managed to escape the warm covers of her bed and walk over to the bathroom, the tile cool underneath her bare feet as she entered. The sunlight coming from the window was enough to light everything, but out of habit, she flicked the lights on.

The mirror greeted her. It reflected someone. Someone she once knew. Someone that she didn't cared about anymore.

She turned on the faucet, ignoring the presence on the other side of the mirror. The water was cool and refreshing on her warm face. It did an excellent job of waking her, washing off the last remains of sleep. The toothpaste also did a great job of getting rid of that foul taste that never seemed to leave her mouth.

Feeling slightly more awake and alert than she had been when she entered the bathroom, she slugged on over to the closet, just on the other side of the bathroom wall. It wouldn't even be considered a room, just a tiny area, closed off by a wall. But it did do a splendid job of storing her clothes.

Today wasn't an important day, so the clothes she wore would not matter.

A grey long sleeved, a green t-shirt, faded jeans with multiple holes, complete with once white sneakers.

She stood there for a while, now dressed in today's attire. She wasn't doing anything like staring or thinking; she was just there. She stayed standing for a while, just letting the blood pump through her veins. With a heavy sigh, she turned and left. She was now in her bedroom.

The room wasn't much; it was big enough for a full size un-made bed, a shelf with books, and a small desk. Its presence alone was comforting. But, the other parts of the dorm room were … haunting.

She opened her door. On the other side, was the remainder of the off campus apartment that she had all to herself. To the right was the living room, which held a small couch and a good size TV. To the left was the kitchen with a built in bar separating the kitchen from the living room. And last but not least, was another door, across from her own. No one lived there yet. Maybe no one would this year.

She ignored the elevator music that accompanied her as she drifted down from the fifth floor. It neither relaxed or annoyed her. It was just there, like everything else in life.

4. 3. 2. 1. Bing. It was now 7:41 AM.

The walk was chilly and the air was brisk, but her dark grey hoodie did its job of protecting her against the cold. Out of habit, she exhaled slowly, watching as the little white cloud kissed her face before it drifted away – like everything else.

She sighed, unintentionally producing another white cloud. Stuffing her hands further into her jean pockets, she pushed back her brooding thoughts and continued on her way to the administrator's building.

Despite the sounds of her footsteps hitting the pavement, the birds flying by, and the occasional wave of the trees, all was peaceful and quiet. Most of the university was still asleep at this "ungodly" hour. It was 8:02 AM.

The faintest of smiles appeared before it vanished. If she were a couple of years younger, walking this very same path, she would have been disturbed at the silence. It would have bugged her, possibly annoyed her.

But things happen and people change, but life still goes on. Now, the once hyperactive Ritsu Tainaka enjoyed the silence and the moments of nostalgia that came with it.


Reason for title change: In the end, the title did not suit the story. This story is dark and gloomy. (It always had been, I just hadn't gotten to that section of the story.) Whereas "White Sky with Blue Clouds" was a unique title, it just didn't go with the newly revised one.

No, this does not mean that I am rewriting the story again. The same plot is still in session; I just decided to ditch the idea of each chapter going with the ABCs. Some of you stated that it was confusing, and quite frankly, it was. If I had continued how I had, it was going to turn messy.

Just a note here, this story will be split into three. I'll explain more the further we progress.

On another note, I decided to add more background information; it will be more notable as the story progresses. There will be no fillers like the last version, those got confusing, too. Um, consider this chapter a "taste" as to what's to come. Call it a change in pace and a slight modification in the tone if you will.

How was it? I would really enjoy some criticism. What did you like, what did you not like? All that jazz. Just leave a review about it and I'll get back to you. Thank you and have a nice day.