I am not quite sure what this is. Just trying something out. Let me know if it's any good and I should continue or if I should stay away from my laptop lol. Italics is Stiles in his head, the rest is normal. Don't forget to review. -QE [okay, I fixed the mistakes]

The End


Chapter 1


Stiles shut the door behind him and he couldn't hold himself upright no longer and fell to the floor, with his back against the door, sighing loudly, and his breathing coming out in pants. His head hit the door and he shut his eyes, because he was starting to see stars and it wouldn't be good if his dad would come home and find him passed out on the floor, blocking the entrance to the house and barely breathing. Taking a few deep breaths, Stiles tried to calm down his heart that was beating faster than it needed and waited for the fog and dizziness in his head to clear before getting up and forcing himself to climb the steps to his room where he could pass out in his bed and forget about the day he just had.

When he could once again see relatively straighter and not in plural, Stiles pushed himself off the floor and away from the door, and on shaky feet started to walk towards the stairs but the second his foot lifted and came down on the first step, he collapsed again and hit his forehead on the banister and yelped in pain. He was glad that his dad was working the night shift tonight and wasn't home to interrogate him on why he was covered in dirt and blood and was barely alive.

Deciding that walking was out of the question, Stiles started to crawl up the stairs and when he was on the right floor, he contemplated whether to go to his room or the bathroom first. Seeing that the bathroom was closer to him, Stiles managed to drag his body into the bathroom and after turning on the shower, he sat against the wall, wincing when he had to take off his jacket and bent his arm, which hurt like hell as it is, but now he had to get the muddy and blood soaked cloth off without hurting himself even more and he had to bite his bottom lip not to cry out.

He was sure that he had nothing broken and only minor injuries but they hurt like hell and this was one of the times when he wished he could heal like Scott and Derek and not be just a weak human. Even Allison could do more than him with her crossbow and it was irking Stiles that he was the only one out of the group that could do nothing more but research and get in trouble.

When the bathroom was filled with steam, Stiles had removed his shirt and was standing on shaky legs in front of the mirror. He had cuts and bruises on his neck, his chest, a gash that had stopped bleeding a while ago on his stomach and his right wrist felt like it was broken but he knew it wasn't. He just couldn't move it too much and was sure that in a few days he will be fine. Or until the next time he gets himself almost killed. Which ever came first.

Holding his right arm to his chest, he worked his other hand on the front of his jeans, trying to get them off without hurting himself even more and when they hit the floor, he stepped out of his shoes and jeans, removing the rest of the garments he had on and stepped in the shower, letting the hot spray of water, wash the cuts on his body and he stared at his feet, watching the water go from bright red, to light pink to clear. He washed himself, being careful on the bruises and when he was happy that he had washed it all off and was starting to feel slightly better, he turned the water off and grabbed a towel from the rack and tied it around his hips.

Grabbing his dirty clothes, Stiles put them in the hamper with a mental note to wash them before his dad finds them and walked to his room, feeling steadier on his feet. Opening the bedroom door, he paused when he saw that Derek was in his room, sitting on the window sill, waiting for him. Stiles wasn't sure if it was good or bad that he didn't jump three feet in the air anymore when the Alpha was in his room.

"Really, Derek? This couldn't have waited till the morning when I don't feel like I'm dying anymore?" Stiles asked, tiredly, shutting the door behind him and walking to his closet, looking for some clothes to put on.

"You didn't have to do that, Stiles" Derek said and Stiles rolled his eyes.

He knew what the wolf was talking about. Stiles didn't have to get involved with the hunters, and try to save the wolves that he kind of hates and get himself in the crossfire and almost break every bone in his body. Stiles never had to do anything. He was human, he could get hurt, but what Derek didn't seem to understand just yet was that Stiles couldn't just sit in the car and wait for someone to come back and tell him that his friends are dead, the pups are cut in half and that Derek is all alone once more. Stiles couldn't do that, so he got involved any way he could. He would shout and distract the hunters so that Scott could run away. He would throw rocks at them so that the wolves didn't get shot. And what did he get in return; crossbows flying past him and nicking at his skin, him being pushed against the trees and his wrist almost broken. But he never complained.

"Yeah well, I did, so there is nothing you can do about it now, so why don't you go back out the way you came in and let me sleep in peace because if I don't, I swear to god I will find a way to kill you myself." Stiles said turning to face Derek and pulled a t-shirt over his head.

Derek stood and growled but Stiles just couldn't care right now, he wanted to sleep and rest and forget this day ever happened.

"Thank you" Derek said and when Stiles turned to the window, Derek was gone and Stiles stood there shocked. Had Derek 'the Alpha' Hale just thank Stiles 'the Human' Stilinski?

Stiles shook his head, he must be getting a concussion if his mind could make up such nonsense and after pulling on boxers, Stiles closed the window and climbed into bed, falling in to a dreamless sleep for the first time in a long while.

At school Stiles was still sore from the night before and Scott was looking at him weird.

"What?" Stiles asked, in class.

"Are you okay? Last night you didn't look so good when you went home" Scott replied, leaning closer to him so that no one would hear him.

"Oh, now you care? Where were you when I limped home? Oh right, you were too busy with Allison to hear about your friend Stiles" Stiles answered back, not looking at his friend.

He wasn't really that mad with Scott, he was just tired of being taken for granted and always forgotten. Even Derek cared enough for the human's well being that he had come to see him after the fight, but Scott? Oh, no, not his fried Scott. He was too busy with his hunter girlfriend even after her father had tried to kill Scott far too many times.

"I'm sorry, I just-"Scott started but was interrupted when the bell rang.

"Look, I'm fine okay. Don't worry about it. I'll survive, you know that. Just ... don't pretend to care when we both know that your mind is elsewhere most of the time" Stiles said and picked up his things and left Scott standing in an empty class room.

Stiles was walking to his next class when he was pulled roughly by his arm and found himself staring at the pups from Derek's pack.

"Oh great, now what do you two want?" Stiles asked, holding his arm where Erica had pulled him.

"We just wanted to thank you" Erica said, gritting her teeth, "For what you did. Last night" She finished and walked away.

Stiles looked at the blond wolf walking away and raised his brows, focusing on Isaac.

"Derek made her say that. But she means it too, you know how she can be" Isaac said and put his hand on Stiles' shoulder, and gave it a light squeeze. "And so do I, so .."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. Thank the human for saving your furry ass on Alpha's orders and hope that I won't get involved any more" Stiles said and rolled his eyes., "I don't know what you are playing at but just drop it, I don't need you wolfs to make me feel better"

"That wasn't what-. You know what, fine. I'm sorry you got hurt saving our furry backs and thank you for doing that" Isaac said and turned to walk away as well.

Stiles was left standing speechless once more and he didn't like the feeling. Words were his thing, that's what he did, but lately with all the pups running around, Stiles found himself in situations where his words betrayed him and he was left mute before his senses came back and he thought of the perfect way to reply but he would realise that it was too late and he curse himself.

Shaking his head, he went to his next class and hoped that he won't run into them anymore today because he couldn't handle too many wolf altercations. He had enough that he was friends with Scott and he was a wolf enough for him to deal with.

After school, Stiles went home and seeing that his dad wasn't there, took the dirty clothes from last night from the hamper and put them in the washing machine, glad that he got to them first. His wrist was still hurting him and that meant that doing homework was going to be difficult, but Stiles reasoned that because it was Friday, he could not do it now and let his wrist heal and just do it later. So that's what he decided to do and sat down by his computer to try and see if there was something he hadn't researched yet.

After hours upon hours, Stiles began to notice that his dad still hadn't arrived home and was starting to worry. He tried to call the station but they told him that his dad had left hours ago, and now he was really starting to freak out. He called Scott to see if he can sniff out his dad and grabbed the car keys, leaving the house to go and look for him.

On his doorstep Stiles found a box addressed to him and picked it up, looking at it as if he was waiting for something to jump out of it and eat him. Looking outside, side to side and not seeing anyone or anything, Stiles took the box inside and shut the door with his foot, putting the box on the table and thinking if he should have one of the wolves sniff it and see if it's safe or just open it up by himself. Never one to be able to wait, Stiles grabbed a knife and cut open the box and found an odd shaped glass container and after shaking it, Stiles found it to be empty. He frowned thinking who would send him such a thing. Shrugging, Stiles tore open the lid and before everything went dark he felt like someone had put a bag over his head and were squeezing his heart in their hands, because he was sure that he was going to die and that made him panic even more before passing out.

Stiles' head felt like it was on fire and he couldn't remember what happened. Opening his eyes, his saw that he was in his house, with Scott looking at him and frowning. He asked what his friend was doing here but no words came out of his mouth. He tried to move but found that he couldn't do that either. Feeling quite nervous, he started to freak out when he heard his own voice.

"Calm down"

Whoa, what the hell was that?

"Stiles, are you okay? You call me and tell me that your dad is missing and then I come here and find out on the floor and what the hell is that smell?" Scott asked, worrying about his friend.

Stiles didn't know how to answer that because even if he wanted to, he couldn't and there's his voice again, talking about something and Stiles couldn't understand what the hell was going on.

"Nothing, that's nothing, don't worry about it ... Scott. I'm fine as you can see so no need to stay, goodbye" Stiles voice said and Scott left after a moment and told him to call him if anything happened.

What the hell is going on?

"Can you shut up for one second? It's bad enough that I don't know where I am but I don't need to hear you all squeaky up in my head" The demon said and smacked his head a few times.

You mean in my head.

"If it makes you feel any better" The demon sighed and Stiles could feel him digging into his mind, finding out all that he needed. "Ugh, wolves. How ... boring. But I guess it will have to do. Now, what do you say we go have some fun?"

No, get out of my body before...

"Before what, Stiles? From what I can see in your mind, no one really cares about you that much to be looking for you" The demon said and chuckled.

Stiles couldn't believe that the demon was using his own voice and mind to get one up on him and sighed when he realized that the demon was right and he really had no choice.

Fine. Do whatever.

The demon smiled, Stiles could feel it, but it didn't make him feel any better. He just wished that the demon didn't meet Derek while Stiles was like this because he wasn't sure how the Alpha would take it.

"Oh him" The demon said and Stiles felt weird hearing it say that with his voice, the demon sounded a tad too happy, hearing about Derek. "He's a dish, isn't he? Though by your feelings you already know that. Tell me why haven't you jumped his bones yet?"

Because he's Derek. And we hate each other.

"Keep telling yourself that. But we both know that's not true" The demon said happily as he left the house and walked to Stiles car. Turning the car on, Stiles yelped in his mind, after seeing Derek standing in front of his car.

"Stiles!" Derek growled and the demon smirked.

"How can I help you?" The demon asked, and Stiles cringed. He never talked like that to Derek.

"Scott was worried about you" Derek said, coming closer to the car and Stiles. He sniffed the air around Stiles and frowned. "You smell weird."

"Well you aren't exactly a bunch of roses either, but you don't see me walking around telling you that" The demon said and Stiles was sure that after saying something like this, Derek is actually going to kill him.

"Why-"Derek started but the demon stopped him from talking when he leaned out the window and crushed his lips to Derek's.

The Demon pulled away, smirked and hit the gas pedal, driving away before the Alpha even knew what happened.

I was wrong, he's going to kill me now and it's your entire fault.

"Relax, he won't do anything and if he does, I'll just tell him what's going on" Demon said and turned on the music to drown out Stiles' whining.

He did tell Stiles that he wanted to have fun and what better fun is there than to get an Alpha to want a human/demon?

Be honest, how was it?