I want to thank all of my reviews. I respond to those who I can. But I wanted to give a big thank you to all my reviews who I don't have the ability to respond to. Particularly "A" who responded to just about every chapter.

Getit199 correctly identified the book Jack read as "The Magician's Nephew" the first in the Narnia series (at least first chronologically though not written first).

Big thank you to bruised reed my wonderful beta!


"I'm not quite sure I understand. Is it a surprise birthday party?" Daniel asks.

"No, she knows we're waiting," Sam says staring at the door.

"So why are we all standing here, without the guest of honor?" Daniel asks.

"Because Sam is so excited to meet Katie's fiancé she insisted we all be early," Jack says.

"Hold it, fiancé?" Daniel exclaims, "She's marring this guy?"

"You were supposed to let her tell that part, Jack," Sam says with an eye roll.

"KatieO'Neill has selected a spouse?" Teal'c says with a raised eyebrow.

"Be nice, she thinks you guys are going to scare him off," Sam says.

"Probably true," Cassie offers. "What?" she says, "I speak from experience."

"Isn't it true," Vala asks Daniel, "That the children on your planet are allowed to drink when you turn twenty-one?"

"She's not twenty-one," Jack objects.

"According to her birth certificate she is," Sam says.

"But it's off by three years, you know as well as I," Jack says.

"Jack you let her drive when she turned sixteen," Daniel points out.

"Right, but that was to stop the unending begging," Jack says.

"I'm telling you Jack, the license says twenty-one, she's going to act like a twenty-one year old," Daniel says.

"But she's not. What child just old enough to drink hangs out with old people?" Vala says.

"We're not all old," Cassie offers with a smile.

"But her family, you know, not friends," Vala offers.

"She'll be out of here in plenty of time for the real party," Cassie says. Both Sam and Jack give her a glare.

"Ok," Katie says taking a deep breath, "Trevor, you have to understand that all the crazy people you are about to meet are family. I have an extraordinarily large, strange family," she says with a flinch.

"I'm sure they are perfectly sane," Trevor says.

"Oh, you would be surprised," Katie says putting her hand on the door, "Are you sure you're ready?"

"So how long did you stand out there working up the courage?" Daniel asks playfully.

"About as long as you stood outside that conference feeling bad that people thought you said aliens built the pyramids," Katie retorts.

"I never said that," Daniel says making a face.

"Probably should have, it would have been the highlight of your speech," Jack says.

"Alright everyone, this is Trevor who you will be nice to," she gives a particular glare at the men of SG-1. "Trevor this is my father Teal'c, and his wife Ishta. Then my half-brother Rya'c and his wife Kay'rn, and their son Ronac. This is Daniel, he's like a dad to me," she says smiling, "And his wife Vala, and their daughters Cleo and Lisa. Then we have Grandpa Jacob-my mom's dad. Then there is Cassie, my adopted sister," Cassie springs forward an gives her a hug, "her husband Dominic, and their kids Sam, Jon, and Janet, not to be confused with my mom Sam, and my Dad, Jack," she grins.

"I thought Teal'c was your dad," Trevor says gesturing.

"Right," Katie flinches and gives Teal'c an apologetic smile.

"O'Neill married KatieO'Neill's mother when she was but a small child. It is only natural that she would consider him to be her father," Teal'c offers.

"Right, of course Jack is actually my stepdad, but I call him Dad. I also call Teal'c and Daniel Dad. I grew up with all of them," she offers them a smile.

"Pretty lucky girl to have three fathers," Jack says pulling her into a hug.

"Right…well you should probably say hi to my pain in the butt brother…half brother," she offers grinning, "This is Jake. And my little sister, Gracie. So…that's my family."

Jacob walks forward and hands her a glass, "Here is that champagne you wanted a long time ago…the day of your first victory."

"Wasn't my first victory," she says, "but thank you."

"I still don't like the idea of her drinking, she's too young!" Jack protests.

"Twenty-one," Trevor says.

Jack snorts. Sam shoots him a glare.

"Why is her age funny?" Trevor asks.

"Time is measured a little differently where she was born," Daniel starts.

"We were on a mission," Jack offers.

"Right you guys are in the army," Trevor says.

Sam flinches,

"Air Force," Jack corrects.

"But where on earth is time measured differently?" Trevor says.

"Every culture has different calendars," Daniel offers.

"So are you telling me that you don't know for sure it's her birthday?" Trevor asks.

Jack nods, "You know I knew a girl when I was younger who didn't know what year she was born on."

Katie raises an eyebrow, "But you do know when I was born."

"You got the eyebrow thing from Teal'c," my mom giggles.

"But she got all her awesome things from me," Jack says. Everyone freezes.

"Nurture verses nature," Katie says quickly with a smile.

"Ah, ok," Trevor says.

"So cheers to the birthday girl," Daniel says with a grin.

"What do you do for a living, Trevor?" Jack says narrowing his eyes at him.

"The interrogation could go both ways," Katie says.

"Oh, that'd be bad," Jack says and everyone laughs.

"What?" Trevor looks concerned.

"You're scaring him," Cassie says, putting an arm around him, "He thinks Jack's a fugitive or something."

"No, most of what my d…stepdad did…well, most of what most of the people in the room did is classified," she says.

"I have never done anything classified," Cassie proclaims.

"Right…" Katie says with an eyebrow raise.

"She said done not is," Jack says grinning.

"You know not everyone in this room has signed the page after page of non-disclosure agreements it takes to be part of this family," Dominic says.

"And you are way more classified than I am," Cassie adds.

Katie turns to Trevor in panic. He gives her a small smile. She tries to think of something to explain.

"Ok, let's play Pictionary," Jack says excitedly.

Everyone groans.

"What?" Trevor asks.

"Just…if you're playing Pictionary with my Dad make sure you're on his team is all," Katie says.

"Is he a good artist or something?" Trevor asks.

"No, his strength is in the guessing," Katie says.

"Katie is the birthday girl, she gets to be on my team," he says putting out his arm, "What do you say baby girl?"

"Right, that would be fair," Daniel rolls his eyes.

"I'm so sorry about the inside jokes," Katie offers.

"Actually," Jack grins, "They wouldn't have to be inside jokes anymore. We talked to the president about a birthday present for you," Jack grins and hands her papers.

"No," Katie says.

"Honey, I just figured since you were planning on marrying him, you'd want him to have security clearance," Jack says.

"No," Katie repeats. She turns to Trevor, "I am so…sorry," she stammers as she runs outside.

Cassie and Sam exchange a look, and then Cass gives Sam a nod.

"Honey, what's wrong?" Sam asks sitting down next to Katie.

"He doesn't know any of it. I mean really doesn't know, not like that joking in there. He's never heard joking like that before," Katie says.

"Ok, well, no big deal, because he's going to know the whole truth before long," Sam says.

"No, I don't want to tell him," Katie says looking completely panicked.

"Honey, you shouldn't start of a marriage with all kinds of lies," Sam says, "We thought you'd want to be honest, but…"

"He's going to think I'm a freak. An alien genetic experiment," Katie sobs. "I've spent my whole life learning to be normal. Lists of what I can and cannot say."

"And you have the chance to get away from that…at least in the privacy of your own home," Sam offers.

"No, you don't get it. He doesn't know me. He knows this fictional character I've taught myself to be. The minute I saw him I knew he was going to be important. So he doesn't know that I'm really only nineteen. He doesn't know that I've been working since I was two years old. He doesn't know I've never been to school, except a couple failed attempts at preschool," she says.

"He doesn't know you saved the universe from these truly nasty aliens. Created over a hundred pieces of alien technology from memories of ancient beings," Sam says.

"Can read minds, and have the knowledge of four adults and two complete alien races in her head," Katie says.

Sam pauses, "Look, honey, you might be right. I don't know Trevor. So maybe he can't deal with this, with the amazing person you are. But if he can't…you shouldn't be marrying him. And I think you should give him a chance."

Katie smiles at her mother, "I know, you're right."

"Sorry about the freak out," Katie says coming into the house. Jack looks at the ways she's poised and confident and thinks about how she has become a leader. She takes the forms and hands them to Trevor, "I would love it if you would sign these."

"No, it's ok, Kate," he says, "If you don't want me to know, I don't have to know."

"See the thing is, I really do want you to know. But I was scared of what you'd think. And my Mom," she glances backward at Sam giving her a wide grin, "In all of her wisdom told me I should really give you a shot," she takes a deep breath, "So sign them, but realize that seriously you can't tell anyone, on threat of death."

Jack's face goes a little pale, "We didn't kill anyone," he repeats evenly.

Katie turns to him looking a little panicked, "No, you're right. It was just a figure of speech. I'm sorry," she says. She knows that after all of those years her father is still haunted by the face of the dead reporter, and the fact that he is not actually, a hundred percent sure the man wasn't killed by someone associated with Stargate command.

"You sure, Katie?" Trevor asks.

"Yeah," Katie says offering him a warm smile.

"Ok," he says, and he signs the papers.

"You'd better sit down," Katie says leading him to the couch, "Ok, where to begin?"

"How about with the fact that you are an alien?" Cassie offers.

"I'm the alien?" Katie asks. She turns to Trevor's disbelieving look, "I'm not an alien, but Cassie is."

"You were…made on another planet," Cassie offers.

"We say born," Sam insists.

"How revisionist of you," Cassie says.

"Hold it," Trevor says silencing the banter, "Cut the sci-fi crap and tell me the truth."

Katie bites her lip, "Trevor there are some aliens in the room, could you put your hands up?" Vala and Cassie shoot their hands up proudly. Teal'c and family put there's up more stoically. Most of the kids seem a little uncertain how to answer that question.

"No way," he says, "They look like humans."

"Well, some of them are humans, and the other ones are modified humans," she offers, "Actually a lot of aliens are humans kidnapped from earth thousands of years ago. But don't worry, my parents killed all the bad guys."

"Which parents are you referring to?" Trevor asks in a voice laced with a touch of sarcasm.

"All four of them," Katie says with a flinch, "Ok, let's start at the beginning. There is a giant stone ring with constellations written all over it. It was found a long time ago buried in Egypt. They didn't know what to do with it for a long time until Mom built a dialing computer and Daniel Dad figured out how it worked. Then Mom and Daniel Dad, and Teal'c Dad, and Dad, er Jack, started going through it to other planets. I know it sounds crazy, but it's not. On one of those planets they discovered a piece of technology built by an advanced race of aliens. Actually the same race that made the stargate-that's what Daniel Dad decided to call the giant ring. Anyway, they were fiddling with the machine on another planet when.."

"I was not fiddling with the machine," Jack protests.

"Who lifted the panel Jack?" Sam accuses.

"Who asked me to lift it?" Jack protests.

"Guys are you seriously laying blame for my existence, when I am in the room?" Katie asks.

"God Katie," Sam says pulling her into a hug, "I am so unbelievably glad that we messed with that machine. I would not trade you for anything."

"Indeed," Teal'c says with a head nod.

"Right, who else could knock sense into us so quickly," Daniel says winking at his wife as he pulls her close to his side.

"You certainly surprised us by the way you came into the world, but they are right, I wouldn't have it any other way," Jack says offering her another hug.

"Although I'd like to mention they had me on purpose," Jake points out grinning.

"Right, you were the baby they had a week after they got married," Katie taunts.

"Better than two years BEFORE they were married," Jake returns.

"Do we have to separate you two?" Jack asks giving each one of them a glare.

"So back to the story. This machine takes a little bit of blood from each of my four parents…" Katie continues.

"Four parents?" Trevor interrupts confused.

"Right…ah…mom, dad, Daniel, Teal'c four parents…" she provides.

"Reproduction doesn't work that way…" Trevor starts to say.

"Not the fun way it doesn't," Jack says.

"My God Jack, can we not refer to it as 'the fun way' in front of our daughter and the man she's going to marry?" Sam scolds.

"Pretty sure Dad told me sex was fun when I was two years old," Katie says.

The whole room shoots him a glare of distain. Sam knocks him in the back of the head with the heel of her hand.

"In the context of the conversation it was a totally appropriate comment," Jack says.

"No actually, it was appropriate," Katie nods her head in defense of her father. "Anyway, this machine compared there DNA at each gene loci, and selected the best one. Then they combined the DNA to make a child which was- me," she says with a shrug of her shoulders.

"So you're telling me you are ¼ alien?" he asks glancing at Teal'c.

"Well, actually a little bit less than ¼, but yeah. If it makes you feel any better I don't actually have the genes associated with his unique alien properties," she offers with a smile. "You doing ok?" she asks looking worriedly at Trevor.

"I'm fine, keep going," he reassures her with a smile.

"Ok," she says, "So I grow really fast, and am born about an hour and half after I drop into this tank in the middle of the room. Then these…"Katie pause unable to find the words to describe the next bit of technology.

"Head suckers," Jack offers.

"Right, these head suckers come out of the wall and make a copy of all the knowledge in my parents, including some stuff that got buried in their heads from the time when they were hosts to or hung out with some advanced races. Stuff they didn't remember. And then they transferred all of this stuff into my head. So I've had the knowledge of four adults, and two ancient races ever since I was born," she says with a smile.

Trevor looks like he's having a panic attack, he turns a bit away from Katie. Everyone can see that Katie thinks she's lost him. Gracie sits on the armrest of the couch next to Katie, and puts her arm around her shoulder.

"I knew you were smart but…" Trevor sputters.

"I'm sorry," Katie says hanging her head.

Trevor looks well and completely confused. "What the hell are you sorry for? And why on earth did you decide to marry me? You're super woman!"

"It's true, you should hear about the time she saved the world when she was three years old…" Jack starts.

"Really, Jack?" Sam asks, "You think that's useful right now?"

"Sorry," he flinches, "It's just not very often I get to brag on the accomplishments of my little girl."

"You saved the world?" Trevor asks.

"Ah…not really. I mean the Ori weren't anywhere near to earth," she offers with a smile.

"But they would have been if you hadn't figured out a way to stop them, and besides think of all the other people in the galaxy you protected," Jack offers.

"Indeed," Teal'c says puffing up his chest.

"So," Trevor says, "How come they don't think you're really twenty-one? Is it because you grew extra fast in the water before you were…"

"Born, we decided to call it born," Sam offers.

"No, that's not the only reason. Until I was two and a half I grew at double the normal speed. So I've actually had three different fake birth certificates. The last one put me at five and a half. Because of the double growth my body was actually five, and we wanted to keep my actual birthday my birthday so we fudged by half a year. But technically it was two and a half years since my birth had passed when I got the birth certificate that said I was five and a half," she explains.

"So you're really turning eighteen," Trevor says taking the glass of champagne out of Katie's hands.

"No!" Katie protests.

"I like this one," Jack says with a grin pointing to Trevor.

"That means I am really four years older than you!" Trevor says in horror, "That isn't good."

"Not so bad," Sam says, "I'm sixteen years younger than her father…er…the one of her fathers that I married."

"I have a couple questions about the multiple father business," Trevor says, "So you two," he indicates Jack and Sam, "were married when she was born, and you," he indicates Teal'c "were listed as her father because of her skin?"

"No, and yes," Jack offers.

"Ah, Jack and I didn't get married until Katie was three. When she was born he was my commanding officer, and that meant we couldn't have any kind of a relationship together," Sam offers.

"Even though they clearly belonged together," Cassie offers.

"I'll say," Daniel says with an eye roll.

"So how did they end up together?" Trevor asks.

"Well, I thought I was dying and I gave them some advice," Jacob says with a grin and a wink.

"Yeah, it was totally romantic. They pretended they were going to work, and came back a week later married and with a baby brother!" Katie giggles.

"Hey, that reminds me. I should tell the story about how much you wanted a baby brother when we brought Jake home," Jack says with a grin.

"Ok Dad, you have told that story every single time I've ever fought with Jake. Pretty sure I know it by heart," she says with an exasperated sigh.

"I'd like to hear it again," Jake says with a grin.

"Right, and then I can tell the story of that unfortunate incident when you were two…" Katie begins.

"Alright! I don't need to hear it," Jake says throwing up his hands in surrender.

"So you're siblings?" Trevor prompts.

"Right, they came out of the same machine I did. But it was modified to not include the brain reading, and rapid growth after birth parts of the procedure. All of their knowledge they've gotten for themselves," she offers.

"It must be really awkward to know everything your parents know," he says.

"Well, it is just knowledge and not memories, but yeah it is awkward sometimes. Especially when I meet people from their past. I ran into my Dad's ex-wife once, and it was like super intense awkward, because I knew these random details like how she liked her coffee and what her favorite book was, but there was no emotion attached. Like I didn't remember him loving her or anything. I just had all these detached cold hard facts," Katie offers.

"You know what was really awkward? When she was a two year old who thought it was ok to talk about sex in public places," Jack offers.

"Hmmm," Sam says, "Couldn't have anything to do with her father telling her sex was fun."

"Trust me the wanting to talk about it came first," Jack says.

"I was trying to figure out why you and Mom weren't together. I mean I could tell you were in love," Katie says.

"Yeah, I really wish I would have had advanced warning that my baby could read minds," Sam says glaring at Jack.

Trevor turns to Katie with a look of something between horror and awe.

"Look, it's not like I go around reading people's minds. I get the whole privacy thing. I usually don't. I mean when people are talking, and thinking about the same thing they are talking about I read their minds. Or if they are lying…" Katie stammers.

"Or if you're two years old and your mother is thinking about kissing my neck," Jack adds with a grin.

Sam glares at him, "Or your father is picturing me in a bikini…"

"She never said it was a bikini," Jack protests.

"Right, so what swimsuit were you picturing me in, Jack?" Sam challenges.

"Alright…it was a bikini," Jack says.

"At least she didn't announce the worse moment of your life in front of a room packed with scientists you've known for less than a month," Vala grumbles. Daniel pulls her close rubbing her back, and kissing her temple.

"I've got a lot more control over my mind reading since then," she says glaring at them.

"Ah…Kate?" Trevor says, "Have you ever read my mind?"

She flinches, "Look, sometimes…I can't help it."

"He thinks too loudly?" Sam explains, "That is so sweet. Before Jack and I got married he used to accidently read my mind."

"Before we got married?" Jack says raising his brows at her.

"You still read my mind?" she asks grinning.

"Way more so," he says.

She grins.

"Ok, I'm not sure how comfortable I am with mind reading," Trevor says.

Katie looks at him, "I swear, I've read your mind like five times. That's it. The first time…when I said I love you for the first time. And then I apologized since it was out of the blue.." she says.

"You know I was thinking it," he says smiling.

She nods.

"Aw!" the room coos.

"Shut up!" Katie says over her shoulder.

"Language little one," Daniel says.

"Hey now, Daniel, I happen to know you know thousands of swear words in a variety of languages," Katie retorts.

"So, how many of you all can read minds?" Trevor asks.

Katie, Jack, Jake, and Gracie raise their hands. "Grace can just barely read minds," Katie says narrowing her eyes at her little sister.

"Intense," Trevor mutters.

"Ok, so he knows about my freak genes, let's talk about something else," Katie says.

"Someone said something about her saving the world?" Trevor asks.

"Great story, the first time she was two," Jack says.

"Dad!" Katie rolls her eyes.

"Hey, I'm a proud Daddy who doesn't get to tell this story often," Jack says.

"No, no Jack start with the last time she saved the world," Sam says excitedly, "Those 'exploding asteroids' last month? Not asteroids and they only exploded because of Katie."

"I am not the one who blew up a sun," she says raising her eyebrow at her mother.

"I believe the most amazing feat SamanthaO'Neill ever achieved involved using a hyperspace window to pass an asteroid through the earth," Teal'c says.

"I don't know, blowing up two Gou'ald motherships was pretty impressive," Daniel says.

"You're giving him an impression I did these things by myself," she scolds them. She turns to Trevor, "It was team work. All of them were team work."

Trevor turns to Katie with a smile, "So, what do you do at work?"

She smiles, "Actually, I was pretty honest about that. Inventing. Only I'm 'inventing' things from the memories of the ancient civilizations. The part I wasn't honest about was how long I've been working there."

"She gave me this adorable little résumé that started with the words 'to Daddy Jack,'" Jack squeals.

"You save the world with your inventions?" Trevor asks.

"Sure, there was the alien killing thing Merlin invented, and the super battery, and the big ass space gun," Jack says.

Two hours later, they leave her house.

Sam grabs her arm, "Cassie said this wasn't your last stop of the night, don't drive," Sam says seriously.

She rolls her eyes, "Mom, Trevor is driving me home, right now."

"In that case, use protection," Cassie says.

"Cassie!" Katie says flushing red.

"You gave me the same advice when I was your age, and you were like four" Cassie says.

"Take care kid," Jack says pulling her into a hug.

Katie glances at Trevor nervously as he sits down next to her in the car, "I'm sorry, about my family."

He glances at her surprised, "Why? I loved them."

"I'm really not as strange as they made me sound," she says fidgeting.

"I like who you are. Even more that I found out more about you," he says, "I love you Kate."

"I love you to," she says.

The morning sunlight streams through the stained glass windows as she walks down the aisle with all four of her Dads. Jack is at her elbow, and Daniel and Teal'c are trailing behind avoiding the long train of her dress.

She grins when she sees Trevor's face. It is all so right.

"Who gives this woman in marriage," the priest asks.

"Her mother and I do," Jack replies. Giving his last 'I do' for Katie's sake before a priest.