Author speech and very important to read the last two paragraphes!:

Different ideas you should be aware of in this story:

Girl Harry! Harry different parents! Different School!

As you all well know, I have recently finished a story called Past Present Future. I had plans of publishing another story called Unspeakable quite soon but that story got away from me and this one began. Most of you know that I am attending college and although it is, summer time and I have more time on my hands when school starts time will be limited. My second year is supposed to be my hardest year filled with a lot of theory like Building codes and History of Architecture. I want to have a good year this year and that means concentrating and so when school starts all stories will be put on hold until I have enough time on my plate to do what I need to do. You have all been supportive during Past Present Future and I hope you understand during this story.

Now let's see this story came to my mind a few months back and I have been working on it for a while now. I have a few chapters written up and I plan to write more. My hope is to have quite a few chapters so that I can update more often than not. With this, one I have also began the third book of Guardian! Those who have read it know about it and I have had a hard time starting the third one but it's started now and I hope to get a good heads start on it before school begins. Here's hoping that comes true.

Well as we are told do say, Harry Potter is not mine, The OC characters are but apart from that nothing else. I think it's a pretty original story that I hope you guys like, it's a spin on the classic Harry isn't actually born a Potter scenario. It's a girl Harry fic so those who don't like don't read it's simple. I also understand that my English is not that good but I have seen improvement and as long as I continue to write, I am sure it will get better.

Also before you begin to read this story and you probably have skipped this I would like to point out two of the top Community Etiquette rules of the sight.

Spell check all story and poetry. There is no excuse for not performing this duty. If you do not have a word processor that has the spell checking feature, use a search engine such as to find one.

Proofread all entries for grammar and other aspects of writing before submission. 'Hot off the press' content is often riddled with errors. No one is perfect but it is the duty of the writer to perform to the best of his/her ability.

I would like to point out that to write my stories I do use Microsoft Word and although it does not have the best Spell Check Feature it does have one and I use it. I also try to read and correct any mistakes I find but I am not a teacher, I do not do those for a living and I have never been great at grammar. I hope that you understand that I am doing my best to provide a readable story for all my followers. I know my flaws and I try to fix them but I can't always catch them. I will try to correct mistakes pointed out to me but I may not always get to them.



You have been warned; now let the story begin.

Chapter one

"Adventures must start with running away from home"



Jack Handy

It was a normal summer's day at Hogwarts. The Professors who normally stayed at Hogwarts found themselves in the Great Hall for breakfast when the doors opened and a young woman by the name of Tempest Dumbledore walked in. Tempest was a beautiful girl with dark wine red hair that was silky strait and went to her waist. Her emerald green eyes shinned with happiness and she wore a set of muggle clothes. In her hand was a suitcase. The moment the Deputy Headmistress and the Headmaster of Hogwarts spotted her, they stood and hurried over. Tempest dropped her suitcase as they approached and swiftly gave both a hug.

"It's good to see you Grandma, Grandpa." She whispered.

"I am delighted to see you my child. How was your year at Salem?" The Headmaster asked.

"It was okay, how was Hogwarts?" She asked eagerly.

"It was a very exiting year but alas it did not end well I'm afraid." The Headmaster answered.

"We're sorry to say but You-know-who has returned to life." The Deputy whispered causing Tempests eyes to widen.

"Then you have to understand that I'll be safer here at Hog..." She tried but was stopped by the Headmaster.

"No Tempest you are to stay at Salem, you are much safer there and I will not have anything said of this matter again. Now why don't you go unpack your things in your room?" He stated and with a sigh of annoyance, she did as told.

After a few moments, the Professors at the Staff table started to speak.

"Headmaster, are you sure she is safer at Salem. Surely you can see that the young girl wishes to attend Hogwarts like her parents had." Professor Sprout said.

"Sometimes what we want to do is not always what we have to do. She would be in great danger if she attended Hogwarts and I will not have the last heir to the Dumbledore family, my granddaughter, be in danger." The Headmaster stated.

"She is in less danger then Storm Potter. The girl is on You know who's most wanted list and yet she is still attending Hogwarts. What do you propose we do for her safety?" Sprout argued.

"We can do nothing but hope that Hogwarts is safe enough for her. We do not have the power to change her schools." The Headmaster sighed.

Tempest was annoyed; each year was the same stuff. She had always had a dream of attending Hogwarts but her dream was always thrown out the window each year by her grandfather. She hated it. She had to attend Salem Academy of Magic because she was the granddaughter of Albus Dumbledore and if anybody in Britten would find that out then she would be taken advantage of. Well that is what her grandfather said. Every sense she was a few months old her grandparents had raised her. Lord Voldemort had killed her own parents when she was still a baby, just a few months before Storm Potter defeated Voldemort. Of course, she rather felt a connection with Storm Potter, even though she had not met the girl. They were both orphans, orphans because of some twisting Dark Lord killed their parents. Turning a corner, she arrived at her portrait and grumbled the password.

"My, my already in a bad mood are we Miss Dumbledore." The painting commented.

"Shut up. Summer." She snapped before the painting opened allowing her entrance to her chambers.

Of course the moment she walked in she took a deep breath and relaxed. Her room was her sanctuary and she loved it for that fact. The room was large and had black walls with a dark purple ceiling. The bed that was in the middle of a wall was a four-poster bed done in black with long dark grey curtains. The floor was a dark brown wood and the carpet under her bed was a thick white fur. In the centre of the room was a large white crystal chandelier that hung elegantly and shined the light over the room. Around that, one light fixture was a large white sectional and a coffee table. There was a wall full of bookshelves and books along with two doors. One, which lead to her bathroom and the other that lead to her walk in closet. Going she fell on top of her bed and let a sigh leave her lips.

Merlin she loved Hogwarts but it never failed. She always got into an argument with her grandparents. Thankfully, this one hadn't been that bad but she wasn't so sure about the rest of the summer. She hoped that the arguments this year wouldn't be too bad.

Turning around onto her side Tempest looked at a painting, she had done during her time at Salem. Her teacher had instructed her into painting what came to mind. The background was blue and purple while in the centre of the board were two shadows. It was supposed to represent her but she didn't know why she had painted a second shadow. It had just felt right.

Suddenly there was a knock at her door. Grumbling she got up and walked to it. When the portrait opened, it was to reveal none other than Madam Pomfrey.

"Hello dear, Minerva sent me to check up on you." Poppy said causing Tempest to smile.

"I'm okay Aunty. I just wish that Grandpa would at least consider me attending Hogwarts. He knows how much it means to me." She sighed causing Poppy to smile sadly.

"I know dear and your grandmother is trying everything she can to at least get him to budge but he isn't." Poppy sighed.

"He's so stuck on keeping me safe that he forgets that sometimes people have to take risks in life." She grumbled and Poppy gave a nod.

"Miss Dumbledore, the Headmaster wishes to see you in his office." Came a voice from a painting.

"Alright." She agreed before giving the woman a smile and walking off to see her grandfather.

When she arrived, she found the man sitting behind his desk and the moment she walked in, he gave her a smile.

"Tempest, sit down please you and I have a few things to speak to each other about." The man said and so Tempest did as told. "Firstly I know that you have a strong desire to attend Hogwarts but you have to understand that you are safe at Salem."

"I don't care if I'm safe or not! I want to attend Hogwarts, as is my right! Mum and dad wanted me to attend Hogwarts! Who are you to deny me that?" Tempest shouted but that caused the Headmaster fury to appear.

"Tempest Dumbledore you are my granddaughter! You're safety is my top priority and so you will be continuing your education at Salem!" He stated in a firm voice.

"You don't understand do you? You never understood!" She cried before racing from the office and leaving her grandfather alone.

Racing through the halls of Hogwarts, she arrived at her room and threw herself on her bed as sobs left her mouth. He never understood. After a few moments, she brushed the tears from her eyes and looked at her bag. Suddenly her eyes hardened and she swiftly stood before putting some clothes in her bag. With that done, she pulled a cloak from her closet, took her wand, and left the room. She swiftly ran through the castle until she arrived at the secret passageway that would lead her to Hogsmeade. With that, she sneaked in and left before anybody could stop her. When she arrived in Hogsmeade she looked around and noticing the night bus. Hurriedly she ran over and got on just in time.

Two hours later Tempest found herself somewhere called Surrey yet she didn't know where that place was. She was about to raise her wand and call the stupid bus back but then heard shuffling and turned to see a girl standing not far from her. She took a step back though as she noticed how much she and the girl looked alike. They both had dark wine red hair and they both had green eyes. Merlin's beard that was weird.

"Um... hello." Tempest muttered and the girl blinked before giving her a polite smile.

"Hello, are you lost?" She asked.

"Um sorta, could you tell me where this is?"

"Surrey, by the way my name is Storm." Storm stated.

"I'm Tempest and Surrey I knew it but I think I heard that before." She muttered before it clicked. "Do you by chance know a Storm Potter?"

"Why do you asked?" Storm asked.

"Because eh I think she can help me." Tempest answered and that is when she noticed that the girls eyes had widen.

"You're a witch aren't you?"

"How did you...Storm Potter!" She exclaimed and the girl gave a nod before looking around swiftly.

"Please don't shout I don't really want to be found." She said causing Tempest to blink in confusion.

"Why?" She asked.

"Well I'm sorta running away." Storm answered with a blush marring her cheeks.

"Oh good I'm not the only one, my names Tempest, Tempest Dumbledore." Tempest stated in a cheerful voice yet she soon noticed Storm's wide eyes.


"Yeah, the Headmaster of Hogwarts is my grandfather but we can talk about that later. Where were you going?" She asked.

"Gringotts. I have to get some money." She answered and Tempest gave a nod of agreement. "Do you... do you want to come?"

"Love to; it's always better to run away with another brain at your side." Tempest joked causing Storm to smile brightly.

A haft an hour later both girls found themselves sitting in a very posh office with many books and other things thrown around the room. Behind the desk though was a very old goblin.

"Miss Potter I am glad that you could make a trip to Gringotts for you see there are a few things we must discus." The Goblin stated.

"I'm sorry sir but I only came because I needed money, what other things do you wish to discuss with me?" Storm asked confused.

"Well it is very simple Miss Potter. This summer you turn fifteen and so a few things start to come to you such as this letter." The Goblin revealed before pushing a thick envelope over.

Hesitantly Storm took it and started to read. With a pang she found that it was her parents writing this letter.

Dear Storm,

We understand that the moment you finish reading this letter everything will be different for you but you have to understand we love you with all our hearts. The moment we got you, we never stopped loving you. On July 31 1980, you were born, but you were not born a Potter. You see we adopted you from your real parents. Your real parents were Alicia and Joseph Dumbledore. We found out two months before you were given to us that neither of us could have children. It was a blessing when Joseph approached us with the idea. The reason they gave you to us is that they didn't want you hurt. You see for as long as it has been known Dumbldores, have been extremely talented and powerful but those two things are doubled when it is a set of twins born from the Dumbledore blood. Twins are not normally born in magical families especially the Dumbledores. However, you were born as a twin. You are the oldest by two minutes and your sister was next. We understand this may come to a great shock and we wish we could have told you ourselves but if you are reading this then we never got the chance. Alicia and Joseph never wanted to give you up darling but they knew that if Voldemort would hear about Dumbledore twins being born then he would go after the both of you and so to keep you both safe they gave you to us. We were good friends with them and we promised them to keep you safe. Nobody knew that they had twins not even Josephs father Albus Dumbledore the Headmaster of Hogwarts and his mother Minerva McGonagall, Professor of Hogwarts. Two weeks after we got you, we made you an official Potter by doing a blood adoption. I must say I was shocked when your appearance didn't change all that much but it didn't matter. People would just think that you looked like me, because you did. You had my dark red hair, my emerald green eyes. Neither Alicia nor Joseph had those eyes. No the Dumbledores were known for their bright blue eyes. You and your sister, Tempest, had bright emerald green eyes.

On a sadder note, I'm afraid to say that your birth parents are not with us today. Ten months after you were born, Death Eaters struck. Your sister was with her grandmother when it happened and your birth parents were both killed. We hope you understand that your birth parents loved you with all their might and that we loved you just as much. We love you so much Storm and we hope that you will not stop thinking of us as mum and dad.

Our entire love,

James and Lily Potter

For a moment she said nothing, she didn't even move yet a single tear fell from her right eye causing Tempest, who stood beside her to grow worried.

"What is it Storm?" She asked confused yet her only answer was for Storm to hand over the letter. She read it for a good two minutes until finally looking at Storm in shock. "Twins..."

At that, Storm locked her eyes with hers and suddenly they were crying while holding each other. For a good five minutes, they held each other until finally they decided to pull apart and brushed their eyes, getting rid of the tears. Still they stayed connected by their hands, not wanting to let go.

"Well then Miss Potter we have a few more things to discuss such as your duty as the last remaining heir to the Potter Family, to take your position, you won't become Head at this current time but you will be starting to learn more about the wizarding world and the secrets of your family. The best way to do this is if you leave your current place of residence and make your way to Potter Manor." The Goblin stated while handing a folder towards Storm who accepted it. Looking at it with her - sister they noticed all the wards around the property.

Notice me not wards, muggle repelling wards, Magical signature blocking wards, anti-apparation wards, anit-Portkey wards, Detection wards and many more.

"Wow this is, this is amazing." Storm whispered as she looked at the rest of the description of the manor.

The place had a lake, an indoor swimming pool, and an outdoor swimming pool, Quidditch pitch, Green houses, even a barn for all the family animals. There were house elves still working there to keep the place moving, there was also a large library that was a building of its own but connected to the main house. That was just the outside; the inside of the manor had so much more things, duelling rooms, Ritual rooms, Potion labs, bedrooms, and bathrooms. There was a formal dining room, a ballroom, a family dining room, a formal sitting area, a family room, an office, weapons room and more.

Looking at each other the girls let grins form on their faces.

"It's the perfect place to run away to." Tempest stated.

"Then dear sister mine, you want to come?" Storm asked.

"You know it' going to get some getting used to but I think I'll manage dear sister mine." Tempest agreed causing the goblin to chuckle.

"Well then I shall give you this portkey. It will drop you off not far from your new home. In addition, so that you will be informed there is a small village not far from your home. It's magical and very secluded. Only a certain few know of it." He stated before handing Storm a small little coin pendent over. "To activate it say Morning's Dawn."

After a dozen of minutes, the two newly found sisters left for Storm's vaults then left for home.

At Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall were worried. They had just found out that their granddaughter had gone missing and only ten minutes after that were informed that Storm Potter also missing.

"Merlin Albus those two are so much alike, running away at the same exact time. If I didn't know better I would say they were twins." Minerva sighed and the Headmaster had to agree with his wife's statement. "What are we to do Albus, their missing, You-know-who has returned and they are in so much trouble."

"We need to find them as soon as possible. We must inform the Order of their disappearance." The Headmaster murmured his face white, eyes devoid of the twinkle he normally possessed in his eyes.

"But Albus almost none of them know about Tempest." Minerva cried and the Headmaster gave a sigh.

"I know, it was my wish that nobody truly knew of her but those who needed to but now that she has gone and left Hogwarts we cannot take the risk that Voldemort finds out about her or finds her. She is not safe and if it means revealing our granddaughter to the Order then we shall do so." The Headmaster stated.

"What if we organized a certain search party for her?" Minerva suggested and Dumbledore thought about it for a few moments before giving a nod.

"That is a very good idea Minerva." He agreed causing the woman to sigh as she finally sat down.

"Merlin, why did she have to be like her father?" She whispered causing Dumbledore to smile sadly.