A/N PLEASE READ: I have edited and re-uploaded this and a couple more chapters because they where terrible. Plot has not changed just spelling, gramma etc. Ok so this is set I Harry' third year and it is AU. Harry is abused and rescued from the Dursley's. Chapters get longer further own. please just bare with me and reviews are appreciated.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the harry potter characters, places or items. Sadly that right is still with J. and last time I checked I was not her . Any way hope you like it.
Harry's POV
Thirteen years of being addressed as this and harry knew uncle Vernon was talking to him. Or more to the point yelling at him to get his butt down stairs or else.
Harry sighed. nursing his bruised ribs. At least one of the felt broken from his last encounter with his uncle. He had made the wrong breakfast for him which, if you knew his uncle, was not a good thing. He had become so enraged that he had thrown Harry to the floor and proceeded to kick every part of him that he could reach. He had left Harry on the floor barley conscious after a particularly hard kick to his head. This had been mere hours ago and Harry groaned at the thought of anything his uncle could possibly want him to do.
He made his way slowly down stairs as each step caused him pain. He rounded the corner to come face to face with a steaming uncle Vernon.
He smacked Harry across the head so hard that bright lights popped in front of him. He fell to his knees but quickly scrambled to his feet. He knew exactly what would happen if he didn't.
"Y...yes uncle Vernon?" He stammered.
Harry was about to reply and say that uncle Vernon had never asked him to wash the car, but bit his tongue knowing what would happen.
"Yes uncle Vernon I'll do it now" he said trying to ignore the fact that he had no idea how he was going to do it with his current injuries. Harry went to the cupboard were they kept all the cleaning supplies and, with difficulty, proceeded to wash the car. He was continuously choking on the awful fumes that came out as his aunt insisted on buying the highly toxic products. Finally he was done and went to go back inside just as his uncle came out the front door.
"Oh no you don't boy. You're not going anywhere while you're soaking wet. You can sty out here 'till you're completely dry."
With that he grabbed Harry's hair and threw him onto the concrete, grazing his face and arms. Harry squeezed his eyes shut against the pain. When he looked up again. Uncle Vernon had driven off. Harry sighed and shakily pulled himself up to sit in the drive way in the sun.
So what do you think? again, reviews are much appreciated.