Chapter One: There's Safety in Waking

Song Companion: The Nightmare Academy by The Paper Melody

Like many nights in the past, William Herondale and his parabatai and best friend, James Carstairs, were sitting on the edge of Black Friar's bridge, performing their nightly demon watch. It was a full moon, which was lucky for the Nephilim boys because they had forgotten their witch lights in their haste to get on watch. So far, they had only killed one lesser demon. Other than that, London was peaceful tonight.

Will looked down into the murky Thames River, watching ripples form in the water as he dropped tiny pebbles. "Will…" Jem asked. Will turned to his best friend, who seemed to be concentrating on something. "Will you be my best man?" He asked, looking at Will. Will cringed on the inside. His best friend had just recently asked a woman to be his bride…a woman that Will loved so much it made his heart ache. Tessa, the beautiful Downworlder who had been living in the London Institute for the past few months. Will remembered when he first found her. He smiled slightly at the memory of her hitting him over the head with a jug.

Will also remembered when he found out that the curse he was under was unreal…a fake. He remembered being so horrified, he had pushed everyone away and hurt them for nothing, and yet, so ecstatic. That meant he could be with Tessa, if she could ever forgive him. Only when he professed his love to Tessa…he was answered with the news of her engagement to Jem. Of course, he was going to let Jem marry Tessa, and he wouldn't let Jem know that he, too, loved Tessa. Jem was dying and Tessa made him happy, so Will would let him be with Tessa, he wouldn't break them apart. He would protect Jem from the horrible truth and slap that same mask on his face that he had worn for many years.

"Yes…why wouldn't I be? We are parabatai after all." Will said, smirking at his friend. Jem seemed to notice that something was wrong and was about to question his friend about it when they heard a strange noise from below. They looked down to see a huge piece of ice emerge and start floating down the river. "How unusual…" Jem murmured. Will squinted at it, trying to get a better look. He couldn't tell for sure but…

He gasped. "Jem, Jem there's a person in there!" he shouted. Without a second thought, the boys flung themselves into the river and swam towards the ice. They each hauled themselves up on top of the ice, panting. Will took out a knife and started hacking at the ice, trying to rescue the person inside. Jem soon joined him, hacking with his cane.

Jem hit the ice one more time before the ice shattered. Will wrapped his arm around the person's waist and swam towards the shore, Jem right behind him. Will carefully laid the person down on the ground and took a good look.

It was a girl with pale skin, and raven hair. She seemed so dainty and fragile, Will was almost afraid that she would break if he touched her. He looked in her hands to see her clutching a bow in one hand, and a quiver with arrows in the other. "Oh…" Will said as his eyes widened and looked down at her. "Oh?" Jem walked up from the shore and his face flushed. "Oh, by the Angel, Will! Cover her up, please!" he shouted, covering his eyes. Will snickered but shrugged off his jacket and wrapped her in it so that it made a very short dress.

They heard a snarling behind them and whirled around, seeing a huge, red demon with black piercing eyes, huge claws on all six of its arms, and a barbed tail that was poisonous, no doubt. Will and Jem whipped out their Seraph blades, saying their names to bring forth their power. The Demon laughed. "Pitiful Nephilim! Do not believe that your puny weapons can work on me!" It bellowed. Jem and Will remained silent, glaring at the beast. The Demon raised one of its arms and pointed a nasty looking claw at the girl on the ground behind them. "Now, give me the girl and I will make your deaths quick and painless." It growled.

Will clicked his tongue. "I don't bargain with Demons…except maybe the pretty ones." He looked the demon up and down. "Sorry, you don't make the cut." He said in his cocky manner. "Will, you're only making it angry." Jem whispered. As soon as the words left his lips, the Demon charged. Before the boys could even react, Will heard a bow being strung and saw an arrow fly past his ear. It hit the Demon in the middle of his forehead. He howled in pain and glared behind the boys.

Will and Jem turned their heads around to see the girl stringing another arrow onto the bow, her emerald eyes glaring at the beast. She released the arrow and shot the Demon in the heart. It roared before falling to its knees and turning to dust. She was panting as she lowered her arms. Will watched as her eyes rolled back and closed before her knees gave out. Will cursed and caught her before she fell and hit her head. He shuddered. She was so cold. He looked at Jem, who seemed just as baffled as he was.

"Who is this girl?" Jem murmured. Will sighed and stood up, carrying the girl bridal style. "I don't know, but I think we should bring her back to the Institute…" he trailed off, staring at the girl. Jem nodded slowly. "Yes, Charlotte will be most curious to hear about this." Jem mused. Together, they walked up the river bank and headed off towards the giant, white cathedral whose spires towered over the many buildings in London, but hidden to the untrained eye.