Summary: Bella is a professional swimmer, and Charlie isn't the perfect cop that he seems to be. When things go wrong for his cousin that's a mob boss and Bella is in danger Charlie sends her to be protected by the Cullen's, as Bella ends up falling for a certain blonde haired cowboy.

I do not own any of the Twilight characters nor, Stephanie Myers work.

I threw my Nissian Altima into drive and took off to practice, already five minutes late. Coach was going to kill me. I had already been late once this week, do to my black pussy cat Samson not wanting to come back into the apartment, glaring into the trees that bordered my apartment complex and hissing. There must be another raccoon lurking around. I screeched to a halt, taking up two parking spaces as I quickly got out and made my way into the gym.

I ducked my head down and tried to sneak into the swimming area as quietly as possible, I did not want Coach to realize I was late, again. Being my klutzy self when the time to be stealthy arrived I ended up tripping over thin air and eating shit as I face planted on the floor. Och.

"SWAN!" I heard Coach yell and I couldn't help the groan that escaped me as I slowly got up to face whatever he was going to say to me.

"Why the hell are you not in that pool already? You just qualified for the Olympic Trials, now is not the time to be slacking off Swan. This is the second time you've been late this week." Although he wasn't yelling, I still felt awful, it was worse just hearing the disappointment in his voice.

"I know, and I'm sorry. It won't happen again I promise!" I pleaded, doing my best innocent look that I knew he couldn't resist.

"Get your ass in the water Swan." was all he said before he headed back over to yell at the other people doing warm-up strokes.

I stayed latter than the rest, practicing on my weaker strokes and trying to increase my time. It was easily nine by the time I was headed out the side door and into the parking lot. Besides the one street post, the parking lot was pitch black and my car was the only one parked crookedly in the front. I shivered, glancing around as I wrapped my arms around myself and quickly walked to my car, just wanting to get home and take a nice warm shower.

I was throwing my bag into the back seat when a large arm snaked around my waist and another pressed a cold cloth over my nose and mouth. I tried to scream but my vision started to get black, and just before my arms closed I could feel someone pick me up softly...

I heard the voice before I opened my eyes. I could tell we were moving, probably in a car or van I was guessing.

"Yes, she seems to be fine, Emmett accidently knocked her head when he put her in the back but it wasn't hard...yes I know...I won't tell her anything, I will let you explain of course...yes, yes...Okay, see you in twenty."

I listened to the high soprano voice as I tried to sort my muddled memories of how I got there, concentrating on keeping my breathing even so they wouldn't know I had woken yet. All I remembered was leaving the parking lot to go home...and then the images of someone grabbing me from behind came to me and my heart started to race.

I was kidnapped.

I slowly opened my eyes, trying not to groan from the massive headache I had. I was laying down in the back seat of a small car, sprawled across the leather seats. As the car hit a bump my head smashed into the side, egging on my headache, great. I slowly sat up and looked at my captors.

There was a rather large man driving, muscles bulging out of his t-shirt as he boobed his music to the beat, seeming to not have a care in the world. His short brown hair had some curls to it, and it reminded me of coaches. In the passenger seat sat a very petite girl with spiky black hair, looking out the window. Both were beautiful as far as I could tell, and I wasn't sure what to do, until I noticed how fast we were going.

"HOLY SHIT! SLOW DOWN! ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?" I screeched into the poor drivers ear, I'm assuming was named Emmett.

"What!" he yelled back, slowing down, but just barely. I watched as the speedometer went from 120 down to 95, the dirt we were kicking up on the deserted road seemed to lessen a little and you could actually see out the windows now.

"I'm sorry if his driving scared you, I promise he'll drive slower from now on, but I do suggest putting on your seat belt now that you'r awake. Now don't get me wrong, Emmett is a great driver bu-"

I cut off the little pixie with a look, before I spoke. "I don't know why you felt the need to kidnapped me, but I assure you we can work out whatever you want from me, please just let me go." I said, tears springing to my eyes, whether they were from fear or the anger of actually being abducted, I wasn't sure.

" We don't want anything from you." Emmett said, his voice deep and loud.

"What Emmett is trying to say is we are not going to hurt you Isabella. Once we get to the house everything will be explained but know that you are safe with us, and Charlie was the one who set this up. " Alice said, before turning back around in her seat to face forward.

They left me even more confused, frustrated and scared then before they started talking. I didn't know what to think, I had never been in this type of situation before, hell I never thought something like this would ever happen to me. When the pixie mentioned Charlie I was instantly on guard. Were they telling the truth or just using that to make them believe me? The fact that they kidnapped me against my had me leaning towards the second theory.

"My father would have told me if he wanted you to take me somewhere for some odd reason. When he gets a hold of you he will slit your throat for taking me, just you wait and see. I don't know how you thought you would get away with this." I said, my voice surprisingly not shaking, and I just hoped they didn't call my bluff.

A bell-like laugh floated out of the pixie as the car came to a stop.

"I doubt he would kill us, and even if he tried he wouldn't be able to Isabella. Were here now, so everything can be explained to you, come." She practically commanded me as she got out and opened the door for me. Emmett grabbed my arm, not hard or roughly but I knew I wouldn't be able to break out of his grasp, I didn't even try.

When I set eyes on the mansion standing before me I gasped at it's beauty. There was a long walkway to the front door, shaded by oak tree's while it had a very vintage old look to the structure and style. I could see a pond and garden wrapping around one side from the back of the house, bordered by woods. While their was open acers stretching far on the other side, I thought I saw a deer run through one part. I gulped as we began our slow walk to the front door, when it started to open. My heart rate quickened and my palms started to sweat.

This was it, once I was inside that door there was no way to escape then and now leading to that door.

So? Tell me what you guys think, please R&R! I can't wait till Bella sets her eyes on Mr. Jasper...