But Anyway

AN: Another new story! Yipee! I got this idea in my head and I just had to write it! The title is taken from the song 'But Anyway' by the Blues Traveler.


Disclaimer: I do not own Glee.

Chapter 1:

Squeezing his eyes shut, Kurt sighed and slowly woke up. He stretched his legs out, toes curling into the thin sheets and his back cracking in the process as the previous night rushed back in a collection of blurry flashes.



More drinking.

One handsome man with curly hair and the most intense hazel eyes Kurt had ever seen.

Strong arms belonging to said man that wrapped around his waist while a talented mouth took his breath away with every kiss.

The only thing Kurt remembered before everything turned a hazy black was this man wrapping his toned, tan body around his own while they fell backwards into Kurt's bed.

After that, nothing.

With a groan, Kurt sat up and opened his eyes, blinking rapidly as his head pounded against his skull. Thankfully, the bed was empty and no sounds of movement could be heard from the rest of the apartment. Kurt didn't think he had the will power to deal with ever so politely asking his one night stand to leave should he still be present.

Rolling over onto his stomach, Kurt reached out for his phone on his bedside table. Instead, next to his iPhone, was a steaming cup of coffee, two aspirins and a small, torn piece of paper.

The note was simple:

Good Morning!

Signed with only a goofy smile face and no name, no number.

After gulping down the coffee and aspirins, Kurt rushed towards the shower, hoping to wash his mind and body of whatever evidence was left of the previous night.

"I swear I take no satisfaction in saying this… but god Kurt, you look like shit!"

Honestly, Kurt didn't expect any different when he walked into the small clothing boutique he owned with a mocha clutched between his hands and the darkest sun glasses he could find shading his eyes. Santana was right; he looked and felt like shit.

"Don't remind me San."

She rolled her eyes followed him as he walked towards the back of the store and with a quick decision she raced towards the front of the store.

"Santana do not put the closed sign up!" Kurt shouted, a second too late. Deciding not to fight it, because there really was no point and he had no energy, he continued towards his back office where piles of paperwork and orders were waiting.

He had just sat down when Santana waltzed in, taking the seat opposite his and propping her feet on the desk. "Spill Hummel, and I want all the dirty details because despite your efforts to mask the stench of a one night stand with all the French body crap you use, nothing gets past me."

"There is nothing to tell." Kurt said, fixing her with a glare that hopefully displayed how much he did not want to talk about it.

Sitting up a little taller, Santana glared back, "Oh yes there is, what was it? Was he terrible? Reek of stinky man? Oh my go- was he still there when you left?"

"What? N-no! No, he was long gone thank you very much!" Kurt snapped quickly, turning on his computer and reaching across the desk to push Santana's feet back to the floor. He made a quick decision to not mention the note, knowing that would result in another interrogation.

That answer didn't satisfy Santana and she stood with a huff, fixing her tight black skirt before throwing up her arms in surrender. "Fine! Fine! Wallow in your self pity and regret or whatever it is that you are felling right now but refuse to tell me."

Kurt crossed his arms in front of him and dropped his head, muttering under his breath. By the time he looked up again, Santana was gone. He got up, throwing out his empty coffee cup and walking out of his office back into the main area of the store. He was just in time to see Santana grabbing her purse from behind the cashier's desk.

"Um, San, where are you going?"

She ignored him for a second, only answering the question as her hand came to rest on the door handle, "Out, I'll be back before lunch." She flipped the sign so it now displayed open and left, with no further explanation.

Somehow, the morning only continued to get worse. Not only did Kurt have to field calls from distributors who wanted to know when he wanted the next shipments delivered, he also had to run the main floor and answer to the customers alone, because one of his employees had ditched him.

Right as the small, antique clock chimed signaling that it was noon; Santana strode back into the store. In her hand was a leash, and on the other end was a medium sized dog with the biggest grin on its face.

No one was left in the store so Kurt had no filter holding him back, "What the hell Santana?" he exclaimed, catching sight of the dog she had with her.

She smiled and placed the leash in his hand with a simple, "Here."

Kurt sputtered for a second, unsure what to do. "Why did you bring a dog into the store and give it to me?" he asked slowly, placing a hand on his hip. This was the last thing that he needed, another life to worry about because he was doing such a bang up job with his own.

"Because she is yours now. You're welcome." Santana gave him an innocent smile, flipping her hair back as she resumed her normal stance behind the desk, and picked up a magazine which she began to flip through.

"Santana, why the hell would I want a dog?"

Setting a crease in the spine of the magazine to hold her spot, Santana stood up and looked at her best friend, ready to give him a huge, wild dose of reality. "Because you are lonely Kurt. So lonely that you feel the need to go out and hook up whenever it gets too be too much. Sure … it's okay once and a while but what you are doing Kurt … it's not healthy."

Kurt shifted his feet under her glare, casting his eyes down for being called out by his best friend.

"Now Britt volunteers at the animal shelter, a few days ago this little girl was brought in, abandoned by her owner. The bastard didn't even bother to make sure someone was working there, he just dropped her off on the front steps and left."

Another wave of emotion passed over Kurt's eyes and he looked down, his gaze met the dog's. She looked up at him with sad, warm brown eyes that spoke volumes. Her tail swished across the wood flooring.

"She needs a home, someone to love her. If you really don't want a dog, I'll take her back." Santana said no more and returned to her magazine, watching Kurt from the corner of her eye.

Kurt kneeled down, and reached out a hand and slowly stroked the dog's head. She whined, and pushed her head into Kurt's palm, tailing wagging happily back and forth. Kurt smiled before he caught himself, and realized that there was no way he could give this dog back, with just one look from her brown eyes she had taken a part of his heart.

"You're a pretty girl aren't you," he murmured softly as his eyes ran over her body. She was about the size of a border collie, with round ears that fell at the sides of her face. Brown and black wirey fur covered her body but was smooth to the touch. There were a few patches of matted fur but nothing that a good bath and brushing couldn't get rid of.

"Does she have a name?"

Kurt's question caught Santana by surprise and she looked up to see him petting the dog, a smile on his face. "Nope." She replied, popping the 'p'.

Kurt thought for a second, and when the dog's eyes met his own he knew what her name would be. "Indy."

A few days later, after dog proofing his apartment and admitting to himself that Santana was right, Kurt stood outside the Anderson Animal Clinic in Lima with Indy by his side.

One perk of having a dog was the cute accessories that Kurt had spent an hour browsing over at the local pet store. Eventually, he decided on a simple, sparkly green collar and matching leash. It stood out while still complimenting Indy's fur.

"Alright, now I hate hospitals so I totally understand if you hate this place too, but we have to do this. I don't want you to get sick." Kurt smiled down at Indy and ran his hand over her head, smiling at the goofy grin she was giving him. Ever since he had decided to keep her, the same silly smile had never left her face.

Taking a deep breath, Kurt opened the door and stepped inside, Indy trotting along on his right. After checking in at the desk, he took a seat in one of the waiting room chairs, chancing a quick glance around while he waited.

It was tastefully decorated, a palate of dark forest green and natural wood. There were black and white photos of animals covering the wall, but not in a way that looked tacky. A small display was set in the corner with select varieties of dog and cat food along with a few collars and leashes.

Kurt offered a smile to the elderly lady sitting on the other side of the room from him. A large, grumpy looking tabby cat sitting in her lap. She smiled back just as his name was called.

"Mr. Hummel?"

Kurt stood and brushed off his pants, Indy rising to her feet by his side. The vet lowered the file he had read Kurt's name off of and Kurt's eyes went wide. Standing in front of him was the man from a few nights ago, broad shoulders, tan skin, kissable lips and the most intense hazel eyes that sent Kurt's stomach dropping towards the floor.

He was screwed.

AN: Sooooo? Did you like it? Should I continue? Please review and let me know! :)