Hallo! It's been a while, I know. D: Sorry for the late update. :( Thanks for the reviews, guys (if there are any) and girls. They make me so happy! :D I know, the breakup was fast, wasn't it? I wanted it to be done as soon as possible so I could get on with the story. :) Anyway...enjoy!

"Lisanna...she broke up with me."
"She said that she can't stand to see you look like that, or something. I dunno. But yeah."

Lucy didn't know whether to feel bad or to be happy. She basically felt both.

"Natsu...Are you okay with that?"
"I guess so...I think...I'm still not over you..."

The blonde girl just stood there. She didn't know what to say. She obviously loved him and he obviously loved her. Should she take him back? But what if they break up again, and their friendship becomes completely...broken? Cannot be repaired anymore? She didn't want to go through that pain again. She was already extremely conflicted. She didn't need anymore problems.

"So...Lucy...I think..."
"I think we should...I dunno. I wanna be with you again...But I don't want to hurt you. More than I already have. I hate to see you like that."
"What do you mean?"
"I really like you. I really do. But first I need to know if you wanna be with me too..."
"I do...But...I think we should wait a while. I can't afford to have tings get more complicated than they already are. It's difficult...And...I just can't deal with this anymore..."

The Celestial Spirit Mage felt tears begin to sting her eyes. She turned away from Natsu. She didn't want him to see her crying. Never again. She needed to be strong. The girl quickly wiped away her tears and turned back to Natsu. She smiled.

"How 'bout we just stay friends?"
"Hmm..." Natsu had a pensive look on his face. "Yeah," he replied with a large grin on his face. "Well...I have to go. Don't wanna keep Lisanna waiting."

The Dragon Slayer left the room as he waved goodbye. Lucy laid down on the bed and wrapped herself in her comforter. She sighed.

"Just friends, huh...?" She whispered quietly. "Like I'll be happy with just that...Why didn't I just say yes?"

But she knew why. She knew it was to keep herself from feeling any more pain. Not like this situation is any better, though. It still hurts.

"Lucy!" Rita called through the door. "Can I come in?"
"U-Uh...Sure," the blond replied.
"Are you okay?" The young waitress asked as she stood next to the bed.
"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks."
"Are you sure?"

Lucy turned to look at her.

"If you say so..." Rita said with a slight grimace. "Well, we'll call you when dinner's ready."
"Okay. Thanks."

Rita turned and walked out of the room as she closed the door behind her.

As soon as she left, Lucy buried her face in her pillow to try to muffle her sobs as much as possible.

Short, I know... :( I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it, though. :)

Thanks to those who have read and continue to read. :) Special thanks to those who have favorited, followed, reviewed, and continue to review! :D I really appreciate it. Seriously. I do. It makes me super happy.

Don't forget to leave a review! :D