And without much warning, she was inside the house and looking up at the man she had been looking for, yet, at the same time dreading seeing. Mostly because of what was now in front of her. Despite Ethans best efforts, the house still reeked of alcohol. At least, the entry way as too mention the man that had pulled her into the house looked just as she had feared. Of course thanks to his brother he had showered, but the bags under his eyes were visible, and he looked as surprised by it being her as she was to see that he was somewhat sober.
They took a few moments to look over each other, eyes alight with a mixture between confusion and the adoration lovers had for one another. Francoise was having trouble guessing what was going through his mind, and while she was staring at him she noticed a pain in the back of her head, and leaned against the door that she had been held against. Of course, he'd expected Ethan, and being the violent siblings they were, this made perfect sense to the woman .However that didn't stop her from groaning out and pouting. "Nice to know you missed me as much as I missed you." She voiced sarcastically to the Scottish her tone he visibly winced, and the grip he had on her arm loosened considerably.
" 'm sorry, dear." he all but cooed, nearly dropping forward to kiss her before all at once everything seemed to come back to him, and he took a step back from her to leave some space in between them. Oh how she wished he hadn't done that, and how she longed for him to hold her in his arms and pretend that this was okay. Even though he wasn't completely aware. Now that she was here though, well, she still hadn't figured out how to tell him exactly. So she did the second best thing she could think of, and flashed him one of her famous smiles that was a mix between charming and devious. One of those things that clearly read out that 'I know something you don't'. It had taken awhile to perfect that look, honestly, and she didn't quite hate it. "That's fine, amour. Have anything left to drink? I'm parched." She answered, batting her eyes a little at the man as she glanced past him.
This wasn't foreign to him, he knew how to read her body language fairly well. As she knew his. So when delicately quirked an eyebrow at the question, she had to work a little to keep her expression the same as wasn't just a simple matter of 'i know your brother has a girlfriend and i figure we can torture him about it together' type of secret. This was a full scale 'they've made a nuclear bomb and are planning on using it on us' sort of secret. The kind that you let only those most important to you know, and, those that you can trust with your life. As if he sensed the nervous undertone, the redhead rolled his eyes and turned around, motioning for her to follow him. Meanwhile under that cool facade he was trying to keep up his mind was a mess. Why was she here? Did she miss him? Did she want to sleep with him? Honestly, the woman always confused him. Now it was just worse.
The worst part of seeing the house, would definitely have to be seeing how little it had changed-yet that there were a few changes. Some photos with them were turned down, the one with them on their wedding day, and another with them and their friends drunk off their rocker. Others were less than remarkable, but still not something he apparently wanted to see now that they were not quite together as far as he knew. Francoise tore her gaze from the wall, and focused on him as they walked. Trailing her gaze from the back of his head, and slowly down his body as she watched him take out a bottle of what she knew was her own vodka. He wouldn't waste his time with the stuff normally, unless he was out of everything. Which as far as she was aware of, he actually was. Clearly he was still suspicious, due to the fact that the entire time he was pouring them their glasses (Nobody was drinking in his own home without him, no matter the circumstance.) his eyes barely left her face.
Her head bobbed lightly as she grabbed the cup and took a shot from it-cringing from the taste just a little bit. It was good for getting rid of things, however, even she had to admit, the stuff was retched in larger quantities unless you had something to chase it down with. Which, she hadn't bothered keeping at his house during the time of the 'divorce'. The silence that accumulated once they began drinking was soon cut short as Ian placed his glass on the counter and leaned against it as well. His emerald eyes were as focused as they could be with the amount of alcohol still not completely out of his system. "So, lovely, what brings you here?" Ian questioned, crossing his arms across his chest as he looked over her. Eyes flicking down to her feet and then back to her face, taking vague note of how she seemed nervous. Bizarre really, it was rare that he had managed to see her flustered or nervous.
It seemed they were brought back to step one, and the second he asked the question her gaze dropped down to stare into the cup of water-toned liquid it contained. Clear yet not what it seemed, just as their contract for divorce had been. Perhaps it was a good thing she'd signed first, as he himself would have signed the name he went by the most ever since Scotland joined the United Kingdom. 'Ian Kirkland'. At least, for the time being. With a deep intake of breath, Francoise offered him another smile, although this one reflected how she felt about the situation a tad more than she had hoped. "Well, darling. For the past week I was doing some research, and, I ended up meeting with Roderich." His face darkened across from her at the mention of that, and he scoffed and ended up sneering over at her, clearly expecting the worst. Not exactly of her, but, he'd never been too fond of the man. Reminded him too much of Arthur.
Sensing that he wasn't too pleased with that she hurried up her explanation a little, doing her best not to speak too quickly. Which wasn't too easy, it was a habit when she was nervous. Her speech sped up and occasionally she slipped into her native tongue. Hence why she tried her best to try and keep herself calm in most scenarios. The rate of success with these things was high normally, but now she had to swallow before continuing. "He told me about a claus, in our contract. Because we only signed our Nation names on the divorce papers, we, as people, are still technically married. Even though are alliance is over." Francoise stated, closing her eyes the second that small speech was done. Her heart was beating against her chest and for a moment she had her doubts, doubts that this was what he wanted to hear for the past few days. Doubts that he still loved her as much as she still loved and desired him.
All of those doubts were all but banished a second later though, as his arms wound their way around her, and his face was buried against her heart was beating away in her chest, and from what she could feel so was his. There was shaking going on between them, and it took her a moment to realize that he was laughing. Laughing at the entire situation, at the fact that they weren't as alone as they believed they were. At that she couldn't help it either, and the laughter just kept coming, until they were clinging to each other and trying not to fall on the floor from their unsteady position. "Y-you're, you're serious?" Ian asked, even though he knew what the answer would be. From what he knew about her, she wouldn't lie about something so serious. The nod she answered with had him grinning ear from ear.
As their giggles finally subsided, Ian ran his hands along her sides and pulled back to look in her eyes. It was still surprising that the news had made it through his alcohol ridden brain, and as he leaned forward to press his lips against hers-they were interrupted by the door opening and a mop of orange hair peeping in. "Oi! You both still alive in here?" Ethan called out, only to be answered by a slightly annoyed groan, and both of them turning to look at him from their-only vaguely compromising- position down the hallway. "Ah, yes, still alive. I think we'll be fine, I'll call you tomorrow." Francoise answered, not as embarrassed as she should be considering what Ian was just about to follow with-had she not cut him off by pressing her lips to his. Taking that as his cue to exit, Ethan looked away from the pair. "I'll let myself out then." He answered, closing the door and heading to his vehicle.
What was going to happen in the house he knew fully well, especially because he knew both of them. Due to that fact he was going to put as much distance between them as possible-and hopefully avoid giving any telltale signs to their government. Of course her bags were still in his car, and he groaned at that annoying fact before remembering he had agreed to take them in. Surely they weren't that indecent at this point. To which he was correct, within the house they were simply staring into each other eyes now, occasionally pressing lips to one anothers as they tried to assure themselves that yes, this moment was real, and they were definitely still married. Still safe, and still as deeply in love as they believed they were when they had first realized their marriage was good for more than just having sex and killing time. So when Ethan began lugging in her bag he was only inside for a second, then he was gone.
His entrance and the appearance of her bag didn't disturb them too much, and they began to make their way to the couch. Sex was off the table right now, however, standing was tiresome, and all she really desired to do was curl up in his arms and feel as safe as he made her feel every day of their marriage so far. Even at a distance she called him, and Ian would assure her everything was okay. Just as he was managing to do now, running his hand through her hair and holding her close to his chest as she was pulled into his lap-shoes disregarded on the way there, and her clothing being ignored for the time being. Of course she had comfier things, but, right now she was just enjoying the feeling. "My smart, smart woman." Ian murmured against her skin, moving down to press a kiss to her cheek and offer a small smile. I suppose Ethan was more useful than he'd intended. Otherwise it was likely the man would have been as hammered as Francoise a week ago.
The only difference between them right now though, was the fact that despite everything that had happened, and the short amount of time, was the fact that she had found their solution and he hadn't. Not yet at least. To make up for it though he was doing exactly what she had wanted, and had yearned for within the past while. "I love you. I love you so much, Francoise Bonnefoy." Ian answered, continue to pepper her face in kisses until she laughed and had to gently push his face away. "And I love you, cher." Francosie answered. For the time being, they were together, and until they decided they needed to depart from each other, and it would be their own choice. Not something forced by unrelated parties. Which is just how they wanted it.