North American Hurricane (Hetalia)

Author: Ashynarr

Summary: In the same vein as Bunnies For Your Amusement, I now bring you my collection of Hetalia Kink Meme oneshots and short stories featuring the North American twins, America and Canada! Will be going through LJ and filling just about every non-smut request for them, because the world needs more AmeCan bromance.

Disclaimer: Hetalia's not mine.

Warning: Random Shit, Bros Being Bros, drabble, oneshot

((Part Two – Page 7))

Request: Hmmm...I want puppy!Canada (just the ears and tail ;u;) looking for someone to take care of him, that someone being America. just fluff

Title: Puppy Canada


England and magic didn't usually mix at the best of times. When he was drunk? It was best to get out of the way for the rest of the day (although, as the Bad Friends trio had learned, even distance didn't always save one if he was well and determined to cast a spell on them).

This time, his target was America. While normally this wouldn't be too bad - after all, the superpower had dealt with wayward spells since he was young and thus knew how to make the best of whatever came his way - the poor Nation being cornered by a drunk and magical Brit was in fact said superpower's twin brother Canada.

"Arthur, it's me." The Canadian plead, trying to get through to his former mentor. No such luck.

"Ya can' fool me, Alfred~" The Englishman cackled. "This is payback for- for- that thing ya did." Oh great, he was really out of it. His wand raised, swinging down at the panicked teenager.

"Hey guys, sorry I'm-"

A huge burst of smoke and light engulfed the corner, quickly spreading through the room and making it difficult to see… and breathe.

"-late - the fuck?" America coughed as the smoke got into his lungs, arm waving at the air until it had cleared enough for him to see where it had come from.

The island Nation was knocked out on the floor, face flushed from the alcohol in his system. And sitting in the corner, eyes wide with panic, was-


A whimper came from the now much younger boy, new dog ears folding back nervously as he gazed around the room. There was no recognition in those eyes, and they also lacked a bit of the human intelligence that indicated that the Nation was still in control. For the moment this wasn't Canada, that much was clear.

France stepped forward, surprised but also delighted to see his 'little boy' back again, even if it was temporary. "Matthieu, my boy, come here~"

The Canadian just pressed back into the wall, staring fearfully at the approaching Nation. America, without hesitation, stepped in between them, preventing the European from advancing.

"He doesn't recognize any of us right now, so just walking up to him isn't gonna help."

"America is correct." Germany agreed from where he was standing, surprising several Nations. "Right now Canada seems to have the mind of a young dog, so you have to approach him as such."

"Thanks, Lud." America flashed a grin in the other's direction before returning his attention to his 'brother', who had calmed down a bit. He crouched down, extending his hands out but not making annoy other movement towards the child. "Hey there, it's me, Al; you can trust me, alright?"

Slowly, ever so slowly, Canada stood up from his spot, revealing a tail that had previously been hidden behind him. He approached the superpower with caution, stopping at one of the hands to sniff at it. No one made a sound, not wanting to scare the boy anymore.

Finally the boy relaxed, smiling at America who smiled back in no small amount of relief. When the boy stepped within his arms, the larger Nation caught him up and lifted him so the child was resting against his chest. Everyone seemed to sigh in relief, knowing the first hurdle was over.

France approached quietly, hovering nearby. Canada saw him and folded his ears back a bit, but otherwise seemed to be fine with it, apparently feeling braver when under his twin's protection. The European sighed, picking up the unconscious form of his mortal frenemy. "I'll get this fool to bed while you deal with Matthieu; hopefully the spell doesn't last too long, or Arthur at least knows the counter."

America nodded, showing he understood. As the two made their way out of the room, the superpower seemed to remember something and turned back to the others. "Ah, meetings are cancelled until everything's back to normal. Sorry guys, duty calls and all that…"

With that they made their exit, each heading off in their own direction to deal with their respective charges.


The American set his magicked twin down on the living room floor, having gone back to his apartment with the child so he could keep a better watch on him. The boy stared back up at him, eyes only closing when his brother ruffled his head with a chuckle.

"You hang out here, alright? I'll get ya something to eat and then… I dunno, I'll think of something." With that he turned his attention to making an early dinner, occasionally glancing over to make sure the child hadn't disappeared.

He'd only just decided that, yes, it was probably safe for his brother to have mac n cheese, when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it could be, he opened the front door to see Hungary standing there, Canada's missing clothing in hand. That was what had been nagging at him, but he'd been distracted with admittedly more important things.

"You left these at the meeting." She stated, handing them over to the thankful young Nation.

"Sorry 'bout that - Matt'll be happy to have these when he's back to normal."

The European nodded, peeking behind him as if hoping to catch a glimpse of the boy. "Where is he?"

"In the living room right now; last I saw he was playing with the-"

Noise exploded from living room, and panicked whining followed quickly.

"-crap, sorry Liz, thanks for bringing Matt's stuff!" The door slammed shut, America throwing the clothing onto the kitchen table as he passed through to where the TV was blaring, Canada hiding behind the couch. The American picked up the abandoned remote, shutting the system off before placing the remote out of the reach of small hands.

Still whining and sniffling, the child looked up at his brother, silently pleading for comfort. The superpower scooped the smaller Nation up, laughing lightly as he ruffled his hair. "I'm thinking we keep you away from the TV while you're like this, alright?"

The Canadian didn't understand, but just clang close, hiding his face in his brother's shoulder. The American sighed, returning to the kitchen with the boy in hand, making dinner with his free hand while the other calmed down. At some point Canada starting teething on his shoulder, but thankfully his shirt got the worst end of the deal as it was chewed on with glee.

After dinner, which had been rather messy and ended with half the food on the floor, the magicked Nation yawn, eyes and ears drooping with exhaustion. He sat still while America cleaned up the worst of the mess, and when he was picked up he snuggled into the warmth the other provided, shutting his eyes and starting to snooze even as he was put into a bed.

America left the room once he was sure his brother was asleep. After another half hour cleaning up and generally making sure everything was where it should be, the superpower felt himself beginning to drift off as well, and joined his twin in sleep.

The next morning would start with Canada falling off the bed in a panic while his brother laughed, the former now back to normal and sans clothing but for his shirt. Once the southern twin had explain what had happened (much to the northern brother's mortification), they both agreed that this was one of those moments they would never speak about again.

[…not that America kept to that promise, but that's another story.]


AN: Yeah, wanted to write this for a while, finally did. Working on something for Dixie, will have that up today hopefully. Then to work on Hero Training and Us Against The World. Busy busy...