Title: Marbles

Author: SweetlyDesolated

Summary: Harry Potter has lost his marbles. Poor Severus.

Warnings: General silliness, drabble

Disclaimer: Harry Potter and Severus Snape belong to J. K. Rowling and Scholastic Inc.

"Oh look, I found one!" Harry cried out, dropping to his belly and scooting under the couch. He backed out and knelt, holding something up to the light. Snape watched as the boy brought the object, oddly spherical despite its soft appearance, to his nose and inhaled.

"Potter, what are you doing, you fool?" Snape shouted, lunging forward and slapping the thing out of the boy's hands. Harry slid after the thing, grabbing it and holding it securely. He glared up at the man, his green eyes glinting like poison.

"I've lost my marbles, you moron. I'm trying to get them back, and it doesn't help that you keep sending them off in various directions!"

Snape merely stared at him, wondering when the sane boy from first year had gone nuts. He watched silently as Potter inhaled the - marble - and stood, his eyes appraising the room around them. The boy grinned as he caught sight of something or other perched high on a bookshelf. Severus sighed and sat on his sofa, resting his head in his hands as he listened to Potter dragging a chair and sniffing up his marbles.

How did he even get into these situations?