Okay, so this is gonna sound weird, but a box of colored pens inspired me to write these…I had been reading one of the few collections of one-shots out there that are based off of the letters of the alphabet and the idea of doing one-shots based off of colors came into my mind…
Anyway, each chapter will be separate from the last and will be based on a different color
If you have any colors you want to see or any ideas for colors let me know
I don't own How to Rock or it's characters
The first color is pink
Perf in Pink
She always hated the color pink. The color pink was supposed to be for girls, but she had never been a normal girl. Most girls like make-up and shopping, two things that she despised. She had always been a tomboy; growing up with four older brothers did that to a girl. Until Kacey, she had never really had many friends that were girls. She was one of the guys and so she didn't often date either.
Those facts might have been why it took her so long to realize she liked Zander. He was one of her best friends; around him she had always been just one of the guys. A relationship with him, which wasn't platonic, seemed out of the question. There was no way she was going to fall in love with one of her best friends and band mate.
It wasn't that she was oblivious when it came to dating. She knew when she found a guy hot and what small crushes felt like. For an example, she knew that Justin Cole was hot and that she wouldn't be opposed to dating him. The problem was she didn't know what actual liking someone felt like.
Right from the start she knew that Zander was good looking; most, if not all, girls could agree on that fact. But she always thought her feelings for him were just as a friend. They had a lot in common, like music. They never really fought; it was more like friendly banter and looking back on it maybe it was just flirting. Personal space meant nothing to them; they were comfortable enough around each other that it didn't matter. However, she had always thought of it as just a deep friendship.
Molly changed all of that for her. The queen of the "perfs" drove her crazy; she was everything that she hated. She was rude, self-centered, girly, and just plain annoying. While Kacey could be that way sometimes she made up for it in the end. There were many reasons to hate her, but she had found herself hating her more whenever Zander was around.
Molly stood in front of Zander, flirting. She was a complete eyesore, dressed head to toe in pink. She had on pink heels, a pink dress, pink lip-gloss, pink nails, and a pink headband. It annoyed Stevie to no end. Stevie was sure that Molly was only flirting with Zander to get to Gravity 5, but she couldn't see all of Zander's face so she couldn't tell if he were falling for it or not.
"Stevie, if you squeeze any harder the lid is going to pop right off of that bottle," Kacey pointed out as she sat next to her. Stevie hadn't even noticed that she was holding the bottle that tightly; she was only focused on Zander and Molly. "I'm not happy she's talking to Zander either," she said, but she didn't know why it bothered Stevie so much. It was just Zander, he may be a flirt but he wouldn't go out with Molly.
"How can you not be mad?" Stevie asked, overreacting a little. She didn't know why it bothered her so much that Zander might be flirting with Molly. She wrote it off as just hating Molly, but she knew there was something more to it.
"It's Zander, he might be stupid but he's not that stupid," Kacey shrugged. She might be angrier if it were Dean Hollis or Justin Cole, but not when it's just Zander. Kacey had been trying to ignore Molly because she knew that'd make the other girl more frustrated and angry than any comeback. "Now if they start making out then we can go over there," she calmly told her as she reapplied her lip-gloss.
"You think they'll start making out?" Stevie asked, getting a little angrier than she should. "That's it, I'm going over there," she stood up and made her way toward Zander and Molly before Kacey could calm her down. When she reached them she wrapper her arm around Zander's bicep and glared at Molly. "Hey Zander," she said in a friendly tone, though it switched to cold as she said, "Molly."
"Looserberry," Molly said, giving her own glare back. Zander had already felt uncomfortable with his conversation with Molly, adding Stevie to the mix only made it worse. Zander was a lover, not a fighter, but at that moment he had a feeling that a fight was bound to happen. "What's wrong? Afraid Zander's going to finally ditch that loser group of yours?" she smirked.
Zander held Stevie back, knowing that she was ready to attack. "If you're calling my friends losers than you're calling me a loser too," he pointed out, hating when people insult his friends.
"Don't you see Zander? You're too good for Gravity 5," she told him, temporarily putting a hand on his other arm and making Stevie want to rip her hand into pieces. She knew if she could make Zander leave the band then it'd anger Kacey, making Stevie angry was just the icing on the cake.
"My threat to introduce my bass to your face is still open," Stevie said from behind Zander, whom was currently blocking her from tearing Molly apart. She knew that she shouldn't let Molly get to her, but when it came to her friends Molly knew all the right buttons to push. She didn't know why, but Zander was the one she feared losing the most. She didn't want to admit she had a crush on him, so she blew it off as him and Kacey were the two that could possibly be lost to popularity.
"Stevie calm down," Zander told her. He looked at Molly and said, "Thanks for the offer, but no thanks. Me and Gravity 5 are doing just fine." He got plenty of girls even if he was with Gravity 5, he didn't need Molly's help. Even if he did, friends came first and Molly certainly wasn't a friend. "Come on Stevie, we need to talk," he said as he pulled the girl away from Molly and to the band room.
"I could have messed up that pretty in pink perf face of hers," Stevie said. She was normally calm, but the twinge of jealousy in her sparked anger that she found hard to control. "She wouldn't be so perfect then," she told him, but he just looked at her, disapprovingly. "What?" she asked, as if what had just happened were completely normal.
"What was that?" Zander asked. He was more curious as to why she had wrapped her around his, as if they were some kind of couple. After thinking about it, he realized she had been doing things like that a lot lately. Whenever he had been flirting, if she were around, she'd come up and find some way to touch him that gave the girl the wrong idea about their relationship.
"Me almost beating little miss perfect," Stevie said, as if it were obvious. She didn't even acknowledge the slightly possessive grip on his arm. "It would have been fun showing her what growing up with four older brothers teaches you," she said as she sat down on the couch. She propped her feet up on the table, satisfied with getting Zander away from Molly and having him reject her.
"Yeah, I know that part," he said as he sat next to her. "What I'm talking about is how you always seem to drive the girls I'm talking to away lately," he said, a little annoyed. He did like Stevie, but he never thought she'd like him back so instead he did what came natural to him and flirted with other girls.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she said, playing dumb. "You know exactly what I'm talking about," he countered. There was silence between them as they looked at each other, neither one of them sure that they were ready to have that conversation.
"What does it matter? It's not like you can't get another one to flirt with right after," she said, trying to remain cool but her tone was bitter. She was sick of seeing Zander with a different girl all the time. It was just flirting, but that didn't matter. "I mean sometimes you have a group of them all at once," she pointed out.
"It matters because half, if not all, of the school thinks we're dating," he told her. "Every girl I talk to lately asks about you," he said, "And I always have to set it straight that we're just friends." Stevie tried to hide the small smile that graced her lips, but wasn't doing a very good job. "Are you smiling?" he asked, confused by her recent actions, "What is going on? What is this?"
She looked down, knowing that she couldn't avoid it any longer. "I don't want it to be a rumor," she mumbled under her breath, barely coherent. At first he though that he didn't hear her right, "What'd you say?" She looked at him, biting her lip and trying to decide if she should say something else. Stevie was so nervous as to how her crush could change everything, though by that point she knew she had to admit that it was more than a little crush. "I don't want it to be just a rumor," she said, this time louder and clearer. He looked surprised, but smiled. "Don't let this inflate your ego, it's just," she started, but didn't know how to finish the sentence. "It's just what?" he asked. He liked her too, but that didn't mean that wasn't going to mess with her.
"I like you," she said, frustrated. "I can't believe you made me say it," she said, frustrated as she buried her face in her hands. She was embarrassed because she was sure that he didn't feel the same. She was ready for him to let her down easy and say that they could still be friends, as if it wouldn't change anything.
"I'm glad that you did," he told her, still smiling. She looked at him, obviously confused. She didn't know why he'd be happy to reject one of his best friends. "I like you too Stevie," he told her.
"You couldn't just say that first?" she asked as she punched his arm, causing him pain and taking joy in it. "You're such a jerk," she huffed, though she was happy.
"A jerk that you like," he pointed out. "You know that you would have done the same," he told her and she knew it was true. She rolled her eyes and he just laughed. There was a moment in silence before he leaned in and kissed her. It wasn't long before she kissed back; it was a short but sweet kiss. "So does that mean you'll be my girlfriend?" he asked.
"Yeah," she replied. She saw him smiling, cockily on her. "Oh don't get all cocky on me," she said, but he wasn't stopping. "You know, I take that back, I don't like you," she told him.
"Yes you do," he continued to smile. "And how can't I be when I have a beautiful and insanely cool girlfriend?" he asked; making it one of the rare occasions that she blushed.
"That was so cheesy," she told him with a smile. "Now come on, we really need to get rid of that group of fan girls you have," she said as she stood up and grabbed his hand, making him come with her. "We're going to make it perfectly clear that you're taken," she told him as she pulled him back toward the courtyard.
"You know, I really like your jealous side," he told her with a smile. "It's pretty hot," he grinned, but she just rolled her eyes. She still hated both Molly and the color pink, but she couldn't help but be happy he was talking to the perf in pink. Had it not of been for Molly she may have never told him her feelings. She thought that maybe she should thank her; the look on her face would be priceless.
The end of that one-shot
Let me know what you think…should I continue with different colors? Give your input :)