Boy-oh-boy! Long time no update right. Yeah well things happened and no one cares about that right? Basically, if you wanna know, I got really low and did some stupid stuff and someone(I'm unsure if they wanna get pointed out or nah) told me to keep trying and that you guys really liked this story. Crazy right?! So I might go back and make the other chapter better by writing them again since my style has changed. It depends on if you guys read this chapter and want a better beginning to this story. Enough stalling! Here we go.

They all stared at each other for a moment. Lenalee looked about ready to cry, tears pooling at the corners of her eyes as her mind raced with what to do. Lavi's eyebrows were furrowed, thinking over the past few minutes to try to predict when Allen had wandered off and where he could have gone. Kanda was already glancing around, a small bundle of worry in the pit of his stomach that made him uneasy and fidget.

"We should split up to look for 'em. He's small so he couldn't of went too far." Lavi reached out to rest a hand on Lenalee's shoulder, "We will meet in 15 minutes by the fountain in front of the shop alright?"

Lenalee nodded and wiped her eyes, "That sounds good to me..." she sounded sad about losing the small boy.

Kanda was gone the moment the redhead had said where they were meeting. He felt like it was his fault. Allen was so small and frail looking with his scar and white hair only at age 3. It had been his job to keep an eye on the Moyashi. His job to take care of the smaller boy. He was the big one. So how did Allen manage to sneak away? Why was Kanada even feeling so protective over the boy? Was it because he was the older of the two or maybe because they were in this stupid messed up experiment together?

Everything looked different from this level. Kanda had been to this town time and time again but being 3 feet tall made his memories seem invalid. Even the people he had seen around town seemed different, glancing at him for longer with confusion and worry in their eyes. Kanda shrugged and frowned, keeping his eyes peeled for a white head of hair.

"Oi! Moyashi!" he called, climbing onto a nearby bench to get a higher look.

"Are you lost little one?" a feminine voice asked behind the bluenette.

Kanda spun to looka t who was speaking to him, "No." he grunted, taking in the peite blonde woman with a frown.

He left, hopping down from the bench to continue the search. He could feel the woman following him but ignored her for the time being. Climbing onto another bench Kanda looked around for the smaller boy again.

"What's your name sweetheart." the woman asked softly, "Maybe I can help you search for your family."

"Tch." was Kanda's response, bringing a hand up to shield his eyes from the sun. There was a flash of white that caught his attention and he was off with a shouted, "Moyashi!"

Being small meant not a lot of people noticed you which meant that Kanda was stuck wading through people and assuming Allen would stay where he was. He mostly just hoped that the small white haired boy had heard him and was headed this way too. The woman was still following Kanda and before he got to where Allen had been he stopped and turned to glare at her.

"Go 'way!" he growled, something about this woman made him feel uncomfortable. Why was she even still here?

The blonde just smiled, "I just wanted to make sure you found who you were looking for dear. I wouldn't want you to get hurt."

Kanda huffed, "Don' need your help." he crossed his arms over his chest.

The woman knelt in front of him, "I don't want you to get hurt or lost. I had a son about your age and he got lost one day and I couldn't find him. I wouldn't want that to happen to another little boy."

Kanda's eyes widened as he realized what this woman was. He shoved her hard and turned to run as fast as he could towards Allen, "Moyashi!" he called frantically, needing to find him before the blonde did.

The older boy spotted Allen and ran past him, grabbing his cursed arms wrist as he went, pulling him along. He lead them this way and that before taking a wrong turn and getting stuck in a dead ended alley. Turning back towards the mouth of the alley didn't help as the woman was already there, skin shifting and body convulsing. Kanda stood his ground and kept Allen behind him, ready to fight as the woman mutated into the akuma she really was.

"Oh no!" Allen said, gripping Kanda's hand in fear, "Where da uders?" he asked softly, cursed arm tingling gently.

Kanda stared down the akuma approaching them, "Say are serchin' for you." he reached to his hip where he kept Mugen and grunted. He had been too little to carry the long sword around with him, it was currently with Lenalee, "Stay behind me." he squeezed Allen's hand once.

Alrighty so I think that's a pretty good cliffhanger to leave you guy at. Remember to comment if you want me to re-write the other chapter now that my writing style has changed. Also take a guess at what will happen. I have a few ideas but it's always nice to hear others. Also also! I have altered the way the kids speak because over the summer I worked with children and realized they are adorable when they talk.