So, due to school, I am officially no longer updating No Church in the Wild. However, so as to not leave people hanging, I'm posting the rest of my outline along with pre-written snippets of scenes I had planned for.

Also, I wrote it all in one go, and didn't re-read it, because I have a limited window of time to write and post it. Gotta jump on those bro feels while they last.

Chapter 6: Smokestack Lightning

Winter, ages 13 and 11

Themes: learning (nonacademic), luxury, falling into the Triads (like Heng but Mako thinks he has more control), period of peace

Stay at Arak's apartment with Arak's boyfriend, Ikun, for the winter. Arak is far gone into opium, heavily addicted, and Mako doesn't really understand what he says anymore. Ikun is clearly torn up about it and he doesn't want Mako and Bolin living there - doesn't want kids - but Arak throws a fit each time he brings up them leaving - Mako and Bo deliver opium still and bring bags to Arak's house. Out of fear, Ikun just avoids them both and everyone acts like everything is normal.

Arak likes to throw parties, go to parties, and the boys go. Extravagant (for them), lots of drugs, women, Bolin honestly sleeps through most of them but he loves them. Mako is the one up for most of the night, can't sleep with the people and the noise, ends up talking to a lot of people.

Including Lightning Bolt Zolt, who makes a surprise appearance. Mako doesn't realize he's been shooting the shit with him, but he is, and Zolt likes Mako because Mako's a bit of an asshole but keeps calling him "sir" - "the kid ain't a pushover but he knows where he's supposed to be."

Mako asks him about lightningbending, and Zolt jokingly offers to teach him.

One morning after a party, Sang kicks Mako in the head to wake him up off the floor, telling him that Zolt wants to see him in the Leather District, at an old electric plant facility (very dangerous) that evening.

Bolin's mad because Mako promised him they'd go to the park so he could practice earthbending, but Mako tells him to stay put.

Mako meets Zolt at facility. It's just the two of them, and Zolt tells Mako how he used to work there when he was 16 - Mako is immediately, quietly impressed, looking at the old machinery and amazed at Zolt.

Then out of fucking nowhere Zolt attacks him with lighting, and Mako hides, doesn't fight back because he's scared. Zolt's mad at him and tells him he's not anywhere near ready for lightningbending, that Sang was full of shit for telling him, "that kid Mako's got a lot of talent."

Mako is pissed. Goes back to Arak's and Bolin's stuffed Mako's blankets full of rocks and dirt. Mako yells at Bolin and tells him that he's never going to help him learn earthbending again, very loud, and Ikun kicks Mako out as Arak is high out of his mind. Ikun says, "you're always running crazy jobs, Arak will believe me when you're gone for the night. Cool off and come back tomorrow."

Mako wanders. Usually, with walks with Bolin, he gets calmer. Alone, he just makes himself angry, angry at Bolin, at Zolt, at himself. Lashing out at Bolin didn't help, so he decides to go to headquarters and pick a fight - a normal spar, maybe some people will place bets.

He's not angry enough to go full-Zuko on this one, so during fight at HQ he's still in control, but his fire is hotter, he moves faster, fighting with skill and angry passion. And of course, Zolt is there to see.

Zolt literally steps into the fight and knocks Mako on his ass, picks him up roughly by the arm and drags him up to Zolt's private room, tosses him to the floor. Immediately, and with none of his usual flashy, slang-driven flare, Zolt explains lightningbending to Mako. He speaks like lightning, words chosen with precision, clarity, completely effective. Like Iroh, only, the uneducated dragonhead of a gang.

Once his tirade is done, he picks Mako up by the arm again and shoves him out the door, demanding he start practicing now.

And as he rubs his sore arm on his walk home, where the snow falls, Mako feels burning. Not warmth, but hot heat, and he is ready for winter.

Chapter 7: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Spring, ages 14 and 12

Themes: fighting, excessive violence, lightning, power, adulthood, shame

Mako lightningbends for the first time alone, in the old facility Zolt brought him to last year, where his lightning kicks the facility back into life for a sputtering second before something explodes and it breaks completely. He's thrilled and 14, hitting his first growth spurt, looking caught halfway between 12 and 18.

Bolin and him live in an alley again, down the street from HQ. Bolin is quiet, but he smiles when Mako tells him that he can lightningbend - riding on Mako's good mood, Bolin asks, "can we finally go see Mom and Dad?" But Mako turns him down and Bolin goes back to shutting down again, before saying, "it's ok, I can run numbers tomorrow with some guys."

In the afternoon the next day, Mako is going to HQ when he gets stopped by some older guys. Excited to test his skills, he lightningbends in broad daylight. Quickly arrested, the youngest person ever arrested for lightningbending in the history of the city. But because he never actually hit anyone, the judge releases him on a warning.

Mako goes to HQ, where everyone's already heard the news, including Zolt. He's been avoiding the man, and Zolt hasn't exactly been dying to see him in the past year - but this changes things. Everyone is impressed, calling him a prodigy like Princess Azula. Mako is proud of himself.

During celebrations (because lbr these are flashy gangsters they use anything to celebrate), Zolt and Sang pull Mako to Zolt's office to talk business. Mako's useful now, more useful than ever. Other guys are there, and Zolt has Mako sit next to him - Mako feels powerful in a room full of men he grew up with, that always bossed him around. Now he's next to the dragonhead.

New job: picking Agni Kais out of Triple Threat territory. They've been spreading too far and setting up shop. Want best firebenders out there to send a message, that the best firebenders are with the Triple Threats, not the Agni Kais.

Before Mako leaves, Zolt gives him an old, pure FN silk vest, a modern version of the cape-things Zuko and Zhao wear in their Agni Kai. Traditional. What Zolt wore to his first Agni Kai - "things were different back then, we had a bit more class." Connection to scarf and vest, Zolt trying to be a father figure - "you can keep it if you win an Agni Kai. If you lose, it's mine." So, conditional love.

Money is tight now as Mako waits on the date of the Agni Kai job. Cocky with his skills, he goes out to join an underground streetfighting ring, dragging Bolin along with him - "How bad can it be?" Bolin wears scarf.

Bad. Mako is too cocky against another firebender, gets the shit beat out of him. His pride wounded, and not paying attention to Bolin's cries in the audience, he goes up for another round against an earthbender. Starts to get beat up, but fights back, and wins. Does another round with a waterbender, even though he can't see too straight, just to make up for first loss and because he's running on anger. Gets money, stumbles back home.

Bolin has to serve as his crutch as they go to their alley. Mako talks about how he's pissed he lost first fight, says it won't happen again, and Bolin just looks through him, like he's a ghost. Bolin messily and painfully (on purpose) helps Mako tend to his wounds. Doesn't speak.

Night of Agni Kai job. Thinking of lost fight against firebender in streetfight, he is mentally ready to do whatever it takes to win. Bolin keeps the scarf for the night, crying when Mako wants to take it with him. Now, Mako wears Zolt's vest under his shirt to protect it.

It is hellish but Mako, with his lightning, keeps his anger fueling him. Lightningbends with no real skill, not as controlled because this is first combative use since he learned.

Agni Kai method of fighting is to literally break firebenders off into Agni Kai duels, so Mako lets this happen. He's fighting a young man, and they are evenly matched until Mako pulls out some lightning. Guy trips up, and Mako gets him on his back, immediately burning his face without another thought.

The smell of burning flesh hits him, remembers death of parents, and he breaks down immediately. The man runs (it's not a wound like Zuko's, it grazes the edge of his eye, up into his hairline, mostly charring his ear) and Mako vomits in the street, doubled over and heaving, dry sobs.

Zolt finds him like that and only asks if he won. Mako can't answer, and Zolt understands - understands that Mako won, but not understanding his feelings. Zolt tells him he's a man now and leaves him.

In the dark street alone, Mako pulls off his shirt, and barely has the silk vest off before he starts to burn it to ash. Gets burns, old wounds from streetfight are open.

Goes back to alley where Bolin hesitates to help wrap his wounds (can't bring himself to touch Mako), so Mako just tells him to go to bed. Bolin lies down, faces the wall, while Mako rocks himself, crying, wondering if the man who killed his parents ever felt like this.

Chapter 8: Bethena

Summer, ages 15 and 13

Themes: guilt, atonement, love, adulthood, water, healing, love, sex, romance

Mako stands at foot of hill where parents are buried, watching Bolin talk to the graves. He yawns, seeing the sunrise begin as a thin line along the horizon, knowing he has to get to work soon. Bolin is wide awake, having just come off his late shift of running numbers.

He is at his full height now, shoulders a little broader, voice a little deeper. Bolin is starting to catch up to his height already. Bolin beckons him over, his private time with their parents done, and Mako washes the graves with water before they say goodbye and leave.

They stay at the Eastern WT neighborhood, near the docks, where Mako works in the morning. They sleep at a WT temple now, where they share a bed. Bolin sleeps during the day, while Mako gets the nights. They walk together until Mako splits off to go to the docks, rushing down to jump in the water before he starts work, gutting fish. He is the only non-WT person there.

Ficlet of this chapter: post/46278622180 (ignore Korra stuff for now).

He lets the sun beat his skin to raw red, to remind himself that he still carries the shame of his fire, but allows himself to find short refuge in the water. Does not firebend for fighting anymore.

In the evenings, he works at a WT-style restaurant as a cook. Uses unskilled firebending there, and kitchen is a mix of fire- and waterbenders. And there, he has Atka.

Atka is a waterbender stationed next to him, in charge of sauces and soups. She could be ugly, or beautiful, and Mako is concerned that he doesn't know which it is - because his idea of women is Triad women, in flashy clothing, with lipstick and jewels. Atka is not flashy, but she is smart, in an uneducated, wise way - knowledgable just from life as a teacher. She is quiet so as to not cause any trouble, keeps her head down and works, is never out of line. She accepts her station and rolls with it, something Mako admires and does himself.

But she is also fun off work hours, when she makes fun of their fellow coworkers in the alley, or when she steals a moon peach from the kitchen and splits it with Mako on their break, her taking a bite, then him, back and forth as she does impressions of the head chef with juice dripping from her mouth.

Ficlet on Atka: post/31639418738

She talks bluntly about her life. Big, oversized family, she is 15 and expected to be married soon, and she is looking for a good (aka wealthy) husband. Mako understands, she is not marrying for love, or attraction, just to better her situation in life and therefore better her family's. Her sister is 17 and pregnant with her 2nd child.

What Mako likes this about her: she knows what wanting is, but understands need. They lead submissive lives.

He doesn't think anything could possibly happen between them until their boss makes Mako promise to walk her home one night, because the Equalists are popping up more in the papers. Instead of leaving after the rest of their coworkers leave the alley behind the restaurant, Atka pins and kisses Mako against a wall. Hand down pants? MaYBE?

New day, and Bolin and Mako are walking around before dawn, killing time. Bolin says he's reading more, meeting more people, the guys at HQ miss you Mako, when are you going to bend again, I don't know if I can live off fishheads forever. Mako feels guilty and ashamed of himself, unable to explain why he feels this way without telling Bolin that he burned another man's face, but he is terrified of losing Bolin emotionally like he nearly did in last chapter.

Mako pulls Bolin down a side street, shaded in the cool dark, and looks around nervously. He falls into a fighting stance and tries to throw a punch at the wall - nothing but a faint spark and smoke burn there, and he is utterly, completely, defeated.

He just tells Bolin, "I can't." It's the most honest emotion Mako has shown Bolin in years.

Bolin, horribly upset, swallows that away and smiles. "You were like that before, remember? You would never bend. But you'll do it again. I believe in you."

And Mako holds back some small tears, hugs Bolin tightly, and they start walking to the temple/work.

Atka and Mako are a thing, thought Atka continues her search for a husband and dates other men (Mako knows, doesn't care). They keep it hidden from their coworkers, from everyone, because this is just for them. They are each other's secret release from life. They mostly walk around after work, kiss, hold hands, until Atka says she knows a place where they can get a hotel for the night. Mako is nervous, but agrees instantly.

Atka and Mako have sex. Too nervous and excited to even wait for the sun to go down, they start once they get into the room. He finishes embarrassingly fast, but they still have the rest of the night. They talk, Atka smoothing her palms across his back and feeling the weight of the world there, and kissing his hipbones, telling him to absolve his guilt before he drowns in it - "water is pleasure and guilt, you can drown in either." Try sex again, it goes better.

Days later, before dawn again, Mako and Bolin are at their parents' graves. Bolin stands to leave to give Mako private time with their parents, but Mako blurts out the truth about why he can't bend, how he burned a man in an Agni Kai. He cries, and Bolin doesn't know what to do - but Mako tucks his head on Bolin's shoulder and Bolin just holds his hand.

Bolin talks to smooth things over and make him feel better, about mundane things to clear Mako's mind. Tells Mako that the Triads miss him, and he wants to move closer to HQ again so they don't have to eat fish heads anymore, and his walks won't be so long. Mako just listens, before wiping his face and feeling better.

He goes to work, tugging out a newspaper from the trash, reading it on the dock. The Avatar begins firebending training, and the world is changing, and Equalists seem to target more firebenders than earth or water. On the bay before him, the sun rises, and he can't see straight with it blinding him.

He sinks into the water and floats there, feeling at peace. He decides they'll move to the Packing District tomorrow.

Chapter 9: The Things That I Used To Do

Fall, ages 16 and 14

Themes: brothers, family, parenthood, smack of reality

Mako stands outside HQ, refusing to go in, staring at the door. Fu pops his head out and says, "Bolin'll be right out," and Mako glares and taps his foot, waiting.

Bolin stumbles out with a girl calling his name, whining for him to stay, and Bolin shrugs drunkenly and tells her he'll be back tomorrow. Mako, pinches Bolin's ear and drags him away, telling Bo that he's been worried sick, that he's got a job interview tomorrow, a real job, and he shouldn't be partying at HQ.

Bo doesn't understand, he has a job already, he doesn't want to deliver newspapers, etc. Mako just tells him to go to bed - they're renting a room at a motel.

Mako works 3 jobs while Bolin still picks up work with the Triads. They are not making enough money to feed the two of them and pay for rent. Mako is worried about winter, while Bolin still pressures him to go back to Triad work.

Mako thinks of taking on a 4th job as he walks back from dropping Bolin off at his interview, seeing a food delivery/catering service down in Huangse Town for FN BBQ. Walks in for an on-the-spot interview, and Mako bluffs his way into getting the job - he claims he can drive a car to make deliveries.

He's thrilled, and Bolin also got the newspaper job. After spoiling themselves with dumplings from their favorite stand, Mako sneaks out at night to break into the car garage at FN BBQ place. He does it to sit behind the wheel and go through the motions of driving, terrified of breaking the car, and he accidentally lays on the horn. Security guards come and he bails, ashamed that he lost a job so quickly.

Goes back to motel, lies awake in bed, wondering what he's going to do about money. Decides, finally, to go back to Triad work - but with conditions.

Informs Triad he won't do any work that requires bending - this essentially leaves him to drive get-away cars, go figure. But it's the best pay for a nonbending job. Bolin doesn't know. All the while, the Triad guys talk to him about Bolin, what a good kid Bolin is, strangely gifted earthbender, says stuff Mako doesn't even know about Bolin - detail: Bolin can bend earth without touching the ground, because he learned it by sitting in the back of Triad hotrods, taught to rip up the road behind him to make escapes easier.

Mako learns to drive by driving the cars. Tells Bolin he's just getting more tips at other jobs, and Bolin laughs and Mako convinces himself that he's a good liar.

On one job, since Mako doesn't really know how to drive, he totals a car. He's thrown from it, hits his head, he's a mess, and runs off because that's what everyone does.

Runs into Ikun, Arak's old boyfriend. Ikun is a healer, and saves Mako a trip to the hospital by fixing him up outside Ikun's apartment. They have a heart to heart - Arak died the year before, and Mako's quietly torn up about it. They catch up, and Ikun kind of acts as family, even though he says again that he never wanted kids - "how old are you now?" "sixteen." "with that totaled hotrod a few blocks down, it shows." And Mako just lets it happen, lets Ikun heal him, asks where Arak's buried so he can leave something there, and lets Ikun hug him before saying goodbye.

Ikun basically tells Mako to keep his loved ones close and don't suffocate them (Ikun tried to force Arak into quitting opium, backfired every time).

The next night, Mako goes to HQ and instead of pulling Bolin out from a fun card game with kids their age, he joins them. He watches over Bolin, keeping him from drinking too much, betting too much, kissing people too much.

They walk home, and Bolin tells him that it was nice, to spend some time together, where Mako didn't feel like a stranger or a mom or a dad - he felt like a brother.

Chapter 10: Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

Winter, ages 17 and 15

Themes: return, protection, proper adulthood, passion

Enter: Shady Shin, ex-Red Monsoon member that switched to Triple Threats (hence the name Shady), that Mako ends up working with a lot. Mako and Bolin move in the same circle of Triad guys now, something close to being friends, but Mako keeps his distance. After a date, Bolin bursts into HQ crying, because his first serious girlfriend dumped him after two weeks while Mako, Shin, and some other guys are playing cards.

Bolin's gf used to be the illegitimate daughter of a high-ranking Red Monsoon member, and Shin starts talking about the Monsoon breweries in the mountains on the outskirts of the city. Says they could easily sneak into a brewery, see how to make moonshine, steal their WT secrets, bust up the brewery, and bring a new business under Triple Threat power all in one go. Knowing Zolt will reward them big if it goes well, the group decides to keep it amongst themselves so no one else gets the credit.

Mako, thinking it would be a quiet, easy job, agrees to go because the pay will be great. Also, he can get some moonshine, sell it on the side, and pour some out at Arak's grave. Bolin says he wants to go too, and Mako deems it safe enough for him.

Head up to the mountains in a delivery truck, where it's freezing. Mako keeps Bolin warm with bending. They've never been out of the city before, and it feels weird to see it glittering in the snow from between pine trees and dead bamboo stalks. They have to walk through the woods to find the cabin.

Mako tells Bolin to keep lookout with another guy, hidden among some trees. Mako and the others sneak into the brewery. He's pretty interested in how it all works, though not understanding it at all. He kind of wanders, picks up a few bottles as he goes to tuck into his coat, and meets back up with the guys to leave.

But, some Red Monsoons arrive, with Bolin and other lookout guy captured. Mako has never been more terrified, but doesn't show it. There's a quiet standoff as Mako thinks before he nudges Shin, trying to tell him to bend the booze out of the brewery machines, so Mako can light it behind the Monsoons, tug Bolin out, and escape.

Shin bends out the moonshine hastily, but another firebender in the group takes the wrong moment and lights it, causing the first small explosion to go off inside the brewery. Mako hits the floor, his stolen bottles of moonshine breaking inside his coat and filling his skin with glass, but he quickly gets up to grab Bolin and run away. Bolin runs with his arms over his stomach, and Mako thinks he's injured - runs off with him saying, "Don't worry Bo, I'll fix you up, just keep running, you're doing great," while Bolin replies, "Not so fast, I can't go that fast!"

Mako doesn't even see if the rest of the Triple Threats are out of the brewery - he runs past one of the windows and punches it open, filling the inside with more fire to insight another explosion. Before another can happen, he and Bolin run to safety, turning around just in time to see the cabin explode.

Mako checks to make sure Bolin is alright by trying to pull apart his arms, pleading with him to let Mako check his wounds - Bolin is confused, "What wounds?" "Why are you holding your stomach? Wait - what's that sound?"

Bolin opens his jacket to reveal a small, fluffy red ferret in there, and Mako is so beyond words at that point that he just screams.

Bolin, giddy from all the excitement and in shock, laughs and trails after Mako as they begin their walk back to the delivery truck to go home. "But, hey, Mako! You were amazing! With all that fire and - wow, I can't remember the last time you were bending like that."

Mako, though, is done. They get into the truck and a few guys are there already. They wait for the others, and everyone makes it back. Shin steps into the truck and Mako stands up, grabbing his shirt collar - "You said it would be safe." "Yeah, and, when is our line of work ever safe?" "My brother nearly died." "But he didn't." "We are never doing this again." And he roughly shoves Shin into a seat before sitting down next to Bolin.

On the ride back, Mako knows something has changed. He looks at the cuts and slight burns on Bolin and knows that he can't keep living like this.

Notes: I really didn't know how to do this one. It's weird for it essentially to be one scene for a whole chapter, and if I wasn't writing this whole thing up in one go, Shin probably would've shown up earlier. But, thems the breaks.

Chapter 11: Feeling Good

Spring, ages 18 and 16

Themes: fresh start

He is in disbelief as Toza hands him the keys to their apartment. He can still feel the dull pain in his shoulder where he was shoved in the market yesterday, and ended up getting into a dirty, quick fight right there. Toza spotted him and Bolin, and offered that the two of them - them - to join probending.

Ficlet about apartment here: post/29310854356

It is a new start. Mako loves waking up early, the smell of the apartment, the salty air, the temple across the bay, everything. Bolin is happy, as is Pabu. They don't need anybody from their old life anymore, and after what happened with Shin, the Triads haven't sent anybody to see them in months.

On a morning run, as part of the training Toza "suggested" he start (Toza isn't their coach, he doesn't have the time, but he'll toss insults at them as suggestions), Mako runs into Atka.

She is married, 5 months pregnant, and Mako isn't surprised by this. It's her first child, though she's been married for two years, to an Earth Kingdom man from a lower-middleclass family. It's better living than what she was used to, and she says he's quiet, and sweet on her, a bookish man that is hoping to get promoted soon. Mako tells her about probending (and about his shitty waterbender teammate, saying he'd rather her play on his team, pregnant or not), and she tells him she's already his number one fan. They part ways, her kissing him and just missing his lips, because if fate didn't already have different plans for them, they would probably have fallen in love and gotten married.

Mako cooks a spring festival meal for Bolin, just like how their mother used to make. They eat and laugh and at night, walk down to the cemetery to talk to their parents. Mako has a private conversation with them, and he just tells them that finally, he knows he's doing ok. He thinks that he's not yet the son he thinks they can be proud of, but he's trying as hard as he can to be.

End scene is their first match as the Fire Ferrets. Mako feels the ocean beneath his feet, under the ring, the crowd barely cheering for them as they enter, the lights are brighter than he could have ever imagined - and if he doesn't win this match, they're homeless again, without a single yuan to their name.

And he knocks out the firebender captain with his first hit, and for a split second, the world is deaf and still and pays attention because he just had his first win, and the only thing he can hear over the roar of the crowd is Bolin laughing as Shinobi screams his name over the airwaves.

And, miraculously, the same thing happens for Bolin, and Hasook, and instead of partying like how young rookie teams are expected to, Bo and Mako go back to their apartment and celebrate together for the rest of the night.