Ch 1. Prologue

AN: Before I should begin, I'll state this is my first crossover and I have inspiration so you may see beyond a chapter two for a first in my history. Thank you.

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When Lily Evans and James Potter became a couple, they discovered a surprising similarity that had the two giggling at the absurdity for weeks. Not Sirius, not Peter, not even Remus knew of the little inside joke the two shared.

It wasn't until the young couple's wedding day years later that the trio finally came into the secret.

The secret war of wizards was going strong, and in those days, bright and happy weddings were the furthest from people's minds. Lily would just twist her lips in a mischievous little grin and wave her hand dismissively, whenever questioned about the safety of such an event.

Dumbledore, too, seemed to know a bit too much as he practically laughed right along side his redheaded former pupil.

That was enough to give even Sirius, former scion of the house of Black, a nervous look to his face.

The day of the wedding, they met him: the black eyed foreigner who took seating in the reserved chairs near the front of Jame's side of the church. As Sirius and Remus glanced at the newcomer in silent befuddlement [after practically living in Potter Manor for years, the two had no idea who this man was], the Groom himself swept into the room and this man into a hug.

"Cousin Fugaku!"

It was this day that they finally learned of the Paternal side of Jame's family: the Uchiha.

An hour later, the surprise grew more poignant as Lily's own unexpected visitor arrived: A similarly foreign woman with long red hair, who made a point of nodding at Uchiha as she, scampered by, on her way to see the Bride before the ceremony. Her blonde companion, stared cluelessly as she practically flew off, and decided to engage Uchiha in conversation.

During the reception, they finally learned of the Maternal side of Lily's family: the Uzumaki.

By the way, her blonde date was named Minato Namikaze, but no one seemed to care about that.

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AN: We have Uchiha!Harry and we have Uzumaki!Harry, but maybe rarely if ever do we enjoy both. With extra sprinklings of Good!Dumbledore, to keep things fun.

Okay, will start on the next chapter if I get an indication that someone might like this.