I am SUPER sorry for the delay. I had my final year exams, so I had to study, but I told myself to write this out when I finished. So here it is: the epilogue! Thank you all for following me through this story, for leaving all the beautiful comments, and for making this favourite or alert. I hope to provide more awesome stories for you all. Check out my profile for future stories or on how to find/contact me. I love you all. Hope you enjoy this!

2 Weeks Later


As the rest of the team downed their drinks, Steve gingerly placed his bottle on the table. "Guys, you didn't have to do this."

"We had to!" smiled Clint. "You're back! You're awake and we have to celebrate! Too bad the doctors said you had to stay under surveillance for a week."

"Yeah, and they said that you shouldn't have or do anything that affects your health. So… who brought the alcohol?" Natasha looked at the rest, stopping at Tony.

Tony put up his hands in defence. "Whoa, hold up. I had to bring something; I mean, come on, what's a party without a good drink?"

"I thought we agreed that this was just a barbeque dinner, not a party." Bruce said, adjusting his glasses.

"It does not matter what this gathering is." Thor boomed, patting Steve on the back. "It is only important that we are celebrating the Captain's return."

Clint raised his bottle. "I'll drink to that."

Steve couldn't help but smile. "Thanks you guys, but… why? I didn't even do anything and you guys are celebrating like we won a battle. I don't deserve this."

Natasha leaned forward, resting her arms on the table. "You did do something, Cap. You do deserve this. You helped all of us, even if you don't realize it yourself."

"You helped me realize that there's nothing worth being angry about; that I shouldn't blame myself for things that happened in the past."

"Captain, you have made me understand that all of us are equals; whether from this world or not."

"You helped me learn how to have balance in life; to know when to be funny and when not to."

"You helped me realize that trust… is important, that I have to believe in people as they do in me."

"And you taught me that while I still remain as the person I am, I shouldn't act like I'm the best… even when I so obviously am."

Natasha whacked the side of Tony's head with a paper plate, causing him to almost fall off his seat. "Ow! What was that for? It's the truth, isn't it?"

As the two continued bickering, Steve couldn't help but laugh; he had really missed this.

Steve leaned against the back of his chair, observing the scene in front of him. Tony was busy arguing with Clint over the song selection, Bruce was silently grilling hotdogs, and Natasha and Thor were having a vivid discussion over something concerning alcohol.

As Steve downed a few gulps of beer, Thor walked over and sat down. "Cap, it is good to see you enjoying yourself!"

"Thanks, Thor, you and the others really made this a great welcoming home party."

"It was no trouble at all. We had to thank you in some way. I, for one, would like to thank you for teaching me about the equality you have here on Earth. It has helped me see things in a much greater perspective."

Thor patted Steve on the back again before leaving, which was a good thing because Steve honestly couldn't think of anything to say. Just then, Bruce came over.

"Steve, I just like to say that, I'm grateful to you. You let me realize that I shouldn't be upset over things that happened. What happened in the past is in the past, I shouldn't look back. I have to look forward for things in the future."

Steve opened his mouth to say something, but Bruce interrupted. "I think I smell something burning." He ran back to the grill just as Clint strolled over.

"Hey, Cap. Thanks for telling me all that stuff before. It's really helpful. The rest of the guys take me more seriously now; so does Nat… especially her. So… thank you. I couldn't have done it without you."

He looked over his shoulder. "Oh crap, Tony's about to change the track. Have to go!" He jogged back as Natasha took over his place next to Steve.

"Steve, thank you. You helped me see the reasoning behind your advice. I feel… happier now that I trust the whole lot of you more. I was afraid of it before, but now… I'm not. Why should I be? Thank you, Cap, for letting me see it."

She gracefully walked away as Tony sauntered over, shouting over his shoulder. "We had a compromise, Legolas. We alternate songs. If you change my song, I will drop you over the ocean, you got it?"

The billionaire sat down next to Steve. "What's up, Cap? You look a little… speechless."

"I am. All of them just came over and thanked me for things I didn't even know I did, and then they just walked off before I could say or ask anything."

"Cap, when we visited you in the hospital, memories of you helped us realise things about our own selves that we didn't even notice in the first place. You did all of those things just by being physically there in the room, and by being in our heads. You're our Captain, we can't just forget about you."

"Well then, if that's the case… the team thanked me for a good reason… I guess."

"Yeah, and I'm here to do so as well." Tony coughed and awkwardly rubbed his hand against the back of his neck. "Thanks, Cap, for your advice and your 'great words of wisdom'. Actually, you didn't even talk to me much about the problem. Somehow, you made me talk about it, which led to those deep thoughts, and so on and so forth, blah blah blah. I have to thank you for that. And you better remember it, because we Starks don't thank people too often."

Steve laughed. "You're not too bad, Stark. Not bad at all."

As the team finished the last of their burgers and ribs, Thor spoke up with a full mouth, raising his beer jug. "A toast! For the Captain!"

Bruce raised his cup of wine. "To Steve."

Tony took a sip from his glass of brandy before lifting it. "To the Capsicle."

Clint rubbed barbeque sauce off his mouth before raising his beer bottle. "To Cap."

Natasha lifted her glass of champagne. "To the Captain Rogers."

Steve looked at them, drinks in the air, waiting for him to do the same. They were his teammates, comrades… No, that seemed wrong. They weren't just that, they were his friends, his family, people who brought happiness and a new meaning into his life. They shouldn't be celebrating only for him.

"Not just for me." Steve raised his bottle slowly. "For us… the Avengers."

They rest followed suit. "The Avengers!"

As the six of them clinked their drinks together, Steve whispered, softly, to himself. "Assemble."