Chapter 0: Foreward
Hello again. Joshweiser here. There's mostly three things I want to say in this foreward:
This story was inspired by something John DeLancie said in his 13th update for his BronyCon: The Documentary project (which can be found at this link: projects/257527888/bronycon-the-documentary ). He said "And while love and tolerate should apply to all occasions, I'm also of the opinion that deliberate lies and innuendos should never be allowed to go unopposed. At what point does tolerating the intolerable make you part of the problem?" He really does make a good point here and after I read that, I began thinking of Bronies who might love and tolerate too much. This is a story about someone who becomes a Brony but overdoes it just a bit.
This is NOT a story about me. James (the main char of the story) does get picked on and tortured a lot. None of this happens to me. I don't even get made fun of. I'm not even a closet Brony. I'm open about it and nobody makes fun of me. However, I'm sure there are some Bronies who get made fun of. Maybe not quite to the extreme as James, but still, they do.
As you read, I'm sure you'll recognize the names. James. His girlfriend Jesse. And his best friend Butch. Yeah, they're the named of Team Rocket from Pokémon. Don't pay too much attention to that. I'm not good with names so I just chose the first names that came to my head. Don't think Pokémon, think of just three people who's names happen to be James, Jesse, and Butch. To make this more believable of this NOT being the characters from Team Rocket, James and Butch are best friends in this story (or at least they start out to be) but they HATE each other in the show. So yeah, no connection whatsoever. Just the same name.
So without further ado, read on, and please, enjoy!