A/N: Hey guys! Welcome to the official fourth chapter of Anubis: Bon Voyage! Heads up for the long author note ahead! -I have taken your guy's suggestions into account and also wish you guys would take a vote on my poll because when the times comes, I will take the winner (Fabian, Eddie or Jerome) of the poll and have them be with Nina. Also in this chapter there will be a party so we can have a chance to mingle with the other students of the house. Another thing, I know it seems foolish that Nina, a seventeen year old girl writes in a diary everyday but two things, it will come in handy when they crash and also in this chapter, we will find out why it is so important to her. One more thing! I have just recently gotten a polyvore so I will try to do that for every outfit. I think that is all so...Enjoy! (Oh, even though people do the disclaimer, it is not needed because FanFiction already covers all the copywright stuff, just a heads up)

Nina's POV


Dear Diary,

Another day on the S.S. Arctic. I think I've done everything on my ship bucket list. Hold it-one more thing-nope, that's illegal. Who even thought of that? Alfie. Anyways, I heard there is a welcome aboard party and I have bought a new dress so...yeah, that sounded cooler before I wrote it down.

I shut my diary as soon as I heard Amber come in.

"Hey Neens, whta's that?" She said pointing to my diary.

"Oh nothing." I tried to hide it behind my back but it didn't work. She came around my back and grabbed the diary. "Fine, it was my mom's. When she died, I got this and have sworn to myself to write in it everyday because it reminds me of when she wrote in it." It sounded sobby at the end, but that was because I was crying. I've never shared this much before and it hurt. I started flat out blubbering like a baby.

"Oh Neens." She wrapped her arms around me into a bear hug. She stopped as soon as she realised that she was hurting me. "Oh, sorry!"

I dried my tears with my hand and got up and grabbed a tissue for my nose. "Thanks Amber." I smiled a bit.

"Get dressed and let me do your hair. Trust me, you deserve pampering!"

When she left the room I put on an orange halter one-piece bathing suit with a blue blazer on top and a pair of tank belted shorts, orange and blue flip flops and a striped blue bag. Obviously I still wanted to dress nautical style.

I walked next door to Amber's room, who was, not suprisingly, doing her hair and make up. "Okay Amber, ready." She stood up from the vanity chair. She looked at me, probably my outfit so I took a chance to see what she was wearing. A white-pink dress with pink shoes. Something so simple. Amber can pull off everything. I sat down in the chair and let Amber do her magic. She started chatting about random things (Mostly Victoria Beckham and her husand), then she asked me a question:

"You know we have to change your outfit for the party, right?" She said.

"I figured, but why not be comfy for now?" She looked puzzled but she let it go.

"All finished!"

I looked at my hair. It was parted down the middle and then went back in curls. "I love it Amber!"

"I knew you would. Come one, let's go to breakfast with everyone. It feels like I haven't talked to them in days!"

"Jerome!," I yelled. You see, Jerome and Alfie, mostly Jerome, started one of his "food fights" again, and this time, it was really messy with my side of the table as the targets. With butter, syrup and jelly, a great time to talk, turns into an all-out war. It settled down quite quickly when we got a stern talk from the manager telling us we had to stop, or else. Everyone got back into their seats. It was me in the middle of one side with Fabian and Amber sitting next to me, next to Fabian at the head, was of course, Joy. Next to Joy was Patricia, Eddie, Alfie and Jerome. At the other head was Mara and smudged between Mara and Amber was Mick.

Joy spoke up first: "So is everyone going to the 'Welcome Aboard: Anubis House party'?"

Everyone mumbled "yes" or "sure" or "as long as there was food".

"I'll do the girl's make up and hair." Amber volunteered. "Look, I did Nina's hair."

"I think that should work. Sure, why not?" Mara said.

After chatting a bit more, we ate the rest of our breakfast in silence.

A/N: Sorry I didn't put in the partay like I promised but it's better than no chapter at all? It's a filler, pretty much. So either the next chapter or the one after will include the partay. But I at least had a group, sort of, discussion. *Shrug* Well comment, favourite or alert this story. Tell me what you think! Luv ya!

Fluffin hugs,
