A/N: Hey again! Well, this is Lindsey of KarateC18 (not to be confused with Christina. Her stories are great though: Summer Stories, You're My Everything, October 31st, and Cruel Joke, to name a few) Anyways, this is my new story which will be multi-chapter and in Diary/Real POV! So here you go! Hope you like it! (BTW: Trudy is the house mother, just because I think Victor is creepy)

Nina's Diary/POV


Dear Diary,

It's cruise day! Packing is always the hardest: you have to pick out all the appropriate attire, making sure you have enough of everything, wondering what other junk you should pack. And on top of all that, trying to find a suitcase big enough to fit everything! So much to pack! I'll bring two suitcases. I wonder what Amber's packing?

Love Nina xoxo

I laid my diary on top of all the crap in my suitcase. 'This is going to be fu-!' My thought was interrupted by my roommate screaming.


I turn around and find Amber trying to shove things in not two-but five suitcases. 'She needs to stop being so girly.'

"Amber! You need to pack lighter!"

"Girls can NEVER have too much clothes, Nina! But can I have some help?" She came over to me, grabbed my wrist and pulled me over to where her suitcases were. "Okay, you take those three." She pointed to the three closest to me. "And I'll take these two." She pointed to the two that were closer to her.

"Amber, why do you need to pack all this stuff, we're just going on a two month cruise, not a year-long one?"

"It's always nice to pack prepared. You never know what might happen. For all we know, we could get stranded on a deserted island and if that does happen don't come crying to me when the heel of your favourite Jimmy Choos breaks."

"I'm pretty sure that won't happen, Amber."

"You just wait and see!"

"Sure." I really can't stand anymore of her nonsense, so I go over to my suitcase, pick up my diary, and decide to see how the boys (I mean by Fabian and Eddie) are faring. On my way, I get out my Diary and start to write again:

7/13/12 (again)

Dear Diary,

I just got to thinking, who do I like? Definitely not Mick or Alfie. I'm not sure about Jerome or the other guys. I have to think-err write about this another time, especially when I'm not right in the guys' hallway.

Love Nina xoxo

I walk until I'm right in front of Fabian and Eddie's door and knock.

"Don't come in unless you want to be smothered in Eddie's clothes," I hear a voice say. Fabian.

"I'll take my chances," I say as I walk into their room or in this case a dump, a 4 feet high pile of clothes, a half a dump actually, since Fabian's half is clean. "And I thought Amber needed a change. What's this about?"

"He threw every piece of clothing he had onto the floor," I heard Fabian say, admist the huge pile. "And now we're trying to decide what he should bring."

"Ok, um, where are you first?"

"Here!" He came out from behind the pile and had to peel off something on his shirt that looked somewhat like pizza. "I'm sorry you

had to watch that but could we talk in the hall, if that is what you came here for?" He started to motion me towards the door.

"Actually, I'd like to help."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. Ok so where's his suitcase and where is Eddie?

"Oh, he gave up an hour ago and his suitcase is right there." He pointed to Eddie's somewhat visible bed.

"Ok, so let's get to work."

45 minutes later...

"That was fun." I looked around and found no other clothes in sight.

"Yeah, we should do that again-I mean not this extreme but, oh, never mind. Well I have to go find Eddie and tell him we're finished."

I followed him out of the room but instead of outside, I went into the kitchen. I saw Patricia on her computer and decided to join her.

"Hey Patricia, what're you watch-oh! Gross!" Apparently, she's watching one of those Tucker movies or whatever the creepy doll's name is and he just cut off the guy's...nevermind. No wonder it's rated R. Gross! Anyway, I just rememered that I have to put my Diary in the suitcase before it goes onto the bus. I run upstairs and into the bedroom and see that Jerome is sitting on my bed. 'What a pleasent surprise.'


"Oh yes Nina, I was wondering if I could borrow some money?"

"How much?"

"300? Maybe 400?"

"Nope, get out."


"Get out."

He finally walked out of the room while Amber walked in.

"Thank you, he's been bugging me for money for the past 20 minutes, I even said I had to fix my hair, which we all know is ALWAYS perfect," Amber said and added a hair flip at the end.

"Um, no problem, but we should probably get on the bus, I can't wait to actually relax, in paradise."

A/N: Well that was it. I thought it was good, maybe some spelling errors. Fanfiction really needs to put that feature in. Review if you think so! Haha, just kidding. But, I really wish I was a better writer. PM or Review if you have any suggestions! Well end of Chapter One, if you liked it, I'll write a Chapter Two!
