~~see first page for claimers and disclaimers. a - dont you hate how this site doesnt auto capitalize?~~

As the sun rose over the infamous No-Zone, so did the prisoners in the inter-universal high-security prison, the No-Zone Jail as the zone cops on duty gave them the wake up call for breakfast. When Tails had finally filed into the definitely not 5-star lunchroom and had gotten his egg n' cheese slop that looked slightly radioactive, he tried to sit in the most secluded place he could find. this happened to be in the corner across from the entrance to the cafeteria, next to the locked fire exit door. this gave him no help, and with his luck he just managed to attract Fiona and her from even the completely opposite side of the room.
"Hey Tails!" Fiona exclaimed as she and the Destructix sat next to and across from him.
This did not make Tails happy, especially when Scourge showed up. "Why the hell are you all sitting next to me exactly?"
"Well, like i told you about last night, we have a proposition for you to join our little escapee group, with your talents. We think you might need to be let in on the whole plan" Fiona explained
Tails only grunted as a response, but let her carry on with her plan"

Later on tails was forced to do the regular jail-time activities next to Fiona and Scourge. Just his luck.
As they went out into the yard to pick at rocks, being tied together with by the famous ball and chain method, Fiona decided to pull up the bottom of her shirt and tied it right under her chest, pushing her breasts up and accentuating them like a bra, yet she claimed it was only to keep her cooler in the hot sun. it did seem pretty reasonable to Tails, as they mobians would be hot enough even if they didn't have fur. And he want complaining, she actually looked flattering in the yellow colored clothing. Scourge pulled his shirt completely off, and tied it around his waist, much like many human girls (but he was too stupid and ignorant to realize) do with their sweatshirts.
Tails took this as a chance to piss him off, and insulted him while using his demeaning nickname. " Hey, Snot! You look like a girl idiot!"
Luckily for tails scourge was on the other side of Sargent Simian, who wasn't very happy at 'Snot' spitting a string of insults and ranting, and swinging in his direction. Unluckily for Scourge, Simian had taken enough and pummeled him into the ground with one heafty knock in the top of the head.
Instantly Fiona was on Tails, obviously not appreciating him making fun of and getting her boyfriend hurt.
"Tails, why on Mobius did you have to go and fucking do THAT?"
Tails wasn't going to take this from her, and asserted himself in an unkind manner.
"Well, for one if you didn't have to be a bitch and run off with him, we wouldn't be in here in the first place, and if your jackass of a boyfriend gets himself hurt, then it isn't my damn fault Fiona!"
"Why you ungrateful littl-"
The two foxes would have certainly been at each others throats, that is if the zone cop thatt had com over to try to calm Sargent Simian down (and had epically failed and had instead become the newest member of the Darwin Awards) hadn't come over and pulled them apart

As Tails was getting into bed after a hard day of work, he thought to himself, 'i certainly hope that when we get out of here later they leave me the hell alone, i cant stand for the bastards.'
And with that comment he fell into a light daydream, reminiscing about how to help in Fiona's operation.