So this is a Glee and Twilight crossover, but I'm going ahead and telling you that it isn't something were the Pack dances and sings so don't worry about that. Just please give it a try and tell me what you think. I can't wait to hear and tell me what you think of the pairing.
Love Nicki Riggs
Rachel Barbra Berry sat in the small room that would be her home for the next two months of her summer vacation. Her fathers thought that it would be good for her to get away for the summer before she started her junior year. So they thought it would be good for her to visit her Dad Hiriam's sister Hannah in Forks, Washington. Hannah was the only family member that hadn't turned her back on Hiriam when he came out and moved away with his partner LeRoy. Rachel hadn't seen her aunt since she was eight years old and it was awkward to be here away from her fathers. But she knew they wanted to tour around England and she didn't want to get in the way of that. So she quietly packed her bags and left the first day of summer break. And here she was a week into break and she hadn't left the house any. Hannah was an ER nurse at Forks General and worked at all odd hours of the day. She was twenty-seven and use to living by herself and Rachel told her there was no need for her to change her schedule just to spend time with her and they could hang out when she was free. Standing up from her bed she grabbed her light jacket and put on her rubber rain boots. She realized when she moved here for the summer that it rained almost every day and so she had went to the store buying some rain jackets and rain boots. Grabbing the keys to the rental car her dads had paid for so she had a way to get around the small town she let herself out of the house locking up behind her and heading to her car. Pulling out of the short driveway she thought for a moment before heading in the direction of the small diner she knew about, because she had drove by it on her way into town the first time. Pulling into the small parking lot it started sprinkling lightly and she waited a few seconds before she dashed out of the car and into the diner locking the car with her clicker. Looking around when she got into the diner she noticed that it wasn't very full. There were two women sitting on one side and then a group of older people sitting on the other. Sighing she went to one of the booths in the corner and sat herself down picking up the menu and looking over it.
"Depressing." She sighed as she ducked her face into the menu hoping no one noticed how much of a loser she was, because she was eating in a restaurant by herself. She smiled when the waitress came by and took her drink order giving her a few more minutes to decide what she wanted to eat. After the waitress took her order Rachel took one of the napkins in her hands and started picking it apart. It seemed her summer before her junior year would be just two whole months by herself stuck in a house where her Aunt was never home. She had hoped that she could spend this summer getting closer to Finn – they had decided right before break they would try a relationship, but it would be hard for them with her hundreds of miles away from each other, but they were still going to try with frequent phone calls and Skype calls - and maybe spend time with Kurt and Mercedes and the rest of the Glee club and become better friends, this was her first summer were she had people to hang out with. But her fathers had thrown her for a loop when they told her about this overseas trip they had been planning for a better part of three years. Looking down she noticed that the napkin that she had been messing with was now in shreds on the table and there was nothing left of it to pull apart. Sighing once again she smiled when the waitress placed her salad in front of her. Thanking the woman she started eating and couldn't stop thinking of how depressing it was to eat by herself. She was halfway through her salad when two bodies slide into the booth across from her. Looking up she noticed that it was the two women that were at the booth on the other end of the diner. Getting a closer look at them she realized that both were both Native American. One younger than the other – maybe her age – while the other one had angry scars going down her face.
"Hello, can I help you?" She questions sitting her fork down.
"Hi, I'm Emily Young." The woman with the scars said smiling brightly. "And this is Kim English. We saw that you were sitting by yourself and thought that you could use a little company." When the woman smiled it transformed her whole face almost erasing the scars.
"Thank you, I'm Rachel Berry." She said offering her own smile.
"Are you new in town?" Kim questions. "We're from the reservation, but we know most of the people in Forks by sight." She explained.
"Yes, I am. I'm visiting my aunt who lives in Forks for the summer." She said. From there conversation started between the three girls and Rachel learned a lot about the other two. Like Emily was already twenty years old and lived on the reservation with her fiancé Sam – though she was Makah. And Kim was the same age of her just finishing her sophomore year with her boyfriend Jared who she was very much in love with. Rachel didn't go into very much about herself instead letting her two new friends talk about themselves with her putting parts in the conversation here and there. When the check came she placed money on the table and the three stood together and headed for the door. Once they were outside they stopped outside of the door to say their goodbyes.
"Thank you for joining me for lunch." Rachel said clutching her keys.
"It was fun. We should get together again." Kim said fishing out her phone from her pursue. "Let me have your number so we can meet up again." Rachel rattled off her number quickly and checked it when Kim showed her, her phone.
"We're having a bonfire tomorrow on the reservation. We have them a lot in the summer. It starts around seven you should come." Emily said after she took the number from Kim's phone saving it in her own.
"Yeah, it sounds like fun." Rachel agreed easily seeing as this was the first time someone invited her on their own free will. "Well I guess I'll let you go. I'll see you tomorrow." She said waving bye to them and heading toward her car.
Rachel was sitting in the living room watching some horrible soap opera. She was surprised when she came home yesterday and Hannah was trudging her way to her bedroom. She had worked a sixteen hour shift and was going back after lunch the next day and working all the way through the night. Rachel had informed her that she was going out the next day and Hannah had just nodded her head on the way to her bedroom. And here she was the next day sitting in front of the TV watching this bad soap since Hannah had only woken up in enough time to eat a quick lunch and head out the door. Rachel was startled when Defying Gravity filled the room and searched around for her phone. Spotting it on the coffee table she picked it up on the fourth ring.
"Hello?" She asked not expecting a phone call, because Finn wasn't scheduled to call her until after his football practice which didn't end until four-thirty and that was still an hour away.
"Hey, Rachel. It's Emily." The voice on the other end answered.
"Oh, hey." Rachel said recognizing the voice.
"I was wondering if you wanted to come out before the bonfire. Me and Kim are getting food and stuff together for tonight and we thought you might want to hang out." She explained.
"Oh, yeah. That sounds like fun. Just text me the directions and I'll head that way." She said getting up from the couch and heading toward her room after saying a quick bye to Emily. Going into her closet were all her closets skirts and dresses were hanging. Flipping through the hangers she pulled out the outfit she was going to wear. It was a short green and white plaid skirt resting well above her knees just like she liked it and a dark green long sleeve sweater, with a white tank top underneath. She debated on if she should wear her knee socks, but decided against it knowing that the bonfire was most likely going to be on the beach and knew that the socks would just be a bother. So she just grabbed a pair of black flats and headed for the door grabbing her keys on the way and locking the door behind her. Checking her phone she read the directions to Emily's house before she pulled out following the directions carefully.
After a twenty minute drive Rachel found herself pulling up outside of a small two story wood cabin nestled into the woods Rachel was a little nervous to get out of the car. She wasn't use to people wanting her company and she had found two people that were willing to hang out with her. Taking a deep breath she got out of the car and headed up the steps to the front door. Knocking she only had to wait a second before it was answered by a towering man who stared down at her. He was even taller than Finn who already dwarfed her.
"Um, Emily invited me over. I'm Rachel." She said wringing her hands nervously.
"Oh, right. I'm Sam; she's in the kitchen with Kim. Come on in." He said moving out of the way letting the younger girl in. Once Rachel was inside she noticed that there were more boys sitting in the living room watching TV. The all turned it seemed as one to study her when she walked in, but she was quickly shown to the kitchen where Emily and Kim were cooking what seemed enough to feed a whole army. They turned around when Sam cleared his throat. They smiled when they saw Rachel.
"Hey you made it." Kim said as she stirred something in a large mixing bowl.
"Yeah, the directions were easy to follow." Rachel said walking into the kitchen some more.
"Well I'll leave you girls to it. Emily, Paul and Embry should be off soon and their probably going to want something to eat." Sam informed his fiancée as he backed out of the kitchen quickly and headed back to the living room.
"So Rachel how about grabbing some stuff and helping make the potato salad for later?" Emily asks going back to her mixing bowl.
"I would love to help Emily, but my family is strictly take out. I don't know how to cook." Rachel informed her two new friends and smiled a little when they gave her shocked looks. "Sorry I just never got around to learning how to cook." Rachel explained embarrassed.
"That's fine." Emily said and walked over to the fridge taking things out and putting things on the table. "Why don't you make the sandwiches for Paul and Embry when they get in? Just make about twelve and don't worry about what not to put on it – they'll eat anything you give them." Emily said with a smile and went back to mixing bowl she had put down. Rachel sat down at the table and started throwing the sandwiches together trying to make them look pretty in some sort of way. She listened to the conversation going on between Emily and Kim as they seemed at home in the kitchen making all the different things. Rachel joined in every once in a while with little things, but didn't fully join the conversation until Emily turned to her.
"So Rachel tell us more about yourself. What's life like in Ohio?" She asked popping something in the oven and taking a seat at the table. Kim joining them a few seconds later.
"Well I'm sixteen soon to be seventeen and I'm going to start my junior year when I go back to Lima, Ohio. I'm in the Glee club and the female lead." She said. "I don't really know what to tell you." Rachel informed them propping her head in her hands. Kim was about to say something when the kitchen door was opened and two men were standing there. Rachel was a little shocked at their size. They would have towered over her if she was standing up and they were large with muscles. Emily stood up when they entered and smiled wide at them.
"Paul, Embry I'd like you to meet Rachel Berry. She's staying in Forks for the summer." Emily said as way of introduction. Rachel stood up and smiled at both of them. She waved at Embry first and received a smiled back. Turning she looked up at Paul and gave him a smile, but when their eyes connected she couldn't look away. His eyes were the lightest brown and seemed to study her with rapt attention. She jumped a little when her phone rang. Digging it out of her pocket she answered it quickly.
"Hey, Finn give me just a second." She said pulling it away from her ear and covering the mouth piece and looked at Emily. "It's my boyfriend. I'm just going to step outside for a few minutes and talk to him." She didn't catch Paul who started shaking when she announced that it was her boyfriend on the phone. Emily smiled tightly at her and gave her a nod. Rachel smiled at the boys again and walked in-between them and out the door. "Nice meeting you." She said as she put the phone back to her ear.
Emily held her breath as Rachel walked out the door shutting it behind her. Looking at Paul she studied him shaking as Embry placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Sam get in here." Emily called lightly over shoulder. Sam was there only a few seconds later and looked right at Paul.
"What happened?" He questions taking on a voice of authority.
"I imprinted." Paul mumbled out and looked out the window where they could see Rachel walking around on the phone with a smile on her face.
"What's the matter then?" He questions with a confused look on her face.
"Apparently she has a boyfriend. Which she is on the phone with right now." Emily explained. Sam got a look of understanding on his face and patted Paul on the shoulder.
"Doesn't mean you can't change that. Come on let's go into the living room and let Kim and Emily see if they can find out more about her boyfriend." He instructed and led Paul into the living with Embry right behind them after he scooped up the plate of sandwiches.