Oh, I am SO sorry that I haven't updated this lately! I feel really bad that I didn't. The thing is that my file for this chapter was deleted, which set me back a lot, and then I had end of year exams, also set me back, and then there was the fact that I'm supposed to cut back on Internet and stuff -_-

Anyway, I'll try to update sooner, but I'm going on a vacation soon, and I won't have regular Internet access D': But there's only one more chapter to go, so I should be able to finish it before then. Oh, and by the way, I am going be unoriginal and write a sequel to this about all of the Avengers and their relationships and stuff.

This isn't even really a Thorki chapter, but I'll let you read on and see what it's about ;P Reviews are always welcome

Steve was an early riser, in accordance with normal military routine. There were some habits that you couldn't break out of, he thought roughly to himself as he tried to gather enough of his thoughts to sweep back the coverlet.

He suspected that his recent house guest would still be asleep on the couch, much to his discomfort. Loki hadn't tried to murder him in his sleep, which was surprising for a god that was supposed to be a villain, and especially so for one that had recently tried destroying the city. Not many things that Loki had done made sense to the soldier. And it wasn't exactly his place to judge, anyway.

Stretching his muscles, Captain pulled himself out of bed with little effort; the clock on his bedside table read 8. He hoped that Tony would show up this morning on some useless excuse about how 'he had to get back into the world' and 'interact with other human beings'. Right now he didn't really feel like that, which wasn't to say that he was depressed or anything; it just meant that he didn't feel that modern society was in need of another washed-up old soldier.

Massaging his forehead and dispelling the thoughts from his mind, the man strode slowly towards the door and swung it upon. He swept blonde strands of hair out of his eyes and cast a quick glance into the lounge as he passed by it.

A strange, strangling noise escaped his throat as he saw an awkward scene stretched out on his couch and, at the same time, he stubbed his toe on the doorway.

Hopping on one leg as he tried to stop the short and sharp pain stabbing through his toe, Steve attempted to avert his eyes; two naked gods were sprawled across his couch, half-covered by a woolen blanket.

As he looked on, the raven-haired one sleepily yawned and stretched like a cat over the other. Loki flicked up his eyes to the man in the doorway, who was awkwardly standing and not knowing exactly where he was supposed to look.

"Like what you see, Captain?" he purred, basking in his obvious discomfort and watching with pleasure as Steve's cheeks darkened into a beetroot-red tinge. Loki murmured a laugh under his breath, looking back down to his blonde lover. He alighted a kiss upon his lips to wake him up.

"It, uh, would be better if I could talk to you two if you were... fully dressed." Thor's eyelids fluttered slightly as he began to awake, though he was still oblivious about his surroundings.

"Loki? What is it?"

"Time to wake up, brother," whispered the god, smirking as he drew himself off of the other and sat up underneath the blanket. Steve averted his eyes in a polite way, waiting until he heard someone snap their fingers. He turned back, both of the gods dressed in their normal, Midgardian attire, which made him give a relieved sigh.

"Is there a reason why you have awoken us, Captain?" questioned the blonde giant, ruffling his hair lightly as he looked up to the man.

"You know that you can't stay here, don't you? There isn't enough room here, for one thing, not to mention I can't have the guy who tore up the island of Manhattan living with me. And Tony might show up as well..."

"Tony? The Man of Iron?" The soldier nodded, leaning up against the door frame. "But why?"

"He is a part of our team, Thor," he replied. Thor rubbed at his eyes, his face showing that he was trying to think of a solution. Loki, though, hardly looked bothered and was instead running his shirt through a kaleidoscope of different shades of green. "Is there anywhere else that you two might be able to go?"

"There is nowhere I can think of as of right now," groaned the God of Thunder, large hands covering his expression. "Last night I was not particularly thinking about where to go in the morning."

Before Steve could reply with advice, the doorbell rang loudly; his jaw snapped closed and he knew immediately who was at the door. A voice reverberated through into the room.

"Steve, I know you're up already, open the door. I brought coffee." Loki raised an eyebrow in what seemed like a seductive manner. It wasn't obvious what he was implying with that, so instead the soldier explained,

"Tony shows up sometimes, with his plans for the new Stark Tower. He wants my help with the design, so-"

"I'm sure that's all it is," interrupted the traitor, obviously not believing the man as he stood up from the couch and brushed himself down of dust. "Would you like us to make ourselves scarce for the duration of the meeting?"

"I don't think he'd be prepared to see you here, so I would say yes." Loki nodded, taking up his brother's hand to pull him up off the couch.


Steve opened the door cautiously, peeking around it.

"Oh, hey Tony. What are you doing here so early?"

"Pepper has some meetings set up for me the rest of today, so I thought it would be better if I came to see you early rather than missing more of Stark Industries meetings and risking the company collapsing. Are you going to open the door and let me in or just leave me standing out here?" The solider grinned and pulled the door wide open, gesturing him inside.

"Got anything new for the tower design yet?" Tony set the coffee tray down on the table as he pulled a tablet out of his jean pocket.

"I still need help with it, because it isn't just going to be me that's living here, in case you've forgotten."

If everything of Stark's was to go right, the entire team of Avengers was going to live in the tower with Iron Man and his girlfriend; it had been Fury's idea, and though Tony was always one to go against the S.H.I.E.L.D commander's orders, he had to agree that it was a good idea if the world was in need of more avenging in the future. If it was up to each and every one of them, they would be in separate parts of the world, and as of right now during the tower's reconstruction, they were.

"I don't see why it has to be me that helps me. I barely know you, let alone the rest of the team." Shrugging, the genius picked up his coffee cup, sipped from it, and set it back down as he pulled up the tablet's interface. He placed a clawed hand over the flat surface and drew it up, pulling out the tower design.

"You're the 'captain'." He began tapping miscellaneous buttons, frowning as he concentrated and entered a password. Just as he was about to select a room, he paused in the action. "Did you hear that?"

"Hear what?" A cold sweat began to trickle down Steve's neck as he worried that one of the gods had made a sound. He cursed himself that he hadn't asked them to leave earlier.

"Something. It was probably you." Tony dragged out one of the floors. "Today I think that we'll move onto Thor's room." This time there was a definite cough, or maybe a choke, it wasn't that describable of a noise. The billionaire turned to look behind him. "You can't say that you honestly didn't hear that. Who are you hiding in your apartment, Steve?"

"No-one, it's nothing!"

"You are a terrible liar. Come out, whoever you are," he called out. There was no reply for a few minutes before Loki and Thor materialized out of thin air. Tony immediately stiffened when he saw the ebony-haired villain, jumping out of his seat but managing not to trip over the table. "What is he doing here?"

"I, I was hiding him, from you guys," the captain mumbled poorly, already beginning to turn crimson. "I knew that you would over-react and you wouldn't lis-"

"That is the god who controlled an entire army and tried to take over the world! He destroyed my tower! And you expect me not to over-react." He paused to catch his breath back from the yelling. "And why is Thor here? Is he in on this, too?"

"Friend, you must calm down," the blonde said, stepping around the sofa and clapping a hand on his shoulder. "Loki regrets what he did, and he is my brother. I will not let you harm him." The genius threw off his hand, expression sharp and disapproving.

"I'm not one to listen to Fury, but Loki is a certified threat to Earth, and I can't just let him wander around. And screw that he 'regrets' what he did; Caulson isn't exactly alive to help me argue my case!" Thor flinched at the statement; he didn't like to remember that one of his mortal friends had been murdered by his brother, right in front of his eyes. Loki's emerald eyes turned to slits as Tony said the next statement. "Without your brother here to protect you, I wouldn't hesitate to knock out a few of your teeth."

"You wouldn't be able to touch me," he hissed, hands clenching themselves into fists. "I could kill you in an instant, if I didn't see what you feel right now." For once, Stark let a spark of bafflement show in his eyes. "Oh, you think I'm blind? What's the real reason for you showing up at Steve's house every morning? And what shall you do when the tower design is finished?"

"What is he talking about, Tony?" The man's face had solidified into an unreadable glare aimed directly at the traitor.

"Shut it. Now." Smirking as he realized that he was finally getting under the billionaire's skin, he continued on.

"So, how long has it been? Since you first met him or did it take a little while for it to kick in?"

"You better shut up now, before I make you." Thor held back the shorter man easily with one hand as he went to harm Loki.

"Loki, stop. There is no reason for you to provoke him." The traitor bared his teeth, pacing calmly behind the couch as he took on a clearly false, provocative look.

"Why do you not simply tell the man? Does it choke you up whenever you go to admit it? Maybe you should tell him before I tell him for you." Tony drew a breath through his clenched teeth, shocked.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"You've seen what I am capable of. Well, Steve, would you like to hear what your companion really thinks of you? That he is, in fact, lo-" The genius went to leap across the couch, threatening to strangle Loki before both of the other men pulled him back.

"I still don't know what you're talking about," the soldier spoke up, letting go of Tony but still waiting for an answer.

"I was planning on telling when I thought it wouldn't frighten you, or ruin our friendship. Obviously, that's out of the question when this bastard is around." Loki mouthed, 'Bite me' with a grin. "Anyway, what it was about was, the fact that, I like you a lot more than I really should."

Now Steve was even more confused than he had been before; his friend seemed reluctant to say, and he was nervous now, which he never was. What had he meant by that?

"I don't get it."

"You don't get many things," joked the man sarcastically, finally managing to meet his eye. "You should know what I mean, Steve, even if you were frozen for years. You remember Peggy, don't you?" A shiver ran down the soldier's spine and his azure eyes turned a darker shade of ice-cold.

"And what is that supposed to mean?"

"What you felt for her... Is what I am beginning to feel for you." Tony broke the gaze and brushed past Thor on his way to the window. Nobody said a word, though Loki watched the information register in the captain; he'd always been interested in human emotion, and now was a perfect example.

"Oh... Oh."

"I believe that it is time that we leave them alone," ordered Thor, already grabbing his brother around the shoulders and dragging him towards the door.

"But wait, I want to-"

"Leave them alone, Loki. You've done enough damage for today." Loki stopped struggling and instead rested his head on the blonde's shoulder as he allowed himself to be led away.

That left Steve and Tony to resolve their new issues, and neither seemed very eager to do so.