
I looked around at the disaster of broken columns and the statue that I tried to save. I destroyed my chance at the Gala to get the Wonder Bolts to notice me. I ran outside and found a spot in the shadows to sit miserably. I hung my head in shame.

"Hey, are you alright?" a voice said. I looked through my rainbow mane at the speaker and saw... A WONDER BOLT! It was Soarin' whose pie I had saved earlier.

"Oh. Uh...yeah I'm fine. Just, you know, completely screwed up everything trying to be a hero." I said. Then I shrank down, not believing I just said all that.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad... You did save my pie! Sorry I couldn't talk earlier, everyone kept dragging us away." Soarin' said.

"Uh, it's cool. You gotta be pretty busy and all since you're a Wonder Bolt." I said, standing up. "My friends are probably leaving now and they're my ride so..." I looked around trying to find them.

"Wait! If you wanna stay and talk... I mean, I could...uh take you home after." he said shyly.

I straightened up. "Really? You want me to stay?" I coughed. "I mean won't your group need you around?" I asked.

"They can deal without me." He said smiling.


When I saw her I brightened up. It was that pony that saved us at the Best Flyer Competition! She looked amazingly beautiful with her rainbow mane matching her dress. Whoever made it must know her well, because it fit her perfectly. I made a complete dork of myself over the pie she saved, which was pretty embarrassing. But it didn't look like she minded. So later when I saw her wrapped up in the shadows looking so ashamed with herself, I just had to go make her feel better. Even though I hardly know who she is, I felt so happy just to be talking to her I can't understand it. So when I invited her to stay I became uncontrollably happy when she agreed.

"So, I didn't catch your name." I said glancing at her as we walked around.

"Oh, my name's Rainbow Dash."

"Cool name, Rainbow Dash."

"You can call me Rainbow." she said. I held back my grin at being able to call her a nickname. 'Come on, Soarin' think of something to say!' I thought.

"So, uh, wanna go flying?" I asked.


I couldn't believe it. I was hanging out with a Wonder Bolt. I looked at him and couldn't help noticing how handsome he was. "Heck yea!" I said when he asked me to fly with him. I bit my tongue hating how stupid I sounded. 'Since when do you care what a boy thinks of you Rainbow? Even if he IS a Wonder Bolt.'

"Great! I'll race ya to that cloud over there!" he said. "One! Two...THREE!" he yelled and we both shot into the air. I flapped my wings as fast and hard as I could, feeling the cone of air around me that meant a Sonic Rainboom. Faster...Faster...BOOM! I tore through the air, a rainbow trailing my path and crashed into the cloud Soarin' had chosen. I looked back and saw Soarin' way behind with his jaw dropped. I smiled sheepishly as he caught up. "That was amazing!" he exclaimed.

"You've seen it before, remember?" I said.

"How could I forget? That's when I first met you." He said happily. I blushed. 'What are you thinking Rainbow?! He didn't mean it like that. Why do I feel this way?' Soarin's voice broke through my thoughts.

"Rainbow? You ok?" he asked. I blinked.

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine. Sorry, I blanked out there." He looked around that the sky that was dark all of a sudden, the stars shining brightly over our heads.

"Night already? Your friends are probably worried about you." he said.

"Nah. They probably think I went home. Your group is the one that'll be worried about YOU." I said.

"If they are, they can deal. I wanna show you something." he said and pulled me along.


I had taken her hoof so fast I hadn't even thought about it, but now as I was pulling her toward my secret hideout, I felt it in my hoof and blushed, dropping it nonchalantly. "Where are we going?" she asked. I smiled.

"You'll see."

My Little Pony and all the characters owned by Hasbro