So, this is my FIRST FF and I really want reviews for the first chapter. I LOVE the Hunger Games and Capitalizations as you can see in . So enjoy, review, favorite, alert, whatever. Just please give me any sorts of feedback that will improve this Catoniss story! And I have this vision in my mind that I hope you guys likeā€¦ Anyway, enough of my babbling! Here is Chapter 1 of Sparks Fly.

The way you move is like a full on rainstorm

And I'm a house of cards.

You're the kind of reckless that should send me runnin'

But I know I won't get far.

Katniss' POV

District 12's woods were glowing today. It was about 5 AM and I was making my way through the woods to the spot Gale and I meet at. I left home half an hour ago, running through the Seam until I came upon the uncharged fence. It's kinda funny how the Capitol never notices the rebellious activity here. But no one's planning on telling them now, anyways.

This year is the 74th Hunger Games. Today so happened to be the most dreaded day of the year: the Reaping, the selection of two misfortunate kids who will most likely die in this sick pageant.

Prim woke up last night, screaming about being chosen. Usually, this isn't uncommon, being her first year and all but I never want her to feel scared. She's only twelve and shouldn't know this kind of fear.

I held her, while my mother slept in the bed beside us, unconscious to the fact her daughter was crying. I guess I always wonder if I'd still trust her if my father was still alive, instead of being blown up in a mine explosion 5 years ago. What shatters me most is I didn't lose one parent that day. A part of my mother was buried along with him.

Coming up to the lush cliff, I see Gale's hunched figure looking over the rolling hills and mountains. As I get nearer, he turns around, giving me a warm smile.

"Hey," he calls, standing up and embracing me.

"Hey," I reply back, looking around at his pack. He notices my stare and detaches himself from me to grab the pack. I sit down and lay my bow down next to my sheath of arrows. Rummaging through his bag, Gale pulls out an arrow with a whole loaf of bread. My eyes widen at the sight and I take the arrow from his hands.

"The baker traded me that for a squirrel. I guess he was being generous," he explains, clearly pleased.

"Well, Lady's cheese and that bread will make a good meal," I laughed, pulling it out.

"Thank you Prim," he exclaims, cutting the loaf in thin slices, so he can save enough for his and my families.

We eat in silence, savoring every bite of the still warm bread with sweet goat cheese.

"We could do it, you know," he says, breaking the silence.

"Do what?"

"Take off, live in the woods. We could do it, just you and me," he reckons. "We'd live on our own."

"Wouldn't they notice? I mean, two people going through the woods. We wouldn't make it five miles." Gale must've hit his head because he's not thinking straight.

"No, we'd make it farther. Maybe settle down, start a family."

I look out over the meadow, then down at my hands.

"I never want kids," I mumble, displeased at what Gale is suggesting. "Besides, I have Prim and you have your family. We can't just sneak eight people out of the district. They'd notice. It's too risky."

"Whatever," he snaps. "Just forget about it." I stay quiet and chew on my piece.

After a slice or two, we wrap up the rest and ready our weapons. I load my arrow, instincts setting in as I prepare to quietly stalk my prey.

The first squirrel comes into sight and I stop in my tracks. It senses Gale and I but we're too experienced to give away our location. Before it even knows it, my arrow is impaled in the creature's eye, sending it towards the ground as we walk to retrieve it.

The mockingjays stop singing at one point while we hunt, and faster than you can say, "Hob," Gale and I are hiding in a bush, anticipating a Capitol hovercraft.

As if on cue, it flies over the trees at a decent speed, about to land in District 12. I look over to Gale to see if he has any advice but his only words are spoken in his pointer finger brought to his lips. I nod, understanding what he's signaling and I creep through the trees to retrieve my squirrel.

"We better get back," I say after we have three squirrels and a couple rabbits from Gale's snares.

"Besides, we want the odds to be ever in our favor!" Gale mimics Effie Trinket's ridiculous Capitol accent, making me double over in laughter.

Soon, we near the District 12 fence and we bid farewell.

"I'll see you at the Reaping," I affirmed, receiving a grunt from Gale.

"Yeah, and wear something pretty," he calls over his shoulder.

Walking to my house, I see Prim through a window and smile, seeing she's wearing one of my old Reaping outfits that is slightly big for her.

"Well, don't you look pretty?" I cooed, walking through the door. Kneeling down, I'm now looking slightly up at her face. She giggles and puts her arms around my neck.

"I laid something out for you too," my mother whispers. An emotion washes over my face, and I keep smiling.

"O-okay," I unsteadily reply before heading to our room.

During this period of time, I strip, wash up, and get out of the old tub. On my bed lies a light blue dress that could only be my mother's old reaping dress. Drying myself off with an old cloth, I slip on the dress and brush my hair. Prim and my mother soon walk into the room.

"Can you braid my hair?" I ask her.

"Sure," she replies calmly before working on my hair. After she's done, I stand in the mirror, examining the simple plaque.

"I wish I was beautiful like you," Prim pouts, sticking out her bottom lip.

"Oh, no you don't. You're beautiful just the way you are." Standing her up, I stuck in the back of the too loose shirt. "There you go little duck." She smiles at my comment.

"Quack quack!" We both giggle until a bell sounds, signaling we need to head towards the square. My smile falters, looking out to see families walking through the Seam.

"Come on," my mother hushes.

By the time we get to the square, my mother stands in the first line of family members. Prim and I make our way to the tables lined with peacekeepers until she stops, a horrified look on her face.

"Prim, Prim it's okay. They'll just take a little bit of blood to confirm your identity. It only hurts just a little." Her face calms down but fear is evident in her eyes.

My heart breaks as she walks into the line and the peacekeeper takes a needle to her finger while wincing slightly. After she's signed in, I stand in line myself and scan the crowd. Prim is walking slowly towards the front rows, where the 12-year-old girls stand. I quickly take my place just as District 12's escort, Effie Trinket, steps on the stage, along with the Mayor and a few other people I don't recognize.

The video resumes yet I ignore it, not wanting to hear the words filled with lies. Yes, I knew there was "war, terrible war" but why did it have to end this way?

Once the video's done, Effie makes her way to the microphone and squeaks, "Ladies first!" in her annoying accent. The girl's bowl held many slips and I knew 26 of them had my name. Thankfully, I didn't let Prim sign up for Tesserae.

Finally making a decision, our escort picks a slip and heads back over to the microphone. Opening it, she pauses before reading, "Primrose Everdeen."

No. Not my little sister, who has seen to much death in this lifeless district. Not my little duck, who smiles whenever we walk by the bakery to admire the cakes. Not her, please anyone but her. Anyone.

And that's when the words spill out of my mouth.

"Prim!" I yell, "Prim!" Peacekeepers hold me back as I try to reach her. "Wait! No, I volunteer! I volunteer!" The peacekeepers let me go as I rush towards her. In a calmer voice I say loudly, "I volunteer as tribute." Effie squeals in delight whereas Gale comes to pick up my screaming sister.

"Katniss! Katniss, no!" she screeches. My eyes threaten to spill out tears as I walk up to be met by Effie, who seems quite excited about this change in District 12.

"Our very first volunteer!" she says, motioning over to me. Instead of clapping, everyone lifts their three middle finger to their lips and pint them to me. I try and keep my face, knowing what they mean.

"Now for the boys," she exclaims. The suspense is still hanging in the air until she picks a slip, opens it, and reads, "Peeta Mellark."

What? No, that can't be him. Not him, not him, anyone but Peeta Mellark.

"Give it up for this year's tributes! Now come on you two, shake hands!" No one is clapping in the audience and I turn to face Peeta. Instead of holding it in like I am, his face is streaming with tears. I shake his hand and squeeze it for good measure, trying to at least make him better.

Abruptly, Effie grabs us both, leading Peeta and I into separate rooms in the Justice Building.

I wait until the door opens quickly, revealing Prim and my mother crying. Prim hugs me immediately and I hold onto her tightly.

"Katniss, you have to win, you just have to!" A tear escapes my eye and I nod.

"I will, I will, don't you worry. I'll do it for you Prim." Letting her go reluctantly, I stand and embrace my mother, whose eyes are watering.

"Don't cry," I remind her. Pulling away slightly, I grasp her forearms and look into her eyes. "You have to stay strong for her, okay? You can't leave again. Now, Gale will bring you two game. Prim, sell your goat cheese and you'll be fine by the time I get back." They nod before a peackeeper comes in to escort them out. Prim runs into my arms again but he pulls her away.

"I'll win for you! I will, I promi-" but the door closes before I can finish. I sit alone until the door opens again and Gale comes in. I don't hesitate to run into his arms.

"I'm okay," I mumble.

"I know," his voice cracks. Pulling away with the same force as I did with my mother, he speaks calmly. "Look, get your hands on a bow and you'll be fine."

"They may not have a bow!"

"Well, then make one. A weak bow is better than no bow." His tone means he's not joking. "Okay, it's just like hunting."

I scoff. "It's nothing like hunting! They're people, not animals!"

"Some of them..." he murmurs. I roll my eyes. Shortly after, the peacekeeper comes and Gale fights him to hug me one last time.

"Don't let them starve!" I yell.

"I won't! Katniss, remember I-" he's cut off when the door closes. Thinking I'm alone, I slink down into the one of the leather chairs until the door opens a third time and a blonde-haired girl comes in. I smile, knowing Madge Undersee, one of my great friends, has come to see me before I leave.

"Katniss, I know you're coming home. All I ask is for you to do something in return for me." She takes a golden object from her pocket and as I look closer, a golden mockingjay comes into sight, an arrow connected to it's beak and the ring showcasing it. "I'd like you to take this as your token. Will you wear it for me?" I keep staring at it with wide eyes and my attention turns to Madge.

Nodding, she pins it to my dress and smiles.

"Please come back to us Katniss. We'll all be waiting." And with that, the opens the door, about to leave, but not before saying, "The odds are definitely in your favor."

Effie comes in and escorts Peeta and I into the train, which I recluse to my room quickly and quietly. But I plan on one thing in my future,

I'm coming home, no matter what the cost.