A/N: Soo...Hi. This bitch is back. Before going on, I must admit a few things. First, I had so many plans for this story. A whole bunch but sadly, some of those plans I can't follow through. Do to the death of Cory (may he rest in peace) I can't see myself villainizing him as I did before. Secondly, Smytheberry is no longer my OTP, Which also means the passion I used to hold for them is less than it was before. All in all, This fic is going to b shorter than originally intended.

"What are you doing?" Rachel asked, poking at his cheek as she sat on top of him.
"I was trying to sleep when I woke up to find some sexy hobbit on top of me." Sebastian said looking up at her.
"Sexy hobbit? That's a new one. Although I do prefer it over little dwarf."
"Yes but you are my little dwarf." Sebastian said as he pulled her down and kissed her.
"So Mr. Smythe, what are we going to do today?"
"I don't know Ms. Berry anything in particular, you would like to do?" he asked, tucking a stray hair behind her ear.
"I had something in mind." She said as he watched her bite her lip.
"And what, pray tell was that?"
"I would much rather show you." Rachel said as she kissed him again.
Sebastian smiled into the kiss muttering, "Oh I think I know what", into her lips. Things began to get heated between the two as Sebastian pulled her closer to him. He loved this. The early morning kisses that always led to something more. Staying inside until midday. He could do this all day, every day if offered the chance to.
Sebastian flipped them over to where she lay happily under him. He slowly trailed his mouth from across her ear before slowly nipping at the lobe sucking it into his mouth. He smirked as he heard a quiet moan, skimming his lips down her neck as he gently sucked some of the skin. Slowly he moved down to her collar bone, biting a little too hard but just enough to mark her as his. His mouth found the junctionof where her neck and shoulder met, not being able to help as he pressed his lips to the part and heard her giggle.
Pulling away he gently bit down on the it and felt her hands grabbed the back of his head, pulling him closer. He bit harder and gently rocked his hips into her, feeling her shiver.
"Sebastian!" She said in a flirty tone.
"Sebastian what the hell!" That wasn't in the same tone it was before.
Suddenly, he felt himself being pushed rather than pulled.


Sebastian's eyes flew open and he was met with tan skin. He felt himself being shoved away from it to see brown eyes of the owner. She looked thoroughly pissed off.

Looking down he saw Rachel's body and him on his hands and knees…Shit. Shit. Shit.

He somehow ended up on top of her. Perhaps what he was doing in his dream turned out to be real? Although she didn't seemed like the flushed, flirty, happy Rachel like in his dream.
"What do you think you're doing? I wake up to find you on top of me and you kissing then biting my neck. Not to mention feeling me up. What the hell!" Rachel yelled at him as he was still atop of her.
His eyes looked away from hers and down at fresh red skin that would later, no doubt, turn into purple. He unconsciously gave her a hickey? By the looks of it, there would be a pretty big one at the junction of her neck.
Oddly, staring down at the red mark he wasn't really upset about it. He kind of liked it. It felt good for his mark to be on her neck. It was claiming her from everyone- even if he did it and wasn't aware of it. It freaked him out a bit and she didn't really seem all for it.
"Are you going to explain to me what happened?" She asked more quietly.
"I'm not really sure. I was in the middle of a dream and woke up like this." Sebastian said as he got up and sat next to her.
"So you're meaning to tell me you thought his was all a dream? Let me guess you were probably hooking up with some random girl and didn't realized you were actually doing it to me?" 'It wasn't just some random girl. It was you.' he thought afterwards.
"I don't usually give a hickey to some random girl." He muttered as Rachel's hand shot up to her neck, feeling the skin.
"You gave me a hickey?" he watched as she ran to his bathroom and heard a short scream after.
A few second later he found her sitting on his lap and hitting his chest.
"What the hell is wrong with you Sebastian! Giving me a hickey while you slept. We aren't even dating or going out. I'm dating someone else. How am I supposed to explain that I have a hickey." Rachel screamed at him while her hands wrapped up in fists and as she hit his chest.
"I think it was kind of fair. Before you hit me again let me explain. I was asleep when I did that, you weren't when you were feeling me up yesterday. I am fully aware that you were touching my abs while you thought I was asleep. So how about we just call it even." Sebastian said watching a bright blush appear on her cheeks.
"Yeah, we'll you were feeling my up to! Plus it's not fair. You can't say it is when it's not. What would be fair is to give you a hickey back!" She yelled at him.
"Then do it."
"Wh-what?" she stuttered out her eyes fully wide.
"You were right it's not fair. You can give me a hickey. Get even." Sebastian shrugged.
"I would but I think you would enjoy that."
"How are you sure I'm not enjoying this?" Sebastian asked as he gestured to her sitting in his lap.
Rachel slapped his chest again leaving her hand linger there for a second longer then needed before she muttered something about "Dirty dog", and getting off of him.
"You know every time you hit me on the chest it only makes me think that you enjoy touching my chest." Sebastian stated and watched a blush appear on her face.
"I do not! That's absurd! I don't want to touch you. God knows that your ego is really big enough." Rachel said but her eyes to be staring at her chest.
"Stop staring then."
"I'm not staring!" Her eyes meeting his.
"If I had known you wouldn't be able to resist seeing my body yesterday, I would've put a shirt on rather than have your hand molest my abs and be eye raped by you." Sebastian said waiting for her reaction.
"Eye raped?"
"You won't stop staring at me. It's getting uncomfortable. I should call your dads and tell them that their daughter is a pedophile."
"To be considered a pedophile the person would have to a minimum of 5 years younger. You're older than me." She said not realizing she was poking his chest.
"Oh Yeah, when's your birthday?"
"December 18th, and yours?"
"February 24th." Sebastian said as he realized he was older then her.
"Told you. Plus in another case you were feeling me up while you were asleep- you should get yourself checked out. I wonder what you do when you're alone? On second though don't answer that."Rachel said as got up and went to the bathroom.
"So what are we doing today?" Sebastian asked, folding his arms behind his head.
"Who says we're doing something." She said somewhat copying the line from last week.
"Hardy har-har. Seriously what are we doing?" Sebastian asked her, sitting up.
"I'm being serious, I never said we were doing anything."
"Seeing that you felt me up, I claim right to hang with you today or else in pressing charges."
"You felt me up too. Pressing charges? Blackmail? Really Sebastian?"
"Don't say it like you didn't expect it. Plus the difference is that you liked me feeling you up before I went and gave you a hickey." Sebastian said as he watched Rachel roll her eyes.
"I want to watch movies." Rachel said as she appeared out of the bathroom in a whole new outfit.
"So what go to the theater and watch some new movie?" Sebastian asked.
"Or we can go to my house and watch Funny Girl, then Phantom of the Opera and West Side-"
"-Movie theaters it is." Sebastian said as he got out of bed to get dressed.
"Don't you think it's a little early?"
"Have you not checked the time it's 1 O'clock almost two. We can watch two- depending on time- three movies."
"So pretty much spend all day at the movies? We should do something else, then just sit down all day." Rachel said as she flopped on his bed.
"Do you have another idea?" said looking at her from the bathroom.
"Didn't think so."

Sincerely yours,
