Hello Everyone, this is my first story, so please comment and criticize. Really don't go easy at all. This is about what would happen, if the war never happened. I'm going to start it the day of initiation. I'll switch povs and stuff, and should Al be alive? So please comment and follow. Thanks :)

Four's POV

I wake up and immeaditly think of her. Her striking light clear blue eyes. I see her beautiful face, even if she doesn't think so. I love her, and I don't know if she feels the same. I haven't told her everything. I haven't told her about Evelynn. I remeber the day my mother died. It was a cold wet day. I remeber how empty and worthless I felt. My father beat me more after she died. My father never loved me or her. How could he? The thing that hurt most was my mother was the only person who loved me. And she was gone. I still like to think that my moms dead loving me, and not controlling the factionless. I like to think if she ran away from my father, she would take me with, and we'd live togather in peace. But she didn't.

I walk to the table with my friends. Lauren and Shauna are looking at me and exchanging looks. To brake the silence I ask Zeke "Hey, do you know what their gossiping about?" I said pointing my fork at them. Their cheeks turn red and giggle. Zeke looks at me and says "you and ypur girl friend." he says with the emphasis on girlfriend. I feel my face burn and whisper "what girlfriend?". I probably shouldn't have said that.

They all burst out laughing. Zeke says between laughs "Pl-Ease!". And Lauren has a weird annoying laugh and says "he thinks no one knows".

And Shauna has a quiet laugh like someone's choking her, and says "Oh Four!". I sit there embarrased. Not saying anything. BY the time their done, everyone in the room is staring at our table. We wait for the emberacement to end and the room to not be so quiet. I say how'd you find out?" I say looking down at my food. It's not that I'm emberassed by her, it's just, I'm Four, the cold, mean, prodigy, that can't be sweet and loving, and all the things needed to be a good boyfriend.

They so how emberassed I am and Lauren speaks up, "you can just tell by the way you look at her, the way you've never looked at anyone, before. Haha, be-Four, like your name. I just can't believe your in love with the stiff, who cried, because of kidnappers." and that makes my head snap. Is she calling Tris weak? I feel my face burn with anger. I'm ready to jump over the table and yell in her face, that she's anything but. She's stronger then me. In more ways then one. Lauren looks at me with pure shock. I've never got so mad so fast. And a new look, she's scared and I look at veryone else at the table looking at me like killer dog that's off it's leash. "Oh, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that it's just..." she says sstopping as she looks over my head. I don't bother to turn around. His presence makes me attempt to control myself.

"Four," says Eric "I need to speak with you." he says quietly, loud enough so my friends can hear him, but quiet enough so the leaders don't.

"I don't want your job, Eric." he laughs, a cold laugh. It hits me, does he ever have a happy laugh? One for pure joy, filled with happiness? probaby not. He's Eric.

"It's not about you or me." I turn around to face the greasy haired face peirced selfish envious person. He starts to walk to the exit of the cafeteria. "You like the stiff." he says. His face emotionless. He knows. How the hell does he know? I was so cautius around him, and everyone else. Did she tell someone? Nah, I dought it. How does everyone know?

"So? I'm not going to rig her test. If you want, you can do the test." he looks at me with his skeptical cold eyes. But the weirdest thing happened, and I know this'll never happen again. His eyes don't look as scary, they change from scary to concered. I've never seen this look. I give him a confused look. He just looks away emberassed.

"What?" he finally says a little too shyly. Dozing off at the wall. And my face burns with anger. He likes her. I almost throw up. He likes her. I'm ready to strangle him.

"Don't touch her, talk to her, or even look at her. And I swear, if you do. Your bosy will be found at the bottom of the chasm." I realize my hands are on his shoulders. I don't remember putting them there. I release him and turn around and go back the table. I sit down and eat as much cake as possible. I shove it down my throat. I love this cake. It couldn't be any better. I realize after about 3 more slices, the whole table's looking at me. "What!" I say a little too harshly.

Zeke says "slow down on the cake buddy. You've probably already have had half the cake." I try to find every urge in me to laugh, but I can't. I look down and finsh the rest of my cake.

Shauna outs an arm on my sholder and says "do you want to talk about it?". I need to tell someone. And I can't tell Tris that'll put her over the weird ledge and she might never be the same. I sigh in and out. I almost never imagined falling in love. I never imagined falling in love with a stiff. I would never guess that Eric would like her too. I look up at Shauna and nod.

Shauna's POV

I stare at the boy who, trained me every night. He was harsh then, and he's harsh now. He always had a look in his eye, that he was never loved, that he'll never love anyone, and that he'll never be loved. Then one day at lunch a couple days ago, it disappeared. I also caught him looking across the room every once in a while. And I knew exactly it was, cause she was staring back. Until today, I've never seen him lose his anger. I've never seen him storm out of a room. I've never seen anyone with such hate in his eyes. I put my hand on his his shoulder "Do you want to talk?". I say as he puts his head down on the table. I look at everyone else, and they look at me and give me the look 'tell me later'. A minute later he nods and I drag him back to the chasm. "So. You wanted to talk." I say quietly.

He looks at me with a foreign look. Sadness. Hatred. And love. All in the same look. He looks forward to a place, that looks hidden and smiles. Then looks back to me and sighs. "Shauna, I..." he looks forward and almost cries. A single tear falls down his face. He wipes it a little to quickly and changes his posture. So he sits straighter. If he wasn't so cold, a lot of girls would like him. He's tall, handsom, has the best eyes, smart, and he's a prodigy. But that look in his eye suggested otherwise. That he wouldn't love anyone ever. But that chnged. When Tris came along. "I.. I... I think I love her." he says so quietly I could barely hear him.

"Aw... that's so sweet." I say trying to encourage him.

"You don't understand,she... I don't think she loves me." he says fighting tears. I want to say she loves you I swear. But I don''t know her. I met her once. "And it gets worse." his eyes burning with hate. "he loves her, too." And he doesn't even need to say who 'he' is. I know its Eric. He's never hated anyone more.

And it almost makes me laughs. I try as hard as I can to hold it in but a little laugh escapes me. His eyes dart to mine. "She wouldn't drop you for Eric. Even if she dumped you, she wouldn't date him" he looks out again.

"I hope so." he says quietly.


Eric's POV

I watch all the inishiates worst nightmares. None comparing to my own. The next is Tris. My hands shake just thinking about her. Will I be in here test? Will 4? I go through her fears until I see Four. I almost cry laughing at what happens next. And the thoughts echo in my mind. Would I do this to her? Nah I just want to hold her in my arms and cuddle her. I want to kiss her slow patiently. I know, I like my worst enemies girl. So what? It's not that that would not be the best comeback ever. I also love her courage, her brains, her perfect eyes, and her rosy lips that are perfectly shaped. I've liked her for a while and I doubt it ends soon.

Tris's POV

There door opens, and I stand. Max, Eric, Tobias and a couple other people are there they all congaratualate me. "The banquet begins in two hours." says Eric. . Trying as hard as I can to forget it. I walk out to see my friends clapping for me I run over and hug them. A minute later Tobias walks over and asks "Is it too obvious if I give you a hug?" and to my suprise I don't care what anyone thinks

"I don't care if they do." I say as I wrap my arms around him and place my lips to his.

Shauna's POV

Tris walks over to my sisters table and hugs all of them. I look for Four who used to be standing right behind me, who is not there anymore. I turn back to Tris as she stares up at him. Seconds later, I see her throw her small arms around him and get on her tippytoes and kiss him. I first look at her friends who stand there in shock gasping for air. I can't imagine one of my trainers to get with one of my friends. That has to be so weird. But I'm happy for him. And I remeber the whole Eric thing. I turn to Eric. His face is in a permaniment sad face naturally, but know, it looks like all the color changed. Its all gone. He looks close to tears and almost runs away. I actually feel bad for him. Maybe he loves her, too. Why am I siding with Eric? Stop it. Your friend found a girl. Be glad for him. But Eric, is standing on the stage by himself. I'm just glad it's not me, in that triangle. But then I think about it. I'd rather be in a triangle then by meself. Which is my current postion. I sigh. "What's wrong?" asks Zeke.

"Everything and nothing Zeke. He loves her and he doesn't know how she feels, but he know how Eric does."

"Crabby?" asks Zeke. Lauren gives him a stupid look.

"Nah. He likes her too." The table falls silent.

"Now I know why he's eating all this cake."


Christina's POV

We all sit in the dornitry, waiting for Tris. She came in first and everyone else but her knows it. We all sit there thinking, worrying, and packing. I'm already done. And I look to Will. His pretty eyes, his great hair, and his little quirks. He's so cute. I can't believe she didn't tell me. Is all I can think about. She never told me. ANYTHING. But then it's almost slapping me in the face. She crept off with him during Capture the Flag. She always stook up for him. She always looked at him. But if he showed of any sign of liking me, I would take it. He's hot. Really hot. Actually. But that would have to happen before Will. I like Will a lot. Maybe he's just using for sex. I would tap that. Hopefully, she knows. Or she will know when I tell her.

Peter finally says "where's the stiff?".

"Tris?" I say correcting him.

"She's probably making out with her boyfriend." says Drew laughing. Drew's stupid. Peter doesn't say anything. He just looks at her bunk and sighs. He looks depressed. Why would he be depressed?

"Do you like her?" I ask Peter. His face flies up to meet mine. His face is a bright red, his mouth open.

"Um no." he says a little too loudly. His hands are moving like he's lying. He's lying.

"Did they force you out of Candor? You lie a lot." I say.

"Shut up. Your going to be a factionless. Don't make the others feel bad for you." . That hurt. I need to emberace him more.

"Why change the subject, loverboy? You're just jealous of Four. Putting me down, won't change anything." spoken from a true Candor. His face turns redder.

"Please, just shut up." he says queitly as he faces the wall in his bunk. Tris has a lot of attractive admirrors. Four, Al was hot, and lets face it? I'm a Candor, as much as I hate him, Peter's hot, too. But I have Will. So it's ok. But I'm shocked, that was not their first kiss. And it was not there last.

I check the clock. It's been two hours! I get up and drag Will out. "As much as I hate everyone here, the banquets are about to start!" everyone turns to the clock and jumps up. We all get up and shout and run down the hall. I feel free. I feel dauntless.

OK thanks for reading! And sorry if their is spelling errors, my computer doesn't correct me. So please leave a comment! Thanks!