
Ch. 33: Promise

'"Sometimes people don't understand the promises they're making when they make them," I said.

Isaac shot me a look. "Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That's what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway. Don't you believe in true love?"'

-John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

"I know it is a bad thing to break a promise, but I think now that it is a worse thing to let a promise break you."

-Jennifer Donnelly, A Northern Light

Renesmee waited patiently for Harry in Severus' office so his lesson could begin. He was late. If she had not been the one waiting...a knock interrupted her thoughts, and she retreated from her musings to respond to it. With a wave, the door unlocked. A second later, it opened, and a head with a messy black mop of hair poked into view.

Harry seemed instantly relieved that he didn't have the fierce, brooding Potions Master to deal with, but rather his apprentice. He came inside and closed the door. Reese relocked it with another wave. Harry swallowed and sat at the chair in front of the desk. Reese softly cleared her throat.

"Have you been practicing?"

"It's not like it helps," Harry blurted wistfully. Renesmee took his hand and turned it over, palm facing upward. Then she folded his fingers gently over it.

"You have to get a grip on this, a tight, firm, hold."

He pulled his hand free from her grasp. Dejectedly, he muttered, "I can't, Reese."

She sighed and made him look directly into her eyes.

"I'm going to help you put up the Great Wall of Harry."

"How?" he asked, trying not to blink. She reached out to hold his face steady.

"It'll make your job a whole lot easier by slowing your constant stream of thought. There will be an unconscious defensive barrier in place no matter what you do. But don't mess with it. If it itches, *don't scratch."

"So-so I won't need lessons?" He said hopefully. Renesmee laughed and released him.

"Of course you will. This will just lessen your burden while you're learning, and protect you while you can't protect yourself. That's why you need to learn quickly. It won't and can't protect you forever."

Harry smiled. "Thanks."

Reese nodded and began pacing around him. It was almost cruel, how gentle her intrusion was going to be. No one suspected it, let alone noticed it, until she was already inside. She didn't need to rip her way through someone's defenses. She almost tricked them into letting her in to see all of their lovely troves of secrets.

She spun around and smiled when their eyes met. Harry returned it again. Renesmee began talking about something off-handedly, some Quidditch match or move, or an assignment, drawing him into his security as she sent out the first tendril to lay in wait. Harry, completely oblivious, didn't hesitate much before he joined the conversation. Reese's work was steady as she wove a small web in his mind around a memory she knew she hadn't protected-a harmless one from lunch earlier that day. She saw the utter shock that flashed across his features as she suddenly pulled it directly to the surface and made it play on repeat.

Harry spluttered to a halt mid-speech. "Wha-hey!" he exclaimed as she dug around and found his thoughts about Cho Chang. Harry blushed heavily. Renesmee retreated.

"You cheated," he said accusingly. She shrugged.

"Not everyone does it the same way. You have to be prepared, every second of every day: constant vigilance."

Harry stared at her a moment, then scratched his head sheepishly.

"Well, that was better than what Snape's been doing to me," he finally mumbled. "I can't sleep. And I don't know how to do that clearing my mind rubbish."

She ran a hand through her curls and pursed her lips.

"Maybe we can try meditation."

"Medita-I don't know how to meditate!"

"That's why I'm here-to teach you."

Harry settled back into the chair. "Well, whatever you have planned is probably loads better than what Snape does."

A small smile curled Reese's lips upward. "Probably."

The meditation techniques were partially successful. She taught him a small series of stretches and moves to do beforehand, and a list for "mental shutdown" whether he did them or not, but especially if he couldn't meditate properly or didn't get the chance. She was pleased with herself. If he could use these methods, he could really start making progress, and be saved from the wrath of an irritable Severus Snape in the process. She glanced at the clock. They were finished nearly a half-hour early.

"You should go. Get some rest and we can pick this up next time we meet."

"Erm, yeah. Thanks for this."

Reese hugged him and his him goodnight. As soon as he had shuffled out and gone, she sat at the great desk and opened her schoolbag, which had been sitting by it on the floor. Once she finished what homework she hadn't done earlier on, she began grading a few of the assignments that were lying around.

Halfway through a stack of third-year research papers, she heard someone outside of the office once more. She tensed. If it had been Severus, he would not have lingered so. Someone was at the door up to no good. A vibe went through the wards. The intruder had obviously tried to get in by force. She waited anxiously.

Eventually, the person seemed to have gone away. She packed up her things, put away the papers neatly, and prepared to lock up. The corridor was empty when she emerged. Hurriedly, she made her way back to the Common Room. To her chagrin, Draco Malfoy and his two cronies happened to be around the corner when she turned it. She swore quietly to herself, having hoped to make a quick journey across the Entrance Hall and up the stairwell.

"Cullen," Malfoy sneered. "Fancy seeing you here. You do realize you're trespassing, don't you?"

Reese lifted her head haughtily in the face of Crabbe and Goyle.

"I was giving Potter remedial potions lessons while the professor was away."

"Well...I don't see Potter now," Malfoy noted, eyes darting around. They met hers. "My father saw you at a few places you had no business being. Care to explain?"

"That's none of your bloody business, Malfoy," she retorted.

"What? You ashamed for everyone to know you took that mutt in to see the vet when his lot took care of him? His kind should be put down, you know. It's disgusting how close you are. But that's all I'd expect from a filthy Mudblood."

Before she could think, she gave way to impulse and slugged him harder than Hermione, her wand whipped out soon afterward.

"You piece of absolute shit. My blood is purer than *yours. My line runs back deep in the past. Mordecai Higginbotham did some reddish things that I reckon are clogging my veins...things I'd be ashamed of and your lot of Death Eaters would be proud of. So back off while I'm still asking nicely."

Draco's mouth opened and closed helplessly. He looked up to find Crabbe and Goyle had gone as soon as she had drawn.

"And if get better friends than those two. Bunch of cowards won't do any good in a confrontation."

The voice of Dolores Umbridge broke through with her trademark cough and an inquiry of, "What's this here?"

Renesmee closed her eyes to gather some form of civility and patience. "Hello, Professor," she delivered rather neutrally. When we opened them, she found that Crabbe and Goyle had run to her. The woman smiled with a faux saccharine sincerity. Her honey-toned had twisted even her greeting.

"I was just doing my duty when I found these two boys terrified out of their minds talking about a rogue Gryffindor roughing up their Housemates. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you now, dear?"

"No, Professor. Malfoy here just fell and I was going to help him up."

"Then let's see you do it."

Grudgingly, Reese held her hand out and pulled him up. Umbridge nodded and walked off. Reese dropped his hand instantly.

"Looks like I've the right sort anyhow," Malfoy said smugly. "Perhaps you should join us."

"I think I can judge the right sort for myself, thanks," Reese snapped. She went the long way around so she wouldn't have to turn her back on them, and then she had gone.

Malfoy narrowed his eyes. "My father was right. He'll here about this. I'll write him tonight."

They swept off to their own stronghold.

Malfoy had become increasingly friendlier and even charming over the next well and a half. He seemed intent on gaining her good graces. Severus became surlier than ever, snapping at anyone but the cause.

"Miss Cullen, a word after class, if you would." The bell rang to signal lunch, and everyone filed out. "Shut the door."

As soon as she did so, she felt the wards lock into place silently, cleverly hidden from the outside.

"Could you explain to me why Lucius Malfoy is saying he found the heir to the Higginbotham line?"

Renesmee swore.

Severus paled. "What did you tell him?"

"What did he say?" she inquired honestly.

Severus reddened. "It's what he hasn't said. Do you know what the Dark Lord has with this? What he would do should he find out the truth. You should not have responded to his transgressions in such a manner."

"So I should let him push me around? You and I both know that arrangement won't work out."

"You didn't have to react that way. You know better. I have shown you how it must be-you know how to act."

"But I didn't, okay? No one is perfect. Not even someone like me. We have the same emotions, especially the hybrids, but magnified, and coupled with the country-destroying power of our stronger relatives."

"That is beside the point. I think, though, that continuing this conversation later would be best. You have been here long enough."

Renesmee stalked out once he had dismissed her and I warded the room, nearly running into Malfoy as she came around the corner.

"Didn't see you there, Cullen," he said, almost sounding genuinely sorry.

"It you didn't have your pointy nose stuck so far up in the air above everyone else's head, you might've," she shot. His eye twitched, and his smile receded ever so slightly before flashing back into place more brilliantly than before.

"See you at lunch then?" His voice was much too high to be calm.

Reese smirked. "Not a chance."

She sauntered off jauntily.

Renesmee adjusted Kelly Fisher's stance. "Now go."

She moved around the room to check some of the others. She, Hermione, and Maggie helped Harry reach and teach the other students in the DA. Maggie pulled her to the side.

"D'you think y'could bring some refreshments along?" She whispered.

Reese nodded.

She exited and began making her way to the kitchens. On her way, someone grabbed her and pulled her into a sheltered side passageway. A snarl started in her throat the moment before a very familiar scent flooded her sense.


He shushed her and motioned for her to allow him to explain. "Umbridge plans to raid your little rebel hideout," he hissed in her ear, his nose brushing her earlobe. She tried to break free and run to them, but he pinned her with a wordless spell. She thrashed helplessly.

"Let me go! I need to warn them!"

"It's too late for them."

The spell fell, but he didn't release her. She didn't fight him. Instead, she closed her eyes and sighed. "How did you find out?"

"Malfoy. He could barely contain his glee. As you well know, there are no Slytherins in your resistance. She has made them her officers."

Reese balled up her fists and leaned into him.

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going to act accordingly," he murmured. She tipped her head back to see him.

"I don't follow."

"You didn't keep your hands clean. So we're going to wash them."

"Don't best around the bush."

"They are already given up. You're going to play the part of a helpful spy if it comes to that."

"I can't. I made a promise."

"You cannot keep what is already broken."

Her friends weren't talking to her. She had said nothing, but had not needed to. Somehow, Severus had gotten her a lesser punishment-long, "grueling" hours of work for the notoriously publicly sour Potions Master. He opened the door to let her pass by him to help him with old school records and files. He sat in his seat across from her and they worked in silence for a while.

"Thank you," she said quietly, abruptly. He grunted in acknowledgement. She worked and diligently, going through the dusty old papers quickly.

"In a hurry?" He inquired, half amused. She shrugged and sprang up, starting to sort, clean, and label the things he had brought into his office, and once she had finished that, she made sure she graded a stack of assignments.

"You are required to stay until 8 o'clock," he reminded her without looking up.

"I know," she replied, nicking half of his stack unfinished stack.

"Are you even reading them?" He almost sounded a touch cross. She laid her hand over his, pausing him in his commenting on an essay on a Mellowing Draught.

"Renesmee-" she lunged forward and kissed him, tracing his mouth and nibbling on his bottom lip. The fight left him instantly and his hand cradled her head by the back of her neck. She broke contact, saying nothing.

"Cheater," he hissed accusingly, but bent his head down to kiss her again. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against hers.

"You must be more careful," he whispered.

"I know," she returned just as softly. He used his thumb to trace her cheek and the bridge of her nose.

"Do you still have what I bequeathed you?"

Renesmee turned her face away. "Let's not talk of that."

"It is a grave possibility."

"You had everything arranged anyway."

"Not everything," he murmured. He sat back in his chair and dug around in a robe pocket, and then took her hand in his. He slid a ring out of one eventually and held it out to her.

"Is that a-"

"A promise ring," Severus broke in softly. He searched her eyes.

"It belongs to you, if you so wish."

"I..." she swallowed, and then pulled him closer, so that her nose touched his.

"I accept your promise," she whispered, "and give you mine."

The ring felt cool against her finger as he pushed it into place. He held her hand a moment, and then hugged her. She rose up and sat sideways on the desk, wrapped her arms and legs around him, and tugged them backward in an abrupt, spontaneous moment of decision. He caught himself from falling completely flat on top of her. He blushed vividly.

"Renesmee. This is my office. We are at Hogwarts. Umbridge prowls about ready to wreak havoc and destroy what she can, in full power while the Headmaster is gone. You cannot possibly want-"

Reese put her arm around his shoulder and brought his head down so that she might whisper in his ear.

"I want you to make love to me, here and now."

He shivered violently. "It would be deeply foolish to risk so much when-"

She had already managed to unbutton part of his ample robes as she quipped," A promise is a promise."

He sat back fully and stared down directly into her eyes for several minutes as she metaphorically held her breath.

"So it is," he finally replied, leaning back down to kiss her lips. "But," he murmured against them, "this is neither the time nor the place."

He sat back up. Reese scowled but nodded understandingly. He tipped her chin up gently and smiled.

"Later. A promise is a promise, and I give you my word."

And that promise entailed so much more than the scandal the mere thought of them surely caused. Renesmee leaned against him and breathed him in.

It was enough. All she really needed was that closeness. The other aspect was just a bonus. Not necessary, but not unwanted.

Besides...he had promised her so much when no one else could say the same.

AN: Sorry the wait was so incredibly long! I haven't given up; it's just been an extremely busy year. I should be able to do better now that summer vay-cay is almost here. I also apologize for any errors or typos. I honestly didn't have time to check it as thoroughly as I would have liked since I have an NHS meeting early in the morning and I'm holding down "Kill a bitch" emotions since there is an annoying person hovering in my life right now that won't leave me alone.